Hi all,
I am just curious about our combination, I have never dates cap men before but recently I met one cap guy who really got me curious about him.
I wondered as we are so alike, shy, guarded and not expressive to start with, I think it will take
Hey there,
I was just wondering if there are any Cancerians out there that use the same healing mechanism as I? In order for me to move on from someone I tend to delete them from everything. I hate that by doing this it's considered as giving those pe
I recently met a Libra girl and plucked up the courage to ask her out....
We had a chat on the phone to arrange the plans for 2 hours (although it seriously felt like 20 minutes)
Now I have read that Libras are romantic and love classy expensive gifts.
Hello beautiful people,
I need advice. I have known this Virgo guy for over 8 years. When we first met I was 20 and he was 31. He saw me and thought I was beautiful and asked my roommate to hook me up. But I didn't find him attractive-I decided to tu
I recently got my birth chart. Can someone please translate it to me. I want to understand myself better. Thank you so much.
Sun in Leo
Moon in Sagittarius
Mercury in Virgo
Venus in Cancer
Mars in Aries
Jupiter in Gemini
Saturn in sag
Only thing to keep in mind is that this is a female pisces, and i am a female leo/virgo cusp. Also our "love" is forbidden due to her religious reasons... These are just some basic questions i wanted to ask all of you.
1) Is it possible for a pisces n
post your short lyrics from your favorite songs. i like short yet powerful and meaningful sentences. i need inspiration for my monday morning.
Can attraction develope over time?
This guy i have met only once, asked for my facebook and messaged me a few times and asked me out for coffee. I am not attracted to him nor do i see him as anything more than a friend. I also though going to get coffee
So I've been talking to this girl for a few months now, it's only been the past 2-3 months that we've been talking much more regularly. However absolutely confused and not sure if I've been super friend zoned or there is some interest there...
1. She h
I've been dating this girl on and off for over a year now.
I have to mention that in the past i was very needy and clingy, and that's why i changed the way i am, and i'm trying to improve myself and have some self-respect. But still, i don't want to l