Libra and Sag

This topic was created in the Libra and Sagittarius Compatibility forum by LilMermaid on Monday, March 19, 2007 and has 38 replies.
When pursuing a Libra is it better to be persistent and dedicated or to give up if the Libra is not responsive?
I thought you were a Pisces?
Ok, from what I have read / witnessed on the forums, none of the Libras have a damn clue... Haha! Persue, be aloof, persue, be aloof, persue, be aloof, persue, be aloof... Perhaps it is the scales thing. I am not entirely certain a Libra really knows what it wants until it actually realizes it wants it, and how it gets there, no one seems to know. One of the mysteries of the universe...
Since they like to weeble-wobble, maybe both would really throw their scales out of wack. Persue real hard, then aloof for absolutely no reason, then switch again for absolutely no reason. Get those scales bobbing...
I really have no idea, though...
Oh don't give up chances are you're further along than you think...persistence persist persist persist...a little agressive but not too over posessive not too eager and if you're the lady to too much pursuit. Pisces are patient,huh?
Alch, so seem to have figured it out...congrats...but you can't keep going round be aloof once more and then BAM! claim whats yours...the game has to end and chances are libra won't be the one to end it.
I am a pisces, im asking for my friend who is a sag. she isnt a member
"claim whats yours..."
So, how do people go about doing that (claiming a Libra)? Throw them on the ground, plant your foot on them, and shove a flag up their butt?!? THIS LIBRA IS MINE!!! Winking
Sorry, couldn't help myself... smile
But, really, what does a Libra find to be "claiming"? That is a very subjective term... What is claiming for one might be WAY over the line for another, and WAY over the head of yet another. Qualification of that term would probably be helpful...
I still hold that the Libra chooses you. We know within minutes of meeting you if we can love you or not. We may like you a hole bunch but we won't pursue you. If we wear our hearts on our sleeves, we see you as a potential partner. I really don't think there is much inbetween.
so you have one other friend trying to nab a Libra and this friend trying to nab another Libra. Strange.
fuck me
whole bunch. lol!
I apparently have things on my mind. lol!
Naughy by Nature comes to mind, LS Tongue
"fuck me"
Was that an answer to my question? If so, that is my kind of claiming!!! smile
This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine! This Libra is mine!
All day and all night, and rinse and repeat... smile
Alas the fuck me was at myself because I keep typing hole instead of whole.
I guess I could claim myself.
I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE! I am MINE!
pssst? did that even make sense? lol!
"I still hold that the Libra chooses you. We know within minutes of meeting you if we can love you or not. We may like you a hole bunch but we won't pursue you."
Exactly. From the first few minutes I know if I can love you. From the first few hours I know if that love is workable, from the first few days I know if we are sexually thats as long as it takes lol....
We know if we can fall in love with you almost immediately. From here I decide weather or not I want to persue that love or charm you into lots of uninhibited passionate sex. Sometimes I highlight the indecisiveness because it makes some girls come on even stronger. If your in tune with what they are thinking/feeling, sometimes you don't have to charm or anything you can just wait until your alone together and start ripping off clothes....I don't know how we get away with this but we do. I think it is impossible for us to come accross as overbearing, just isn't in our nature so we are allowed a lot more leway than other people in that respect.
Oh... I thought you were saying that was the definitive way to "claim a Libra". "fuck me...whole bunch". ROFL! Apparently, I have things on my mind, too... LOL Winking
Yeah, that makes sense now... Sad Right... Hrmm...
You know it is alot more fun when someone else "claims" you... But, in lieu of the alternative... Whatever works, right?
Okay, back to the topic at hand. One says to claim the Libra, the other says to let the Libra do the claiming, though, I think that is the more passive type conquering thing. So, for the help of the poor lost Libra lovers bobbing between scales, what would be acceptable "pseudo"-conquering for the Libra suitor / suitress (is that a word?)?
I read a really funny quote from an astrologer.
It was on a site regarding how other signs saw you. I wish I could find it but I didn't save it. I noticed every single Libra quote was "... Leos are great fun people. We really have a great time in bed." "Sags love to party that is what I like about them. They are great in bed." According to him, Libra rates everyone by how great they are in bed. I admit. I have this in me. lol! Every other sign was normal.
He said something like Libra the goal for your life should not be to get and enjoy as much sex as you possibly can. I can say this because I am a Libra.
Ha ha!
Depends on who is claiming you alcheme. I am not claimed easily. Winking
I really don't think you can claim a Libra. We rebel.
We HATE being told what to do and will dig our heels in on purpose when pushed.
One of the easiest ways for a guy to loose me is to claim me. Of course, I do have a lot of Sag in me too. Dooooommmmed!
That's why I said "pseudo"-conquering / claiming... Take your Leo, for instance... I am sure you would allow him to do a bit more "claiming" than say Joe Blow Sign you just had a few dates with. How far does that allowance go?
I mean one is saying you do the claiming and the other saying they want to be claimed, but perhaps you are both on the same page. Libra conquering / claiming isn't exactly your standard run of the mill Aries / Leo / Scorp claiming. And, without a comprehension of that, it sounds like you are being contradictory, but perhaps you are not. Or perhaps you are talking about different levels of the relationship. Either way, you people need to get together and come to an agreement, because you are confusing the poor innocent by-standers...
Besides, when the hell is claiming telling someone what to do?!?!? Oh, no!!! That would not work in the slightest for me... I would not be inserting a flag up his butt, I would be inserting my foot.
"He said something like Libra the goal for your life should not be to get and enjoy as much sex as you possibly can. I can say this because I am a Libra."
Yes. But I knew the moment I met his eyes that I would fall in love with the Leo ... and well ... here I am. Actually, my initial response was "Shit. I am in over my head. I am not ready for this." His first response was, "Shit. She is unbelievable. Fuck." HE can claim me as his because I already am his. Unfortunetly. Well, at this point, even though my feelings are there I can't allow him to "claim me" because he hasn't earned it. Last I heard, he was nesting because I was what he wanted and then poof ... he vanished.
IF I didn't feel that way and he tried to pressure me into feeling that way, I would dig in and rebel. It would drive me away. But I knew when I looked at him, that I would love him and the chance of a significant relationship was there. He knew it too. He just wasn't ready either so poof!
Does that make more sense?
My last significant boyfriend I knew could claim me because something very similar happened. We were together for three years after I had my "that is my guy" moment. When I have those moments, I position myself to make it easy to be claimed.
I do not play hard to get. The leo would have to work to earn me back because he hurt me and he knows it. He would have to recapture my trust.
But if the last guy that I met and dated, if he pushed me before I knew ... I would walk/run away because when I allow myself to belong to someone, it comes from me.
Know what I mean? Anyone? lol!
"He said something like Libra the goal for your life should not be to get and enjoy as much sex as you possibly can. I can say this because I am a Libra."
I think sex has a different level of importance for us than it does for a lot of other signs. It is easy come easy go with me, but I refrain from one night romps just because of the lack of depth. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am able to "communicate" a lot of the deep emotions I have trouble understanding and articulating in sex. I think of each sexual experience as a conversation, and I just don't want to talk to a lot of people like that lol....even a lot of the ones I am physically attracted to.
"We HATE being told what to do and will dig our heels in on purpose when pushed."
Amen to that.
If we allow ourselves to be claimed, I say there is a 99% chance it is because we have already conquered you and we are just sitting back and letting you claim us because we know whats really going on.
There are different levels of "claiming", there is the aggressive "your mine" and the passive "I want to be yours", naturally I HATE the idea of claiming or being claimed, but I think that a small amount of possesiveness is healthy, small........small amount, and so I will accept the passive version at first and later on if my feelings are deep enough then I will allow the later version. I went in circles over and over with the virgo ex who had the same strong aversion to any type of possesiveness, a stronger aversion to it than even mine. And in seeing that in her I realized that possesiveness isn't bad. Intillectually, I disagree with it, realistically I think it is necessary on some level. No matter how cool headed you are emotionally, and I am, I do want to "have" someone on a deeper emotional level. That kind of possesiveness actually affords the kind of freedom in a relaitonship that the idea of total freedom ironically doesn't provide.
It is kind of wierd, air signs won't claim you or want to be claimed, and I am ok with that. Earth signs might, but when the do, I don't want any part of it. Fire signs must it seems, and thats just not going to happen for me, water signs the same, and for some strange reason scorps are the only ones I will not only allow the posessiveness with, but for some reason it doesn't bother me like it does with everyone else.
I think the need for the claim in a female scorp is, within themeselves, selfless and ok.
"I would walk/run away because when I allow myself to belong to someone, it comes from me."
Right... Got that. But, that being said, once it comes from you, then... Come on, people, work with me here.
"When I have those moments, I position myself to make it easy to be claimed."
^^^ - This is what I am talking about. At that point... No holds barred?!? Are there limits?
I really believe Libras just know who their partners are or are meant to be. Every significant friendship/lover I have known by looking at them. It is just an intuitive thing.
Anyone else tries to step into those roles, it doesn't work because we know and we resist.
I really think Libras in love are very hearts on our sleeves.
The weird thing is I won't claim them but I will allow myself to be claimed.
* At that point... No holds barred?!? Are there limits?
I am not sure I know what you mean by no hold barred. Can you give me an example?
Maybe we should define "claimed".
What does your chart look like? I am curious about what you said.
If you don't mind sharing that is.
"If you don't mind sharing that is."
No prob.

Planetary positions
planet sign
Sun Libra
Rising Taurus
Moon Libra
Mercury Virgo
Venus Virgo
Mars Virgo
Jupiter Sagittarius
Saturn Scorpio
Uranus Sagittarius
Neptune Sagittarius
Pluto Libra
Descendant Scropio

Any feedback would be appreciated.
"* At that point... No holds barred?!? Are there limits?
I am not sure I know what you mean by no hold barred. Can you give me an example?"
No holds barred... No limits? There is nothing that the person isn't allowed not to do. Examples? You got me, that is whay I was asking the question... I am going to figure this out some day. I am!
That being said, I think that Nic answered my question, I just missed his response. Or do you disagree with his responses? That would be prudent to know before I start chewing on it...
"Maybe we should define "claimed"."
Yes, maybe that would be helpful. I just used the word that the Libra used... That is why I was thinking that qualification of what we are talking about might help everyone. Cause you people sound like you are going round and round and round, even with each other, but perhaps you are not.
"wow........ jupiter in sagittarius... lucky guy.."
What does it mean?
My theory, based on what you said about sex being very emotional or an emotional conversation was that you had water in your mars and/or venus. You have virgo. I am not entirely sure what that means. Probably that you aren't as libral as us libra in venus and mars folks. I do NOT bond sexually. It is not an emotional act for me. It CAN be but only if I am already emotional or bonded already.
It is hard to say because I have been out of a relationship for almost two years. I have also reinvented so I don't know who I will be in my next relationship. I am no longer the person I was in that relationship or before that relationship. When I meet the person, I will probably reinvent again to suit them, but too what extent, I don't know. I am trying to find someone who will support this self because I am happy.
To what extent can it go too? When I was younger, my first relationship went VERY far. It messed me up for a long time. I have been since offered a similar situation but turned it down because I no longer want to go to that extent. I am trying harder to keep some sense of self that I have developed over the last two years, mainly since my dad dying and meeting the Leo.
Originally, by claim, I meant exclusive with someone and making it known to everyone that I belong to them. PDA, being a couple in public, introducing friends and families etc. I was talking about being forced to be a couple before I was ready.
In the last post, I was talking about Domination and Submission.
You know, come to think of it, even if I LOVE the person and know/want to be in a relationship with them, I hesitate at couplehood. I have to get use to the idea. Once I am use to the idea, I am fine and make a great gf.