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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
Ok, let's use this as the page to revert to when we're discussing the Libras in our lives. With so many of us dealing with the Libra men, I can't keep track of who's who. Use this thread to tell me (and others) your story. This way, when we're reading other threads, we (me mainly) won't get confused as to the stories.
Here's mine:
Met my Libra 10 weeks ago at a bookstore/coffee shop. Would call me everyday, text message me with "Good morning, sweetie.", "Hello babe", "Goodnight babe", etc. Taught me many words in his native Lebanese langauge (Aribic), including "I Love You". Has come up to work to help me and boss with computer issues, gone to dinner, kissed (OMG-what a kisser), but no sex (my choice-he's tried). Prefers text messaging because he has family over a lot and can't talk over the phone, therefore, texting is more convenient and less cumbersome. I set him up via yahoo messenger because I got tired of his broken promises. Figured things would cease and he'd never talk to me again, but got a text message the next day as if nothing happened. Has texted and called several times since that and I haven't been available to talk, taking 6-10 hours to respond to his texts.
Who's next? Chatz, AquaBrat....
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
As some of you already know. The majority of my partners, relationships, marriage has been with a Libra male. I am single, so obviously they haven't lasted. I swear every time I will never be with another one (don't seem to be good for me or eachother - longterm) I have a couple of great Libra (male) friends (yes without benefits) a brother and a grandfather who are all awesome.
However, it never fails, Libra men always find me wherever I am and I find it so hard to resist them... Hmmm, they are such charmers and maybe though the wishy washiness and aloofness annoys me it might be another thing that keeps me intrigued... Scorpios love challenges and boy one challenge a Libra male can teach you is patience.
Through my numberous experiences with this male species, I have learned a whole lot and maybe enough, so that the next one I might get trapped with might last a little longer. I am so attracted to them, but sometimes can't really understand them as much. Accepting them and letting them take their time (to an extent, because it can take forever for them to make a decision, especially with relationships)and giving them the space to think and think and think... And analyze and analyze and analyze... whew!!! I know it can be hard... Then they don't feel pressured and are able to adapt to what you need from them betther... However, when they become yours, they stick for a very long time even if it doesn't work out. They (like scorps) love hard and that is why it takes so long for them to finally love...
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
HP and those of you on this post who have been following my threads... My libra friend called me 4 times in a row this past Sat.(freaked me out) didn't answer. He then sent a text asking me to call him. I waited until later when I wasn't so busy... I called and this is how the conversation went:
Him: Hey buddy, what is up with you?
Me: I am fine, been partying way too much/enjoying the holidays
Him: I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Me: Aw, thanks, that is sweet, I hope yours is great as well
Him: Have you been to the gym?
Me: Only twice this past week, going in the evening, had to be at work early this week.
Him: I have some news
Me: Really? What is it?
Me: Oh, that is wonderfule, good for you.
Him: You think I am making a good choice?
Me: Are you happy about your choice?
Him: Yeah, I am happy
Me: Well, if you are happy I am happy... I sincerely wish you the best.
Him: Thanks, I knew you would, and make me feel OK about this. My other friends(male)say I am making another mistake and we will be broken up again in a couple weeks. I wish they would be happy for me.
Me: This is your life, not theirs, if there is a chance to work something out with someone you love then I think you should. Do what you feel is good for you. Even if you break up and make up a million times. By the way, why did you guys break up anyway?
Him: Which time?
Me: Any time, OK the first time.
Him: She cheated on me and I found out way after the fact, I lied to her about sleeping with someone when we were split up and she found a letter the girl wrote me... Trust.
Me: How do you plan to resolve the trust issues, so that this time it might last?
Him: Taking it one day at a time...
Me: Also, may I suggest, leaving the past in the past, not bringing up any old baggage and definitely not asking who eachother was with and what eachother did while not together.
Him: That makes sense. Thanks for that
Me: Good luck and if you need me you know I am here.
Him: I know, I will call you soon and keep you posted.
Me: OK, good night
Him: Good night my special friend, Ha Ha....
Wow, I thought that was great and whew I was really hoping he was'nt getting emotional again about us, so this was great. As I said in my heart I support him and I love that I have him as a friend. I really realized that night how much I cared for him in general no matter what his decisions were or his flaws...
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 355 · Topics: 46
sorry about that, tech prob..
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
u are a gemini right?? u have to do it twice LOL
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
ooooh so it is too!!! Obviously a twin and a half LOL
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
we will await your next 3 posts then LOL
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Nov 30, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
Im sorry - Im in a very good mood - oh and at work and bored - gotta stir somebody up - its like a morgue here!!! Not good for me LOL