Libra girls attract men?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by aqua4libra on Wednesday, May 24, 2006 and has 5 replies.
Don't know about the rest of you libras, but do you find quite frequently even though you are in a serious, happy relationship with someone and not actively looking, men are attracted to you like magnets!
No matter how I try and not even do as much as look at someone, many men approach you chatting you up, etc, telling you how beautiful you are (or even telling your partner, if they are with you, how "f***ing gorgeous you are)!! Its been quite embarrassing now being asked for a date by a complete stranger on numerous occasions when you are happily married and not looking and either they don't notice the wedding ring or don't care. I suppose its nice that we are still seen as attractive though! I am not just talking about when out with girlfriends, but in a work situation or just doing things like out food shopping, etc. I must admit on occasion I do flirt innocently with other men who I know and who I am friends with but I am talking about when you are definitely not flirting with someone, but get approached and unwanted attention on numerous occasions. I know this sounds ridiculous but I am sure most other libran girls experience this. It gets me down sometimes like you just wanna be left alone. Perhaps we look easy!
I usually get caught in a pissing contest between alpha-males vying for my attention. I don't even know how many groups of male friends have competed for me. I never choose any of them because it is never really about me. It is about them one upping each other, but it is WEIRD.
So yes. They are like babies to candy.
When I was with my ex ... these two guys started saying stuff about how I need to be plucked like a flower and slowly made love to. My ex was standing right there.
Men want what they want.
yes its very true,
read my postings on " I am done with libra ...." posts ( I feel guilty for causing that post to repeatedly go up, cos no one can really get over beautiful libras , and as far as I know them, they wud feel little hurt every time they see it)
But the Funny thing is ppl ( like my intelctual roommates ) say they dont believe in all this astrological stuff as its 1) very generalized, 2) dosen't really has a basis.
But look at it, I have experienced first hand, all the things that aqua4libra says, word to word, in each and every libra I have met, and that too not just here in US but the country I grewup in.

I'm glad the two of you agree! I thought anyone reading this may think I'm in awe of myself! So no doubt this happens to Libras in the US as well and probably world wide for that matter (I'm in England).
It happens to me CONSTANTLY!!!! Such a heavy cross to bear....UGH! Have to beat them off with a STICK