I forgot to mention we watched my grandma die, havent worked in 7 months and while she runs her own buisness and works 2 jobs
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Feb 04, 2016Comments: 9 · Posts: 3545 · Topics: 254
How long have you been together? I don't generally get off on oral with a guy until there is a connection so I don't let him waste his time so to speak. MY bf was like Hallelujah! When I finally let him go for it and came lol! This was after about a month or so of dating. I did give and make sure he was seen to though and our sex life is pretty amazing for the most part now.
You say she knew sex was a biggie for you from Jump St. As a woman, independent from my zodiac, I find that a man pointing that out early on is a turnoff: it makes me feel very self-conscious (despite the fact that I only ever had positive comments and even awe from my numerous lays and I am really confident I have the goods). It would make me feel insecure. I find this is one among several reasons not to discuss sex before you've had it together.
I don't think this is a Libra thing. I think this is a thing where the girl really wants to be with you but is afraid she will underperform sexually to your liking and thus overpromises and – duh! – underdelivers. She is definitely not comfortable with you in bed.
I think it is best if you start telling her explicitly things you like, but start with the simple vanilla stuff, not the party hard stuff. Also, quit guessing things by the way she behaves and start asking her direct questions: her behavior clearly is no indication of the truth. Case in point: girls can be turned off getting head because their lady parts are very sensitive, because their partner is too forceful (you seem quite the forceful type), because they feel pressured to have an orgasm on command, etc.
I feel like you guys may have skipped an important step in the first stages of your relationship: establishing intimacy. That might be what is missing. She might have trouble opening up, being herself and communicating because of this.
Also, if this girl smokes pot regularly or has recently taken antidepressants for more than a couple of months, that might have killed her libido and/or her ability to have orgasms. She might then feel ashamed of it and hide it, and that is really understandable. In that case, you will have to work harder to please her and be a really good listener.
In short, you guys need to talk. Directly. Not through having sex and not while having sex. Make sure you don't intimidate her, and focus on establishing intimacy.
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
I think she likes to experiment everything....................................inside her HEAD. And why can't you take a step forward of suggesting her some kinky stuffs before she do? And having a threesome is out of league if you are looking for a relationship with her, that's a no no. Talk to her openly about your thoughts, get her opinion and if you both can't agree with each other then you both shouldn't be wasting time. By the way you both got matching signs though.
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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 33 · Posts: 5490 · Topics: 118
Pillow talk
That's the best time, in my opinion, to reflect on your intimacy and give your thoughts and accept her thoughts.
I don't know how serious your relationship is or how much you both mean to each other, but the first step, I think, is to stop thinking your are better than her and to stop making assumptions about her. There is a skill in language, no matter how good you think you are at sex. If you can't communicate to her what she wants and what you would like, then a part of your sex Skills isn't as great as you think.
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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
Bad sex that never got better? Could be a deal breaker for me too. It's something that has to happen naturally. Can't force it.
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 57 · Posts: 5858 · Topics: 191
Yeah l suspect Libras are bad in the sack.
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Jul 28, 2016Comments: 4222 · Posts: 6474 · Topics: 83
Maybe she feels the same about you, who knows.
Chemistry.... such a strange and wonderful thing
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
This must be true because I am a libra and I am rubbish at doing the sex.
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Aug 21, 2014Comments: 616 · Posts: 1771 · Topics: 13
You're plugging her friend, huh. Boy would I love to see the libra's side of the story.
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Mar 01, 2014Comments: 592 · Posts: 467 · Topics: 57
She's lazy and doesn't clean.
The sex Is bad.
Your also with her friend.
You Nasty.
You deserve each other.
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Jun 12, 2017Comments: 1971 · Posts: 4663 · Topics: 69
You are a shallow twat ....sex is not love ..just love her ...work through the issue if you really love her. I don't know how ...that is between couples. Seriously you seem immature though.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Nvm, this is an old ass thread. Who's the dumb fuck digging up necro threads?
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Oct 24, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 2706 · Topics: 56
Dude.. If you have to talk about it.. Like really talk about it a LOT... Then you don't have chemistry... She sucks in bed or you do or you're not compatible.... I don't stay with men I'm not sexually compatible with... That's my advice. Leave.
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Feb 10, 2016Comments: 240 · Posts: 2142 · Topics: 10
it takes two in order
for sex to be horrible.
a good partner knows
how to make open up.
how to excite a mate
until she is wild, free.
sounds like you dont
have that skill set but
expect good sex, ne.
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Dec 20, 2015Comments: 792 · Posts: 1721 · Topics: 95
Stabbing a dead horse are we? Or should I say it's skeleton?
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36034 · Posts: 40656 · Topics: 321
Check your Venus Mars and Venus Pluto aspects ..... If there ain't any between your charts, the chances are sex between the two of you won't be mind blowing
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Apr 28, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 18
First of all, I laughed out loud when I read your story.
And let me tell you that although libras are very appealing and all of that, they mostly suck at sex. It's true! Super shallow, personally I don't like their energy in bed, and they tend preach about being all this and all of that to people but indoors another story is taking place.
I'm not saying that your libra girl is bad, or that you are good at bed. Chemistry has to be there, is not something you can work out and magically it appears.It just shows! She needs to watch porn before? that's so lame... I feel bad for her. Sorry I feel that the chemistry between you two is not enough, you can't make it happen, it doesn't matter how much you guys communicate, and how much you seem to be enjoying her company. Friends exists for that. In a couple SEX has to be damn good. You just know when you see it, because you can feel it, smell it and taste it.
Go out and find that kinky dirty monster your aqua and scorp are willing to find.
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
You need to look at the Mars. I'm a Virgo Mars and I go above and beyond to please.