Have been reading about Libra man and I need help to understand him. I am A Capricorn woman in undefined relationship with Libra man. When I met him, I was not impressed too much, but started dating him bc it seems to be a good balance between us and I liked how I felt with him. He seemed to be in love and romantic and the relationship progressed slowly. That was new for me , but I was more than fine. H didn't show too much emotions, was kinda cool guy which I think we were the perfect much- I am an emotional one and we were balanced. As soon as we get very close and had sex- he became very distant. He said he went to a business trip for a week, but didn't call me, didn't text me. After 5 days of silence I called him and ask what is going on. I didn't nag, was nice and kept it light. He said he is still in love, but very busy. He still wanted to continue and when he comes he will call me. The day he came- no calls, no texts. In a couple of days I send him a message offering to go to a movie. He was nice , but said he is busy" let's do it next week. Well, I felt like I have to drag him to me and decided the guy is not into me and stop contacting him. Guess what? He got upset - he told my friend. I tried to send him a few messages- ignorance... I felt guilty decided I was not fair toward him maybe and he needed time to deal with his emotions.(?) Any way, after 5 months we got together again. This time he was impatient, showed his passion and told me all would be like I want and ... see the story the story above ;-(( Silence and ignorance again. This time I was really pissed by his actions and let him know about it. Currently he is ignoring me completely... Can you , Libras, explain me is a typical behavior and I need to have more patience? Am I too much for him to handle? Maybe I am impatient?
I feel soooo confused about him as never in my life. I would appreciate any advice.Thanks.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
He's not into you and stringing you along.
If he was into you, he wouldn't suddenly be so "busy."
He's full of shit.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Also, "ignorance?"
...sounds strangely familiar like another user who came here using the same terminology incorrectly.
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Aug 26, 2015Comments: 7 · Posts: 1428 · Topics: 44
We just need space when he was ignoring you he was balancing his scales, and if you gave him the space he craved he may have returned to you. We need an enormous amount of space! I just took 30 days of space from my Capricorn of 8 years. You know what makes me return to him? He gives me plenty of space. If I tell him I will call him when I get to town he won't push himself on me. Space for an air sign is vital for the permanence and longevity of the relationship. My Capricorn has a really full life and when I am unavailable he simply occupies himself until the wind blows me back in his direction. I always always come back! Always come back! But your Libra's disappearance act after sex was cruel and very inconsiderate. When you have sex with a man with whom you are not committed you run the risk of getting hurt.
For me - ignorance is lack of information from his side. IDK if I used it right, but it is how I feel.. Sorry if I offended the prefect English speakers...
Thanks for the support and replies. I will give him space, but I doubt now if we will be the perfect match. At some point in the life you come to the conclusion that your own inner peace is more important. I have to admit difference in the needs of intimacy is a huge problem. Someone has to sacrifice. Even though I have good social life and engaged in some activities such as painting, dancing, and have a bunch of friends- I still would like to share it with my significant one. Now I am having a lot of concerns if I am going to be happy in such situation. Maybe the best thins if to let him go. ;-((
and the question for Shrewdsharp: why do you need a space from your loved one? What do you feel when you sense the urge to retreat? What is the thought process? I have never felt I need a space and it is hard to comprehend for me.Don't you think you can lose your BF if it takes long time? Or it doesn't matter? I am just trying to understand....