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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
I am officially dating a Taurus man whom I've been friends with for about a year. I am very comfortable with him, he is a gentlemen and has always treated me with the highest regard.
I am a libra/taurus moon.
He is a taurus/libra moon.
This is supposed to a good moon combination, but the sun signs...well. they worry me. Experiences? Warnings? Thoughts?
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
why are you worried about it? You've been friends with him already for a year. Have you and him had any falling out or arguments? There's something about him that you like if you're now officially dating him, right? Don't let it worry you. Don't let people on here tell you that Taurus/Libra isn't a good match without you figuring out if he's good for you or not on your own.
I'm dating a Libra and I'm Taurus (female) and things are awesome!
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
thanks houston peach! that's what I wanted, just some input on how things between these signs go. I think the moons are a very good indicator, too. Things are perfect between us right now, and started off very slowly. We're both a bit nervous as the friendship is very important to us. Our best friends are engaged, which is how we met, so there is something at stake if we can't work this out...
lovelylibra: wow! venus in gemini..strange how it actually happened. I'm sorry for that, but I do hear taurus is very loyal...
I was married to two Taurus', i adore them....once I figured out how they think it was smooth sailing.
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
YES! My taurus is very loving, cuddly, sweet, kissy. I think it's because they're ruled by venus too.
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
could be the reason...
we both are affectionate with one another. never say hello or goodbye without a kiss. he'll reach over and hold my hand or touch my leg when we're in the car. On the sofa, he'll give me little neck massages or have me lean on him to watch TV.
not uncommon to get surprise kisses in mid-sentence, too!
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
That's sweet...we're like that too. I am feeling really comfortable about it, I love affection. The awesome part is, it's never a huge PDA things. A little kiss here, or hand holding, but he's never all over me in public. Thank goodness, because I can't stand private, yessss!