What placements are more likely to be found in the natal charts of Hookers, Escorts, Porn actors/actresses and strippers(not sure if sex worker btw)?
Do you lurk your exs online? If so, how often?
Caps what should I get for the cap man in my life?
Hes going to become 31 years old on Saturday , and I'd like to give him a gift , but I'm not sure what .
He's recently reformed from the marine military life, and I thought about giving him somet
As a lad who is supposed to appreciate personality, I prefer ass.
now i'm just interested in your thoughts.
cause it seems a lot of people really really hate having to spend their tax dollars to the poor and the sick, the needy and the disabled.
so why are your thoughts like this??
Here is something on Sweden's
My Aries just recently broke up with me she said she just wants to be friends and feels that it's not meant to be. I told her I understand.
Well the other day she heard a rumor about me talking to another girl and texts me about it. I ask could we t
And why? Why not be direct?
Virgo guy and I are sort of half-assed talking again after a year and a half of not talking at all. But instead of just stopping me to say hello, or even calling or texting he will do weird little things that seem as if they
Describe how are the eyes of specific scorpio placements?
Scorpio sun:
Scorpio moon:
Scorpio Ascendant:
Scorpio mars:
Scorpio venus:
Scorpio Mercury:
Just describe things u noticed for all these placements and how they come across?