So I noticed my Libra boyfriend doesn't seem to be comfortable in having sensitive or intimate conversations. Also he would prefer to let issues pass than discuss it with me. I guess he really just wanted peace but it's not really okay with me.
His bestfriend told me that he really doesn't like the feeling of being vulnerable with me. Do Libras really don't like being vulnerable in general? Also, any inputs in making my Libra feel more comfortable in opening up? Thanks in advance.
@huldra I'll keep that in mind. I try to sort my thoughts first before telling it to him. I want to be fair with him so I really check first if I'm being reasonable with him. I just have a hard time sometimes on how to approach him. There are just some instances that I've ask him for us to talk but he'll tell me it's not the right time. And we'll end up giving cold shoulders... Sometimes we'll get back to the issue but most of the time he'll just shrug it off.
@sugarfoot yup he's more of the second one. It feels like he's acting on some situations. And that's when I become so frustrated. I really just want us to be stronger together not just when the times are good. I'll tell that to him.
Thanks to all of you for all the inputs! I really appreciate it.
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Jul 23, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 454 · Topics: 17
My boyfriend has a libra stellium (and a moon in Taurus, libra placements in the 2nd). You have to understand that wherever Venus is, there's a pleasure seeking pain avoiding behavior that takes place. For me, I have a full 8th house, Leo and Virgo placements as well as Pisces moon... I need to have those hard conversations regularly to feel comfortable and happy. So I ease the way I approach him and make things firm but loving and he promised to stay in the ring with me. You have to soften the blow and consider who you're speaking to and be nice and loving... If he can't improve his communication, maybe you could move on? Some people just aren't capable of conflict.
I absolutely despise conflict, so if I think discussing an issue is going to result in a fight or someone being mad at me, I let it go. However, if whoever I'm speaking with is able to present their issue or problem calmly, logically, and rationally, I'm more than happy to tackle it head-on and talk through it to a solution that makes everyone as happy as possible. If I sense drama or anger coming on and let things go, I don't bottle it up and explode later like some other people might. The more I have to do that though, the less I trust you. The less I trust you, the less interest I have in opening up to you in the future. I easily express my feelings to someone I fully trust and know won't respond with anger or judgment or sarcasm.