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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Honestly it depends on what the two of you broke up for and how it went which will determine the Libra??s attitude towards you. They love peace and harmony and are all about fairness, this goes even when they break up with you. If the dogs are equally yours as well as his, I don??t see him being a butthead about it. He will let you see them. Just ask. As far as his attitude towards you in general it didn??t sound like a nasty breakup, he might??ve just outgrown the relationship, or felt too comfortable and needed a change. Some men want to see what life is like without the woman they??ve been with for years, to see if life is better or worse, or even the same. If it??s worse they will come back and then it??s your choice to forgive him for leaving in the first place.
You have every right to be cautious of him, you??d be wise not to wear your heart on your sleeve anyway.. I??m not a male Libra, but when I leave nine times out of ten I??ve weighed out all my options and have pretty much gave it my all, and I??m ready to leave. I don??t take breaks in relationships. If I made you my boyfriend, then I picked you above all my others. (That sounds bad) but I??m very sociable by nature and a lot of guys one that number one spot, I??m often looking for the one that makes me forget the others even exist. If he can do that, then he can be my man. If I dump you, it??s over for good. Hope this helps.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
To me it sounds like he is wanting to see what else is out there.
Also I looked at your age you're only 23 years old (if that's correct). So to me you guys started dating at 18? That's REALLY young. He's an air sign and ill be honest (I am also air with libra placements) we don't like being tied down very much. Not to say we can't be committal we can we just don't want to be reminded about it constantly.
Libra/Aqua/Gemini's we don't like smothering or overly emotional types. Don't hound us with the clinging and the L word every single minute either. I get REALLY turned off by that. I have a Leo right now with a Cancer moon and water placements who is smothering the shit out of me and he is now friend zoned because of it.
Scorpios sometimes are too much for the unevolved air types. He's young too I am guessing? Maybe around the same age? 23 isn't an age to really get serious, talk about marriage and kids. Probably wants to date others and see what else is out there before he gets super serious with you.
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Jun 18, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 265 · Topics: 19
Sounds to me like a Libra who was pretty upset about something. I won't say it was you, but anytime I got like that it was because I was upset about something. Usually, it's the person I'm seeing or trying to see, but things happen in life as well. If I were to guess, he lost his balance and is trying to get it back. I'd suggest going no contact for awhile because if he's trying to sort things out a daily reminder won't be helpful.
Honestly, what you need to ask yourself is this worth trying to save? Throwing five years away with a "our paths will meet again" doesn't make a lot of sense to be. We're logical and that is anything, but logic. That's why I tend to think he is very unbalanced (in the Libra sense, not mentally).
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Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
His mid life crisis started early
Xin: he's actually 26. He was 21 when I met him and we were friends for a year before we started on a romantic level.
The grinch: I've been doing nc for a good while. When we were talking about us. He said he lost a lot of motivation for things that he lived to do(which I didn't stop him from doing) I think he's trying to find his balance just like you said.
Geminidude: I'm thinking so too.
I've been in this situation a few times. A long and seemingly great relationship and *poof* I can cut ties in an instant
Truth is, I will hang onto something for a while even if I'm unhappy. So if I were to hazard a guess, he would have been prepping for this for at least 6mths if not longer
And I won't break it off with a partner completely (Like n/c) until I have found 1 or 2 eligible suitors
Its a gross thing but once someone else has caught my attention there are no feelings left for a pervious lover at all
If you were to ask mutual friends of yours he most likely has someone in the wings he's cultivating a relationship with. And I've never even considered getting back with an ex
Move on're too good to be mooning over a fickle Libra (and this coming from one)