libra/leo compatibility = best?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by LIBRAry on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 70 replies.
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I know everyone saids libras are like best w/ aquas and gems but throughout some experiences aren't leos the best?
i'm currently with a leo and we are very compatible. he likes to be the king, lol, and i'm very affectionate and happy to play second fiddle to him. basicallly let him be the star of the show. it's a good combo.
i'm a leo and was with a libra for 7 years. i broke it off in the end but we mostly had a good time together. a lot of compatibility and common ground. i would definitely get with another libra. i'm always attracted to them anyway!
Leo men and Libra women are one of the BEST combinations according to astrology. This aspect is seen most in marriage. The leo man is the most masculine and the Libra women the most feminine. The leo man loves to parade the libra woman around and is proud to do so. The libra woman encourages the Leo man throughout his career and gives him a big push with social networking. I haven't seen it work out the other way around. Libra man and Leo woman don't last as long due to gender roles perscribed by society. They both end up spending too much money, getting into arguements over infidelity and being highly indecisive about most things.
Is it true that leo's don't appreciate recieving too much attention?
Posted by LIBRAry
Is it true that leo's don't appreciate recieving too much attention?

I've always read that Leos love attention (and need constant reassurance - this I know to be true for at least one Leo male that I know)
Posted by little_sparrow
I like the Fire signs too...

(Although I did fancy a Scorpio (Water) a short time ago and my experience with him left a deep impression on me - He was so intense and he has those penetrate-to-your-soul eyes)
Wow, how did I botch that 'Quote' by Sparrow up? Anywho, below is what I said in response to her post:

I like the Fire signs too...

(Although I did fancy a Scorpio (Water) a short time ago and my experience with him left a deep impression on me - He was so intense and he has those penetrate-to-your-soul eyes)
"The leo man is the most masculine and the Libra women the most feminine."
Not true at all IMO Libra women are more self assured and independent than the average woman and Leo men are more sensitive and caring than the average man. But, that would also only really help their compatibility.
I think with Libra women the relationship with a Leo man usually ends up helping solidify what the Libra woman truly wants, and unfortunately with the Leo man he ends up only wanting the Libra woman more and more. The Libra woman usually moves on from this relationship to one she is likely to stick with till the end. Though this combo is the most frequently married but also the highest likelihood of divorce.
I think they are more compatible than Libra man Leo woman, this combination is usually instigated by a strong initial spark and is followed up with frustration as the Leo woman tries to control the relationship and the Libra man is not one to take this lightly or kindly. Most astrologers have it wrong when they say a Libra man wants a strong woman. We do want a strong woman in the sense of self confidence and capability but not in the sense of wanting to control or dominate.
In my experience a Libra woman's needs are better served by an Aries sun as their personality is more genuine, of the fire signs and Libra man's by Saggitarius as they for some reason have a lot of adoration and confidence in Libra men.
I do think that an air sign sun is best for Libras and a Leo moon is favorable in a partner. Either way whatever the moon sign I think the partners moon sign needs to be of the same polarity....feminine-feminine or masculine-masculine.
* Libra women are more self assured and independent than the average woman and Leo men are more sensitive and caring than the average man.
Agreed! On both accounts!
I tend to have a lot of leo friends. I love their certainty and aggressiveness coupled with their great nobility and sensitivity. Truly wonderful people. I sincerly think I haven't yet met a Leo I didn't like.
Libra is actually a masculine sign. It is also a cardinal sign so by definition it may actually be more masculine than Leo. Most of the Libra women I know are little men/little generals gracefully and elegantly marching towards their own egalitarian ideals. Because I am dainty and have a very airy feminine feel, I inspire in people a need to look after me or protect me. They are often confused when I not only take care of my business but in a crisis, take care of theirs and everyone around me.
I must object to one thing nic. Some of the oldest and most stable relationships I know are Leo man - Libra woman.
"Nic has this bias aganist leo men little sparrow , i think its only natrual since he is a pansy libra male ."
"I know this might make your tiny ego feel good but its simply not true . "
No worries my ego was unaffected, thank you for your consideration though. As for my 'Bias', call it what makes you feel better.
Oh, calm down with the "pansy" and "dump her in a heartbeat" after "we chase Libra women hard" stuff. Most of us have been around long enough to know your a de-fanged house cat, not a lion.
Very encouraging for when I meet up with my Leo friend in Novsmile I've never felt completely satisfied in love but I've never been with a Leo before and just through contact again after 14 years I already feel we are quite compatible!
"I must object to one thing nic. Some of the oldest and most stable relationships I know are Leo man - Libra woman."
Well that would explain how we tend to see it a little differently. I haven't seen one (considering the couples where I knew the both signs) that has stood the test of time let alone done so admirably. I have seen a lot of Libra's and Leo's learn some amazing life lessons in their relationships together though. I stand by my previous observation regarding Libra women and Aries male and Libra man and Sagittarius female as far as Libra/Fire signs go. I have seen several of these that have stood the test of time and done so admirably.
Are you still with your Aries?

I don't automatically hate Leo's, one of the most influential people to me growing up was a Leo and I still admire that person a great deal, at my current job I have a Leo and an Aquarius manager and as a Libra I get along, see eye to eye and respect the Leo manager a lot more and his opinion of me is the same.
For the most part, and I have never pretended otherwise, in my experience Leo males are the ones that are most likely to come in and put on the show that they should be in charge and at the same time least qualified/capable of actually doing so.
Leo's are strong and good leaders when the going is easy. When the going gets rough though, I have ALWAYSE not only had to save the situation but their ass as well. Do that more than a few times and the difference between their perceived self worth and their actual worth grows to a comical distance.
I love how plainly ironic you get when your upset Kris, talk about projection god damn. So sorry you ran out of time for me.
Good luck with your internet balls though...I hope they improve your life.
"Nicodemus my experience with Libran men is that they want to lead the relationship/home but they have no tools to do it. You need a strong woman and at times one who can dominate it is just a matter of communicating and giving someone their boundaries and for that a strong man is needed. So you as a Libran man are you strong? If the answer is yes then you have no problem! If the answer is no then I guess you are right!"
Minus the part about Libra men not having the tools to lead the relationship your right on, I have no disagreement. In my experience the problems that arise between Libra guy and Leo girl relationships aren't that they don't see each other as strong or able, I think that is usually one of the reasons they are initially attracted to each other provided their is no savior complex influencing either person. I think that the power struggle is more apparent in the day to day aspects...there are a lot of opposing traits to the two signs...what was interesting and exciting in the beginning becomes frustrating and stressful in time kind of thing. Also I think the most aggravating thing about it is that the disagreements with the other usually comes from the how rather than the what. Whereas in my personal experiences with Sag women in relationships whether my own or through people I know the Libra/Sag relationships seems to have more of the fire/air positives and less of the negatives than Libra Man Leo Woman.
I do think that Men with a Libra moon and Women with a Leo moon provided their other aspects are compatible is a good thing. I think the influence of the suns in that arrangement is to strong and clashes too much.
I thought you didn't have time for me anymore.
"This is what you call a beaten dog ."
Is that why I am feeling so tired right now? Here I thought it was the hours I spent last night making a gorgeous libra woman cum into the 7th dimension. No that probably is it.
"Even i can spare a few minutes to humiliate an idiot , its entertainment you see ."
When are you going to start? I want to watch but I have to take off here in a few minutes to run some errands so I'll offer some advice. Use small words that you understand as much as possible, your confidence is leaps and bounds ahead of your intellectual fortitude. Fight to your strengths. Avoid the idiots that are young, arrogant and insecure so you don't stumble into an even match.
My best wishes in pulling it off. I'm rooting for you.
Oh, I forgot to mention I won't be able to check up on how you fared until tomorrow. A few have requested the presence of my awesomeness this evening and to satisfy my good deed for the day I'm going to go ahead and deliver.
Good luck again.
So AngelEyes and I ended up stopping back by the house before we head out to a friends house later and what do I see when I check the boards.
2 unread messages in my mailbox. The first:
"Have reported your comments to dxpnet. Don't understand why you attack others but hopefully they will take actions , so posters can not worry about "rude " people ." -Ike
Are you serious? I opened this message five minutes ago and I still can't stop laughing. Looks like you have hid all of your previous posts where you were trying to start shit. Thank you for making my day!
I would like to introduce you to an old saying: "If your going to be dumb, you better be tough." Judging by what you have offered in your time on this forum...the former is a lost on the tough part....real hard.
Don't start shit you can't handle then run to someone you hope can handle it for you.
Then there was a second message also from Ike starting with a quote from my last post:
"Oh, I forgot to mention I won't be able to check up on how you fared until tomorrow. A few have requested the presence of my awesomeness this evening and to satisfy my good deed for the day I'm going to go ahead and deliver."
Then at the bottom: "elaborate"
I am surprised your interested in what a Libra male does in his free time....considering all of our actions can only be described in the negative and derogatory by you.
But here you go: I am going attend the party of a long time friend and former employee of mine in the Fugitive Recovery business who also happens to be a Libra, and his girlfriend a Sag and my Fiance also a Libra and former partner. So three pansy libras who used to be in the cowardly business of risking their lives every day to track down hardened criminals in conditions that you probably don't even realize exist are going to have a good time tonight being Libras.
I hope this doesn't turn your world completely upside down.

FYI the people that your pathetically pandering to....administrators....usually have the ability to see the content of posts regardless of weather you hide them or not. Your not saving face with them. If your hiding them out of concern for what other members will probably didn't have anyone's high opinion when you came into this thread.
But please don't let this affect you so much that you change your account name for what...the fifth time is it?
I'm taking off again....probably won't really be on again until tomorrow. Oh, don't expect any private messages from me, if you think you have the balls to dish it out publicly then look down, feel around and make sure you have the balls to take it publicly before your little fingers get ahead of your brain on the key board.
Posted by deemnsout4ever
I think Kris/Ike is on his period, be gentle with him...

This was in my mail box this morning:
***From: Ike
Date: 8/1/2009 11:20:15 PM
Subject: um
you start things first with your mouth , then when someone kicks your ass for unjust comments , you get angry ? I understand now .......well anyway sorry to bother you , last pm i promise .****

Does menstruation make one delusional? I thought it was just cranky and emotional.
Posted by nicodemus
Posted by deemnsout4ever
I think Kris/Ike is on his period, be gentle with him...

This was in my mail box this morning:
***From: Ike
Date: 8/1/2009 11:20:15 PM
Subject: um
you start things first with your mouth , then when someone kicks your ass for unjust comments , you get angry ? I understand now .......well anyway sorry to bother you , last pm i promise .****

Does menstruation make one delusional? I thought it was just cranky and emotional.

click to expand

LOL, don't want to know! Be glad, be very glad that you will never, ever experience PMS/menstruation or the like. While it can't make you delusional - you darn sure will think you are when PMSing. (smile)
Wow this is turning out pretty fierce.. I was hoping it would be a gentle topic about Leos and Libras together..
Sorry for crapping in your thread.
Some evidence of how well Leo and Libra guys get along LOL.
Ike is just one of those people that if you have a heart you put him in his place.
lolol I have no problems w/ people crapping around in my thread. It just gives me a lot more information about astrology which is what I'm looking for..
Posted by Ike
this nic guy seems to have huge insecurity or something and keeps attacking . Poor guy .

Lol I think that might tick him off. It's best to be the bigger man and stop it now or say the sorry :S
^If you ask me, Leo and Libra guys form the best friendships, from what I see IRL lolz.. i've never seen such good buddies as the two, 'specially if they're not competing against each other.
Yeah I'm so insecure that I hid everything I wrote and pm'd threats to tell on someone because I couldn't handle what I started.
Oh wait. Yeah.
I have never had a close friendship with Leo guys. I have had a Leo business partner and he is still a friend but wev'e never been on the same "wavelength" if you know what I mean. Leo's try to hard to justify their wants by trying to make it seem like it is the logical or sensible need. It's annoying at best and insulting at worst.
lol of all the things you could have said....ya had to say it to a guy with the longness in the dongness. hahaha

About the time you were talking smack in here you were talking about how scorpio mars placements couldn't handle you because you are too intimidating. In every thread where you get the opportunity you have to state or try to convince people that Leo's would either kick everyone's asses, are smarter, are more powerful, more intimidating etc...etc...
So, let me ask you. Leos, and particularly you being so awesome....why aren't the rest of us just posting about how awesome leos are all of the time, why do questions arise regarding comparisons of one sign to another. Why, if you are so secure and smart and intimidating and powerful, obviously, do you have to do so much convincing?
Posted by Ike
Leo's try to hard to justify their wants by trying to make it seem like it is the logical or sensible need. It's annoying at best and insulting at worst.

Absloute garbage . Again i think nic has a severe case of penis envy here .

Your getting more efficient, instead of contradicting yourself across several posts your getting it down to contradicting yourself in each post.
High five.
"Absloute garbage . Again i think nic has a severe case of penis envy here ."

Hey Ike Normally I dont get in the middle of my fiances conversations but I had to here... Nico has a huge penis and if anyone here has penis envy it would be you. Most chicks have more cock and balls than you, LOL. =) Again, sorry to interrupt. Please go about your business.
Lol... I have no idea who started this whole fight cause Ike I can't see some of your "blocked" posts.. But really the fault goes to whoever started all this between Ike and Nic.
Other than that you both should just sorry it up or someone be the bigger man here..
Btw back on topic..
Anyone have any information on the differences between 1st,2nd,3rd decant Leos?
I'd like to know more about 2nd cause I wanna know more about this person whose a 2nd...
Whoa, this got all crazy since I last posted.
Bring my girlfriend into it? Lol she posted this while I was at work it looks like.
Whats going on, it looks like Ike is arguing with himself? Like there are missing posts.
Either way looks like the penis envy part was cleared up.
I don't understand why your girlfriend wouldn't defend you? My guess is she is busy defending herself on the topic is why she is with you.
"Nic can't kick anyone's ass and he gets owned by a guy 4 year younger than him ."
Owned? when...must have been owned so bad I missed it.
haha!!! Kristopher Robin, your posts are making my night! smile
Posted by Ike
"I don't understand why your girlfriend wouldn't defend you? My guess is she is busy defending herself on the topic is why she is with you. "
lol! I never said she wouldn't defend me , i said i wouldn't ask . It seems you have problems reading basic english along with your severe lack of self esteem . she doesn't even know i visit this site , if she did she would prolly laught at your umm " girlfriend's" comments . And don't worry nikki she never has to defend herself as to why she is with me , she already told me a thousand times in bed . At any rate this post is getting a bit ridiculous , what with a girl having to jump in to defend your sensitive self worth and all . Have a nice life and next time try not to get so worked up sweetie .

Doesn't know you post on the site? I think it's obvious why you wouldn't want her to know.
You keep bringing up the fact that my fiance posted in this thread like it's going to bother me, yet your the one with the problem with it.
And on top of it instead of your girlfriend coming in and getting your back you go ahead and do it on her behalf with your comment about her saying it "a thousand times in bed". You don't even respect what you try so hard to represent yourself. It's bad enough that you so anxiously and so poorly represent yourself at the same time but you have to contradict yourself constantly as well.
You are the kind of person that makes me smile, makes me glad I was born as me. You provide perspective to those that might question how sad and pathetic they could have been. And for that, you are a gift to the world.
Sadly, many leo-libra couples are starting to break apart. I just lost my leo, my friend lost his libra, and there are a bunch of libra-leo dillemas.. This blows. We should all just stop fighting smile
Posted by LIBRAry
Sadly, many leo-libra couples are starting to break apart. I just lost my leo, my friend lost his libra, and there are a bunch of libra-leo dillemas.. This blows. We should all just stop fighting smile

I agree. You know, LIBRAry, I read somewhere that Leo loves a good fight while Libra likes to keep the peace. I'm in a relationship with my first Leo so I'm watching...
Posted by No1delete2

I know everyone saids libras are like best w/ aquas and gems but throughout some experiences aren't leos the best?
I know two L + L couples in real life: Leo Man + Libra Woman have been married since age 18, and both turned 50 this year; and, Leo Woman + Libra Man married after college, and have been together for going on 30 years. This combo seems to have staying power!!

That is awesome...many years of love.
What happens if a Libra guy likes a Leo female?
oh yeah. my libra man was very masculine and more dominant. ha! we did butt heads and were both stubborn but that's how we drove each other nuts... in a good way! he liked me being feisty but could always over-power me. i enjoyed letting him!
i love being showered with attention but i suppose too much can weird me out. if it's really excessive it comes off as clingy and that's where i turn off.
Posted by ninjamu
oh yeah. my libra man was very masculine and more dominant. ha! we did butt heads and were both stubborn but that's how we drove each other nuts... in a good way! he liked me being feisty but could always over-power me. i enjoyed letting him!
i love being showered with attention but i suppose too much can weird me out. if it's really excessive it comes off as clingy and that's where i turn off.

Yeah Angel may be a Libra but she has a Leo moon and a Scorp rising. Like you described she can be real feisty and stubborn. She knows that when it comes down to it I might just grab her and toss her on the bed if I feel she needs to feel who's boss instead of hearing about it.
We do show each other a lot of mutual respect. We both see each other as very capable people and there is no reason to undermine that which you admire.
It's cause Leo men are scared of Aries women. Tongue (Just kidding!)
ugg. I am a libra female who dated and had a child with a leo male.Nico talked about this in earlier posts. Mine and Leos relationship went up in a big ball of flames. He was a real piece of work. Told me stories like: "I was a sniper who went to iraq and killed people, even kids, I was also a helicopter pilot in the marines" 3 yrs later I found out that he was not a sniper in the marines and he never even left Kuwait. He was in bulk fuel and laid pipe the whole time he was there. My step dad owns a PI company and was interested in having my ex do some work low and behold a background check revealed his LIES. I never got the truth from him He was always too busy trying to impress people instead of just being honest and genuine.
He told so many lies he could not keep his own life story straight. I think the reason that he did this was because he felt inferior, so he had to make up these crazy stories and stroke his own ego. He was always looking for acceptance from other people, a validation if you will. It was cute in the beginning and I belived all of his stories being a young, in love, naive Libra. We had other problems too. I have a very colorful, playful, fiesty sense of humor and he didnt have a sense of humor at all. I would tease him and he would just scowl. I also have very strong Scorp influence in my chart, hence the head over hill blind kind of love. smile
I belived his lies for about the first 2 yrs before started to see through it, I dealt with it for about a yr. after I was enlightened. I tried to make it work during that last year, I told him I knew about all his lies and to just be himself. I eventually became so MISERABLE I couldnt take anymore. I had to end it, and quick before all the life was sucked out of me.
I met the man of my dreams. My awesome, genuine, honest LIBRA. Some times he is brutally honest, but I actually like that, a lot. The quick wit and humor he has is a blast as well. We have been together for about 2 to 2.5 yrs known eachother for 3 yrs. I couldnt ask for a better match.
oops, i meant "head over heels" lol. smile
* We have been together for about 2 to 2.5 yrs
Has it really been that long?!?! WOW! Congrats guys!
Was that Leo close to the Virgo border? I happen to have a TON of leo friends, all of whom are very genuine and honest albeit they sometimes lack a sense of humour. The Virgos in my life tend to be more dishonest. The Virgo guy I was madly in love with and almost married ... yeeesh ... books can be written. lol! Let's just say thank God for unanswered prayers!
yea, its been about 2.5 yrs. Time flies huh!
No my leo ex was smack dab in the middle of leo, aug 12th, but he does have 3 placements in virgo, his moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Plus his 11th house is in Virgo. I never really looked at that before. HUH!? maybe thats it? I do know a leo or two that is pretty honest as well. But I also know 2 or 3 that are compulsive liars. Anyway, I think looking at the whole chart gives you a much better picture of a person. Only looking at the Sun sign is very vague.
****I like libra women but i think i know what is breaking up a lot of leo/libra couples . When the libra has heavy scorpio infulences i noticed a lot of the leos tend to really dislike them and when leos have cancer placements it seems the same way . Makes sense since scorpio squares leo astrologically and libra forms a square against cancer .*****
HMMM THATS FUNNY! Leo didnt dislike me and I have a strong scorp influence! He begged and pleaded for me to stay. He pulled out his gun and threatened to kill himself, or rather asked me to "just kill him cause it would hurt less" It was a pathetic display of desperation for me to stay with him. I laughed at him and told him to kill himself if he was gonna do it and then I left. Cold, Heartless, I know but I cant deal with that kind of emotion, DONT SAY WHAT YOU DONT MEAN. if you know what i mean... lol.
Well he ended up with his rather fat bitchy ex crush from highschool. lol, so in the end he might as well have shot himself. I guess he settled since he probably figured he couldnt ever have a hot libra like myself stay by his side. smile He has some major insecurity issues, which is probably why He does the things he does. The one awesome girl he had, (ME!), he could get he couldnt keep and that probably crushed him even more.
Really though, I wish him the best and I hope he gets better. I did care for him up until I couldnt possibly care for him anymore. I am the most caring person in the world till I realize someone is screwing me over.
Theres a difference between arrogance and THE TRUTH! LOL I am not proud of my Leo moon, I work hard everyday to overcome it. Winking
f a chick is walking out on me i would ask her for her friends number before she left
spoken like a true Leo!
Angel - that guy sounds like a headcase. Glad you aren't around him anymore.
I have a leo moon. It usually comes out when I drink, usually to the amusement of all. smile

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