Libra man driving Aquarius woman crazy

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Danistylee26 on Monday, October 28, 2024 and has 43 replies.
I have been with this libra for a year and although I have seemed to grow care and love for this person, I will admit it hasn’t been a peaceful relationship. Considering we both come from wounded pain, I do get that two healing partners tg can be rocky. We live together and lately it has been so bad that me (29 f) seems to be feeling anxious and sick due to my bfs (30 M) lack of affection and love. I have felt resentment from him for the past 2 months due to me losing my job (that I hated, it was a fast food job that I just took to have)

He works and has told me if it wasn’t for bills I wouldn’t have to (even tho I would because I like to work). So resentment comes from us having bills and can’t catch up. No vacations barely any fun dates , etc I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.

This resentment has caused him to ask me for help at His job (truck delivery co for restaurants) for free. Now it’s all work no play (dates , affection etc)

Lately when he has been upsetting me I don’t cook , barely clean, don’t show any affection to him either. Seems to be a tit for tat at this point. He shows no love why should i do anything for him. Me not cooking resorts to him ordering takeout (more $ $ spent) I usually spend on groceries since I cook.

It’s starting to get to the point where I feel myself becoming depressed. He tells me he wants out but yet never leaves, he still kisses me yes but only when I’m SUPER upset, he does hug me yes but when. I’m upset. It’s not just a regular oh good morning “hug” no one of this… I’m becoming confused, and hurt.

I am a beautiful woman. I know he has not had a woman like me before. He knows he is treating me bad.

I don’t want to leave I want him to go if he does. I just don’t want to give up on something that is so easily fixable. any advice on what todo. I feel like I need to work on myself .. idk . I’m just so tired of feeling unappreciated. And like a failure. I believe this is all because I don’t work, cook, clean on the regular. Does he even know what love is? I do not think so. Am I supposed to teach him? Idk
Posted by Stardustmopped
Hard to tell what the real issue is.
How do you lose a fast food job?
Oh that job was awful brand new Culver’s , hired randoms w no food experience. I was just over worked and underpaid. Kept asking for raises, had the most experience in that restaurant. People I was training was getting moved up before me.. I kept calling out maybe 4 times then they finally let me go
Have you tried talking to him about what's bothering you?

If he won't change, there is no point in staying in a relationship that makes you depressed
Posted by Moon4
Have you tried talking to him about what's bothering you?
If he won't change, there is no point in staying in a relationship that makes you depressed
I have, and I believe I kinda know what’s going on.. maybe because we aren’t where we need to be (money and career wise) it makes us struggle.

I blame myself but I can’t just go full on blaming myself
What do you say when he says he wants out of the relationship?

You should just lay it all out and tell him to quit fucking around,if he wants to leave then leave, but if he chooses to stay then act like he wants to
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Posted by Dani style e26
I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.
what do you mean by that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Yeah it's not easily fixable as OP says. There is a huge underlying issue being covered up by work and finance. Cause poor people can still love each other. Long distance can still love each other. But if you don't got love when you're around each other most of the day, then idk where you're gonna find it.
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Well that’s the thing if he left it would actually be more convenient for him because he would move back in w his sister and pay less in rent like wayyy less. U mention working as team. That’s the thing, we do work together literally. He owns his own business like I mentioned so I’m always helping him and w my gig work he helps me too. We definitely make $ $ together but it’s like all we do we don’t go out any more, have movie nights ..

which is why I’m so confused because it’s not like he HATES being around me…

and I usually respond w ok so leave.. and his whole dynamic changes after that..

almost as if him threatening to leave is his way of trying to get me to change.

Because he still craves my attention he’s always telling me stories through out his day .. do u see why I’m so confused ! It’s like me not doing the cooking cleaning working something productive is turning him off.. that’s so wrong
Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by Dani style e26
I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.

what do you mean by that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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lol 😂 I’m just saying yes I got fired from my job, but I’m an online content creator so I rack in enough to pay my portion of the rent since we go 60/40 on rent
Posted by Bumboklaat
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Yeah it's not easily fixable as OP says. There is a huge underlying issue being covered up by work and finance. Cause poor people can still love each other. Long distance can still love each other. But if you don't got love when you're around each other most of the day, then idk where you're gonna find it.
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You know, my mom said the same. And see me I’m from South America. I grew up poor moved to the states . He did not grow up poor at all what so ever. This is his 2nd time being on his own having to pay rent , he then moved and went to live w his sister for about 4-5 months before that lived w his aunt and before that was in college! Other times he was living with roommates and splitting rent/bills! he isn’t making as much as he did 3 years ago. Like I mentioned to another person, we definitely have laughs, he calls me updates me on his day. It’s like we are friends dating yes but the love is missing due to life challenges.. it’s like he is upset w himself and take it out on me..

he gets super upset in his birthday.. almost as if he is disappointed in himself another year older and still not rich
Posted by Generositaa910
It's tough these days to pay the rent and the bills, do you guys have a plan, things you wanna do for the future?
If you're barely making money for rent and the necessary bills, going out on dates can be impossible imo,
Have you tried cheaper dates? Like going hiking together or just going to the park sit and have fun, no stressful talk about work, just enjoying the sunshine
I haven’t tried, u know I have been stubborn about it all, like oh he doesn’t show me love then fine I won’t either. I keep reading online how women shouldnt try to “fix” a relationship. So I’m stuck! I do look at our age as a big factor.. like maybe I shouldn’t EXPECT him to be this overall Prince Charming like plan dates etc. he says he would like for me to plan things. But my head is like isn’t that a man’s job? I’m kinda lost in this relationship on what to do how to be a good gf honestly ! This is kinda new to me

Yes we talk about future and that’s when he starts to get rude saying he doesn’t see me making a lot of progress.. I’m new to this city I’m in. Just moved from NYC, been here about a year where I’m at and it’s very country to me .. maybe that has held me back from doing things I love (cooking). Just not putting myself out there to do more.
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Moon4
Have you tried talking to him about what's bothering you?
If he won't change, there is no point in staying in a relationship that makes you depressed

I have, and I believe I kinda know what’s going on.. maybe because we aren’t where we need to be (money and career wise) it makes us struggle.
I blame myself but I can’t just go full on blaming myself
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Stress just causes pressure, not the cracks you guys are feeling in your relationship.

As for your internal struggle,

your dislike of yourself and actions is causing a feedback loop with yourself. Just like what is happening with your relationship.

Reading you post. You see this too ya?

The trick is to accept what has happened. Which is you are already in a depression spell. I imagine you want him to pull you out. But he is stressed too.... with him or someone else, or alone, You have to focus more on yourself with this issue. IT IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT to learn how to show yourself some love and tlc to not be OVERLY relient on your partner to self regulate your emotional and mental welbeing. Are you able to do this? Find ways to do this that works for you or both.

It does like you are already slipped into depression. The thing depression does is dull your being where you can't get as much from normal everyday things. You stopped doing house stuff which is important to one of you both of you. Now your mad at yourself which feeds the depression. Tit for tat causes more strife which feeds the depression. More

It's one of the reasons you want a vacation. It breaks the pattern. Always working or worried about money is not good for either of you. Like someone mentioned before poor people can be happy. Where is your down time or play time?

Second part. Solutions.

This situation aside, I'm assuming you guys love each other and serious about each other?

do your part to support your life. Cook clean which saves money, which is the same as making money! Lol you know this!

and he does his part for you guys life too!

This is the stage of serious long term relationships. The test, when things get rough, can you guys pull together and work together and support each other to get through the tough times🙂

See where you can downsize expenses.

Budget a vacation like experince. Even if slowly the fact it is actively working towards will help.

It does like you both need to work on supporting each other with encouragement. When is the last time you guys lauged and joked around together?

Dobyou know each others love language?

Do you know each others green buttons, positive triggers, what helps the other feel relaxed, tirned on, happy place, favorite things etc?

🤔 what is his love language?

How he likes to receive love and tlc.

How does he give love and tlc?

How do you like to receive love and care.

Hoe do you show/give love and care?

Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Moon4
Have you tried talking to him about what's bothering you?
If he won't change, there is no point in staying in a relationship that makes you depressed

I have, and I believe I kinda know what’s going on.. maybe because we aren’t where we need to be (money and career wise) it makes us struggle.
I blame myself but I can’t just go full on blaming myself
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Stress just causes pressure, not the cracks you guys are feeling in your relationship.

As for your internal struggle,
your dislike of yourself and actions is causing a feedback loop with yourself. Just like what is happening with your relationship.
Reading you post. You see this too ya?
The trick is to accept what has happened. Which is you are already in a depression spell. I imagine you want him to pull you out. But he is stressed too....
The thing depression does is dull your being where you can't get as much from normal everyday things. You stopped doing house stuff which is important to one of you both of you. Now your mad at yourself which feeds the depression. Tit for tat causes more strife which feeds the depression. More
It's one of the reasons you want a vacation. It breaks the pattern. Always working or worried about money even when your not.
Second part. Solutions.
This situation aside, I'm assuming you guys love each other and serious about each other?
do your part to support your life. Cook clean which saves money, which is the same as making money! Lol you know this!
and he does his part for you guys life too!
This is the stage of serious long term relationships. The test, when things get rough, can you guys pull together and work together and support each other to get through the tough times🙂
See where you can downsize expenses.
Budget a vacation like experince. Even if slowly the fact it is actively working towards will help.
It does like you both need to work on supporting each other with encouragement. When is the last time you guys lauged and joked around together?
Dobyou know each others love language?
Do you know each others green buttons, positive triggers, what helps the other feel relaxed, tirned on, happy place, favorite things etc?
🤔 what is his love language?
How he likes to receive love and tlc.
How does he give love and tlc?
How do you like to receive love and care.
Hoe do you show/give love and care?

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Thanks so much for that message ! Everything you said was right…

Last time we laughed together I believe was probably last week. Is it bad to say that my actions towards him could be making him act the way he does? Is it bad to say me as a woman has to point the finger at herself and say well what do YOU do to make him act this way? If it’s bad then consider me to have a huge heart and self aware for others feelings.

Does it start with the woman and the man follows ?

His love language is simple it’s acts of doing, to me I feel like it’s being his mom..but I guess that’s what he likes .

I feel like this all starts with me. Is that bad? Shouldn’t it be him as well? But I do make things tougher when he tits and I tat.. I want to be better ! But I’m so afraid of being taken advantage of !! As I’m texting u now I see that that’s getting in my way of being the best gf I could be
Not sure if it’s a Libra thing or not, but my Libra ex never showed me love or affection and never expressed his emotions. It was like being in a relationship with a robot. It wasn’t until he was about to lose me that he finally told me how much he loved me and couldn’t live without me. We eventually broke up over finances and other issues, but mostly finances. We are now friends and have found out we work much better as friends who don’t live with each other. Go figure? 🤷‍♀️
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Lostthoughts
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Moon4
Have you tried talking to him about what's bothering you?
If he won't change, there is no point in staying in a relationship that makes you depressed

I have, and I believe I kinda know what’s going on.. maybe because we aren’t where we need to be (money and career wise) it makes us struggle.
I blame myself but I can’t just go full on blaming myself
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Stress just causes pressure, not the cracks you guys are feeling in your relationship.

As for your internal struggle,
your dislike of yourself and actions is causing a feedback loop with yourself. Just like what is happening with your relationship.
Reading you post. You see this too ya?
The trick is to accept what has happened. Which is you are already in a depression spell. I imagine you want him to pull you out. But he is stressed too....
The thing depression does is dull your being where you can't get as much from normal everyday things. You stopped doing house stuff which is important to one of you both of you. Now your mad at yourself which feeds the depression. Tit for tat causes more strife which feeds the depression. More
It's one of the reasons you want a vacation. It breaks the pattern. Always working or worried about money even when your not.
Second part. Solutions.
This situation aside, I'm assuming you guys love each other and serious about each other?
do your part to support your life. Cook clean which saves money, which is the same as making money! Lol you know this!
and he does his part for you guys life too!
This is the stage of serious long term relationships. The test, when things get rough, can you guys pull together and work together and support each other to get through the tough times🙂
See where you can downsize expenses.
Budget a vacation like experince. Even if slowly the fact it is actively working towards will help.
It does like you both need to work on supporting each other with encouragement. When is the last time you guys lauged and joked around together?
Dobyou know each others love language?
Do you know each others green buttons, positive triggers, what helps the other feel relaxed, tirned on, happy place, favorite things etc?
🤔 what is his love language?
How he likes to receive love and tlc.
How does he give love and tlc?
How do you like to receive love and care.
Hoe do you show/give love and care?
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Thanks so much for that message ! Everything you said was right…
Last time we laughed together I believe was probably last week. Is it bad to say that my actions towards him could be making him act the way he does? Is it bad to say me as a woman has to point the finger at herself and say well what do YOU do to make him act this way? If it’s bad then consider me to have a huge heart and self aware for others feelings.
Does it start with the woman and the man follows ?
His love language is simple it’s acts of doing, to me I feel like it’s being his mom..but I guess that’s what he likes .
I feel like this all starts with me. Is that bad? Shouldn’t it be him as well? But I do make things tougher when he tits and I tat.. I want to be better ! But I’m so afraid of being taken advantage of !! As I’m texting u now I see that that’s getting in my way of being the best gf I could be
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No it's both sides, in tandem. Woman in general are just more inclined and better by nature, but it's not the rule. Depends on the individual and what works between for each in the relationship.

As for blame and feeling bad?

You feel someway because it matters to you.

So long as you don't put it ALL on your shoulders, your good. You are resonsible for how you handle and respond to things. It's great you want to do better. I was worried about you blaming or attacking yourself for things in hindsight. If you didn't know better, thats not productive. The improvement and learning mindset, you just responded with, is the way to go.

Again, yes you absolutely have a effect on him. We all have a effect on each other! Those with higher sensitivity are just more aware of it.

He is also responsible for how he handles and responds to things himself. Making changes yourself in how you respond, while helping him be aware of his when necessary is the way to go. In relationships, Communication and how you say things is really important.

I personally enjoy seeing and making others around me happy. Caring and being sensitive to others is great. It's really useful with relationships with others, and for them. Don't allow it to take over and control you, or you will be at the whims of others. It's a balancing act with caring for others while also yourself🙂

i'm sure you can work it out, to aqua women all libra men can do no wrong.
Posted by xyzabc
Not sure if it’s a Libra thing or not, but my Libra ex never showed me love or affection and never expressed his emotions. It was like being in a relationship with a robot. It wasn’t until he was about to lose me that he finally told me how much he loved me and couldn’t live without me. We eventually broke up over finances and other issues, but mostly finances. We are now friends and have found out we work much better as friends who don’t live with each other. Go figure? 🤷‍♀️
Yea my libra also does that it’s like when I stop talking or show signs that are off he is more hugging more affectionate, he jokes saying please don’t go love someone else:. Yes that has to be a libra thing !
Posted by DewiK1991
Posted by Dani style e26
I have been with this libra for a year and although I have seemed to grow care and love for this person, I will admit it hasn’t been a peaceful relationship. Considering we both come from wounded pain, I do get that two healing partners tg can be rocky. We live together and lately it has been so bad that me (29 f) seems to be feeling anxious and sick due to my bfs (30 M) lack of affection and love. I have felt resentment from him for the past 2 months due to me losing my job (that I hated, it was a fast food job that I just took to have)
He works and has told me if it wasn’t for bills I wouldn’t have to (even tho I would because I like to work). So resentment comes from us having bills and can’t catch up. No vacations barely any fun dates , etc I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.
This resentment has caused him to ask me for help at His job (truck delivery co for restaurants) for free. Now it’s all work no play (dates , affection etc)
Lately when he has been upsetting me I don’t cook , barely clean, don’t show any affection to him either. Seems to be a tit for tat at this point. He shows no love why should i do anything for him. Me not cooking resorts to him ordering takeout (more $ $ spent) I usually spend on groceries since I cook.
It’s starting to get to the point where I feel myself becoming depressed. He tells me he wants out but yet never leaves, he still kisses me yes but only when I’m SUPER upset, he does hug me yes but when. I’m upset. It’s not just a regular oh good morning “hug” no one of this… I’m becoming confused, and hurt.
I am a beautiful woman. I know he has not had a woman like me before. He knows he is treating me bad.
I don’t want to leave I want him to go if he does. I just don’t want to give up on something that is so easily fixable. any advice on what todo. I feel like I need to work on myself .. idk . I’m just so tired of feeling unappreciated. And like a failure. I believe this is all because I don’t work, cook, clean on the regular. Does he even know what love is? I do not think so. Am I supposed to teach him? Idk

I think you're both scared of leaving because of the situation you're in, but I also think things could get better if from both ends there would be understanding.
I used to work jobs that I didn't like they made me very unhappy. Before I met my current partner I would work a job that paid less and made me happy. Now being with him teached me to upgrade without sacrificing myself. We used to have fights not because he wanted me to work but before when I was alone he thought I'd barely ate so he said, I want you to be able to take care of yourself better he would push me to find other jobs but it would work the opposite way. I told him for me to be happy i need to do things at my own pace if he would like to advice me during interviews I wouldn't mind but I didn't want him to pressure me into burning myself out working a job that would make me not wanna get up in the morning.
It's probably the way you guys communicate with each other, both should not feel like a victim but instead try and understand each other.
Do you feel safe enough to express your feelings with him or do you feel like you need to proof yourself ? Does he feel like you are proud of him and you tell him that or do you come off cold. Are you guys open and transparent about your emotions or do you build them up until things blow up.
One of you has to be the wise person and start an open conversation without blame or resentment.
Because in situations like this you will both grow apart with time. Resentment comes from not feeling heard, understood, respected etc one of you might be the reactor while the other one is the suppressor.

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You’re right, yes I feel comfortable . I believe he feels comfortable but doesn’t feel loved due to me before doing things for him , (like a mom) and now since his behavior has changed , I have stopped….proving to him is the LAST thing I want. Coming off cold.. yes u definitely do that. I should tell him how proud I am more. I tend to NOT do the right thing when someone does something to me.. basically my reaction to things need much much work..

Is that what being the bigger person means? Letting someone hurt you .. maybe having a convo about it, and then moving on?

If so I can do that.. honeslty this is a lot of work who knew two people who can’t communicate well would need so much work.

When do u know this isn’t going to work..?when the laughs stop..?? Idk Sad
Posted by virgoOPPP
i'm sure you can work it out, to aqua women all libra men can do no wrong.
My mom is also a libra same birthday as my bf and I believe u meant to say to a libra a libra can do no wrong😂😂😂
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Well that’s the thing if he left it would actually be more convenient for him because he would move back in w his sister and pay less in rent like wayyy less. U mention working as team. That’s the thing, we do work together literally. He owns his own business like I mentioned so I’m always helping him and w my gig work he helps me too. We definitely make $ $ together but it’s like all we do we don’t go out any more, have movie nights ..
which is why I’m so confused because it’s not like he HATES being around me…
and I usually respond w ok so leave.. and his whole dynamic changes after that..
almost as if him threatening to leave is his way of trying to get me to change.
Because he still craves my attention he’s always telling me stories through out his day .. do u see why I’m so confused ! It’s like me not doing the cooking cleaning working something productive is turning him off.. that’s so wrong
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What is his moon sign? Staying together is convenient. It might be cheaper for him to move to his sister but there are other aspects that could benefit him staying with you. Not just material. It can also be afraid of being alone. Do you feel loved by him? Does he show you he loves you?

Posted by Bumboklaat
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Yeah it's not easily fixable as OP says. There is a huge underlying issue being covered up by work and finance. Cause poor people can still love each other. Long distance can still love each other. But if you don't got love when you're around each other most of the day, then idk where you're gonna find it.
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A lot of couples fight about finance. Struggling with money and making ends meet can create a huge burden on your relationship. You really need to love your partner and be on the same page I think.

Posted by DewiK1991
Posted by Dani style e26
I have been with this libra for a year and although I have seemed to grow care and love for this person, I will admit it hasn’t been a peaceful relationship. Considering we both come from wounded pain, I do get that two healing partners tg can be rocky. We live together and lately it has been so bad that me (29 f) seems to be feeling anxious and sick due to my bfs (30 M) lack of affection and love. I have felt resentment from him for the past 2 months due to me losing my job (that I hated, it was a fast food job that I just took to have)
He works and has told me if it wasn’t for bills I wouldn’t have to (even tho I would because I like to work). So resentment comes from us having bills and can’t catch up. No vacations barely any fun dates , etc I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.
This resentment has caused him to ask me for help at His job (truck delivery co for restaurants) for free. Now it’s all work no play (dates , affection etc)
Lately when he has been upsetting me I don’t cook , barely clean, don’t show any affection to him either. Seems to be a tit for tat at this point. He shows no love why should i do anything for him. Me not cooking resorts to him ordering takeout (more $ $ spent) I usually spend on groceries since I cook.
It’s starting to get to the point where I feel myself becoming depressed. He tells me he wants out but yet never leaves, he still kisses me yes but only when I’m SUPER upset, he does hug me yes but when. I’m upset. It’s not just a regular oh good morning “hug” no one of this… I’m becoming confused, and hurt.
I am a beautiful woman. I know he has not had a woman like me before. He knows he is treating me bad.
I don’t want to leave I want him to go if he does. I just don’t want to give up on something that is so easily fixable. any advice on what todo. I feel like I need to work on myself .. idk . I’m just so tired of feeling unappreciated. And like a failure. I believe this is all because I don’t work, cook, clean on the regular. Does he even know what love is? I do not think so. Am I supposed to teach him? Idk

And if he wants love from you he needs to create a space for you to feel loved that means give you flowers every now and then tell you how beautiful you are and create a setting to be able to be intimate together.
You don't want it to become a battle, like you're not doing this then I'm not doing this also.
Because you will lose that battle, and I don't say accept everything but sometimes as women when we're soft it will help a man to soften up again.
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I believe that’s exactly what I was doing and now I have lost that battle. I am trying to fix things and be the person he first met when I was different, but now he is continuing to say he isn’t happy and doesn’t want to be tg. I’m not going to just stop doing the things because he said that. I believe if he wants to leave he will go.

He doesn’t show much affection, he doesn’t try to make me feel better when I’m upset. I believe he listens very well so that’s a sign of love to me at least . But he hardly ever is romantic, it’s as if he doesn’t know how to show love

Posted by Timone
Posted by Bumboklaat
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Yeah it's not easily fixable as OP says. There is a huge underlying issue being covered up by work and finance. Cause poor people can still love each other. Long distance can still love each other. But if you don't got love when you're around each other most of the day, then idk where you're gonna find it.
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A lot of couples fight about finance. Struggling with money and making ends meet can create a huge burden on your relationship. You really need to love your partner and be on the same page I think.

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I agree , I will try that,because I really haven’t been on the same page.. I blame other peoples advice for that.. but if that doesn’t work I believe nothing will
Posted by Timone
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Well that’s the thing if he left it would actually be more convenient for him because he would move back in w his sister and pay less in rent like wayyy less. U mention working as team. That’s the thing, we do work together literally. He owns his own business like I mentioned so I’m always helping him and w my gig work he helps me too. We definitely make $ $ together but it’s like all we do we don’t go out any more, have movie nights ..
which is why I’m so confused because it’s not like he HATES being around me…
and I usually respond w ok so leave.. and his whole dynamic changes after that..
almost as if him threatening to leave is his way of trying to get me to change.
Because he still craves my attention he’s always telling me stories through out his day .. do u see why I’m so confused ! It’s like me not doing the cooking cleaning working something productive is turning him off.. that’s so wrong
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What is his moon sign? Staying together is convenient. It might be cheaper for him to move to his sister but there are other aspects that could benefit him staying with you. Not just material. It can also be afraid of being alone. Do you feel loved by him? Does he show you he loves you?

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His moon is Gemini and my moon is cancer

So I believe our charts are pretty compatible

Honestly I used to feel loved by him but once he started changing it went away.. if all you’re saying is the case, why express the fact that he is unhappy and he would be better off alone.. wouldn’t u just go and try to be alone?
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.
Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Timone
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by Timone
I feel when it reaches that point that you start to resent your partner and the love is gone the relationship is pretty much doomed. If you can't work together as a team then you're just staying together out of convenience. I guess maybe he doesn't want to leave because he can't afford the bills alone.

Well that’s the thing if he left it would actually be more convenient for him because he would move back in w his sister and pay less in rent like wayyy less. U mention working as team. That’s the thing, we do work together literally. He owns his own business like I mentioned so I’m always helping him and w my gig work he helps me too. We definitely make $ $ together but it’s like all we do we don’t go out any more, have movie nights ..
which is why I’m so confused because it’s not like he HATES being around me…
and I usually respond w ok so leave.. and his whole dynamic changes after that..
almost as if him threatening to leave is his way of trying to get me to change.
Because he still craves my attention he’s always telling me stories through out his day .. do u see why I’m so confused ! It’s like me not doing the cooking cleaning working something productive is turning him off.. that’s so wrong
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What is his moon sign? Staying together is convenient. It might be cheaper for him to move to his sister but there are other aspects that could benefit him staying with you. Not just material. It can also be afraid of being alone. Do you feel loved by him? Does he show you he loves you?

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His moon is Gemini and my moon is cancer
So I believe our charts are pretty compatible
Honestly I used to feel loved by him but once he started changing it went away.. if all you’re saying is the case, why express the fact that he is unhappy and he would be better off alone.. wouldn’t u just go and try to be alone?
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Gemini moon and cancer moon are not typically compatible signs though.

Aquarius sun with cancer moon I think about Shakira. She gives off warm energy. And Libra sun and gemini moon...well you get Putin. 😂

Gemini moons show love differently than maybe what a cancer moon needs. They're not that emotionally expressive and they don't like partners that demand too much from them emotionally.

You have to keep up with their banter and be a good listener when they overanalyze and overthink things. Their thoughts move in a super fast pace. I've never met a Gemini moon that doesn't have a quick mind. Very witty.

Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
Posted by Dani style e26
Posted by DewiK1991
Posted by Dani style e26
I have been with this libra for a year and although I have seemed to grow care and love for this person, I will admit it hasn’t been a peaceful relationship. Considering we both come from wounded pain, I do get that two healing partners tg can be rocky. We live together and lately it has been so bad that me (29 f) seems to be feeling anxious and sick due to my bfs (30 M) lack of affection and love. I have felt resentment from him for the past 2 months due to me losing my job (that I hated, it was a fast food job that I just took to have)
He works and has told me if it wasn’t for bills I wouldn’t have to (even tho I would because I like to work). So resentment comes from us having bills and can’t catch up. No vacations barely any fun dates , etc I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.
This resentment has caused him to ask me for help at His job (truck delivery co for restaurants) for free. Now it’s all work no play (dates , affection etc)
Lately when he has been upsetting me I don’t cook , barely clean, don’t show any affection to him either. Seems to be a tit for tat at this point. He shows no love why should i do anything for him. Me not cooking resorts to him ordering takeout (more $ $ spent) I usually spend on groceries since I cook.
It’s starting to get to the point where I feel myself becoming depressed. He tells me he wants out but yet never leaves, he still kisses me yes but only when I’m SUPER upset, he does hug me yes but when. I’m upset. It’s not just a regular oh good morning “hug” no one of this… I’m becoming confused, and hurt.
I am a beautiful woman. I know he has not had a woman like me before. He knows he is treating me bad.
I don’t want to leave I want him to go if he does. I just don’t want to give up on something that is so easily fixable. any advice on what todo. I feel like I need to work on myself .. idk . I’m just so tired of feeling unappreciated. And like a failure. I believe this is all because I don’t work, cook, clean on the regular. Does he even know what love is? I do not think so. Am I supposed to teach him? Idk

And if he wants love from you he needs to create a space for you to feel loved that means give you flowers every now and then tell you how beautiful you are and create a setting to be able to be intimate together.
You don't want it to become a battle, like you're not doing this then I'm not doing this also.
Because you will lose that battle, and I don't say accept everything but sometimes as women when we're soft it will help a man to soften up again.
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I believe that’s exactly what I was doing and now I have lost that battle. I am trying to fix things and be the person he first met when I was different, but now he is continuing to say he isn’t happy and doesn’t want to be tg. I’m not going to just stop doing the things because he said that. I believe if he wants to leave he will go.
He doesn’t show much affection, he doesn’t try to make me feel better when I’m upset. I believe he listens very well so that’s a sign of love to me at least . But he hardly ever is romantic, it’s as if he doesn’t know how to show love

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You need to end it with him and focus on getting yourself together. Libra guys…. the huge misconception is they’re romantic and all just because they’re venusian. I’ve known way too many Libras in my life to know that both the men and women are actually more awkward at it. They’re terrible at emotionally expressing themselves. Those that aren’t usually have significant water placements that help. A Gemini moon definitely doesn’t help. There’s nothing that seems worth further wasting your time on him.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
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You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
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You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
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You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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No need to be upset I get it, you want to get your point across. Now you can go and do your Aquarius woman thing but getting knocked up to have your 5th baby.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
click to expand

Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
click to expand

You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.

Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
click to expand

Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
click to expand

You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.

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I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal Big Grin I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
click to expand

You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
click to expand

We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.
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I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
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This is precisely why I don’t like Libra men and take them seriously. You guys have no stance on anything and complete sellouts. Look at you back pedalling on what you previously said, waffling over things, vacillating on what to say/do. #clowns
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
click to expand

Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
click to expand

You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
click to expand

We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
click to expand

Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.
click to expand

I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
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This is precisely why I don’t like Libra men and take them seriously. You guys have no stance on anything and complete sellouts. Look at you back pedalling on what you previously said, waffling over things, vacillating on what to say/do. #clowns
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Back pedal on what? I did not back pedal at all. The whole point is I'm just here on this to have fun. Big Grin
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
click to expand

Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
click to expand

You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
click to expand

We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.
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I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
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This is precisely why I don’t like Libra men and take them seriously. You guys have no stance on anything and complete sellouts. Look at you back pedalling on what you previously said, waffling over things, vacillating on what to say/do. #clowns
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You're simply upset because I played with your emotions behind a keyboard. Well, you're the one that took me seriously just by the way you were typing. Don't retract and say you didn't because then you would be look like an absolute hypocrit like the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Have a nice day Big Grin
Posted by Dani style e26
I have been with this libra for a year and although I have seemed to grow care and love for this person, I will admit it hasn’t been a peaceful relationship. Considering we both come from wounded pain, I do get that two healing partners tg can be rocky. We live together and lately it has been so bad that me (29 f) seems to be feeling anxious and sick due to my bfs (30 M) lack of affection and love. I have felt resentment from him for the past 2 months due to me losing my job (that I hated, it was a fast food job that I just took to have)
He works and has told me if it wasn’t for bills I wouldn’t have to (even tho I would because I like to work). So resentment comes from us having bills and can’t catch up. No vacations barely any fun dates , etc I’m still able to pay my part of the half due to gig work.
This resentment has caused him to ask me for help at His job (truck delivery co for restaurants) for free. Now it’s all work no play (dates , affection etc)
Lately when he has been upsetting me I don’t cook , barely clean, don’t show any affection to him either. Seems to be a tit for tat at this point. He shows no love why should i do anything for him. Me not cooking resorts to him ordering takeout (more $ $ spent) I usually spend on groceries since I cook.
It’s starting to get to the point where I feel myself becoming depressed. He tells me he wants out but yet never leaves, he still kisses me yes but only when I’m SUPER upset, he does hug me yes but when. I’m upset. It’s not just a regular oh good morning “hug” no one of this… I’m becoming confused, and hurt.
I am a beautiful woman. I know he has not had a woman like me before. He knows he is treating me bad.
I don’t want to leave I want him to go if he does. I just don’t want to give up on something that is so easily fixable. any advice on what todo. I feel like I need to work on myself .. idk . I’m just so tired of feeling unappreciated. And like a failure. I believe this is all because I don’t work, cook, clean on the regular. Does he even know what love is? I do not think so. Am I supposed to teach him? Idk
Have you ever asked him a bout his past? There might be some hints as to what is going on with him. Also, how were his parents like.
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
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You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.
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I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
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This is precisely why I don’t like Libra men and take them seriously. You guys have no stance on anything and complete sellouts. Look at you back pedalling on what you previously said, waffling over things, vacillating on what to say/do. #clowns
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Back pedal on what? I did not back pedal at all. The whole point is I'm just here on this to have fun.
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So you’re a troll? Thanks for stating the obvious.
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Posted by aquarius09
Posted by VenusStellium7
Gonna be honest. The Aquarius woman is not on the Libra man's level unless she's physically attractive. I will tell you this, I have never seen an Aquarius woman on my level.

Yeah, because you’re a fool. Aqua women need looks and brains (this includes hard work). Libras have nothing past looks and that’s why they seek beauty. This is coming from a woman who has attracted plenty of Libra men and all were rejected because their heads were hollow. Damn shame because I like their looks and style . I also noticed they are very misogynistic like weak men usually are. Stick to Cancers and Pisces
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Your opinion is more than welcome, but expect for me to clap back. If a Libra man is with you and you look average, he will most likely have other options behind your back. Sorry to break it to you sweet heart. Aquarius women are not known for their looks, too many of them are average looking. Where the Aquarius woman's stock is at is networking with people and building connections. That's about it. The rest will be up to what those particular Libra men see in you.
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You’re a typical delusional Libra who thinks looks have something to do with astrology. Its genetics. Ex. Shakira, Amal Clooney, Jennifer Aniston etc but you got unattractive ones too. I can see your copium is that you think you’re attractive by virtue of being a libra whereas you’re probably not and hence why an Aqua woman never gave you time a day because like I said before we like conventional good looks plus personality, which Libras don’t have. They just imitate the person in front of them. Libras also are very desperate of partnership and hence they latch onto whoever gives them time a day. You can’t even deny that.
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We're not desperate for partnership. We make the best partners though because it is what we specialize in. As far as Aquarius women, I don't dislike them, I just don't find them physically attractive. There were 3 Aquarius women that were desperate for me. I don't need to prove that to you, it is my life experience. I have never been desperate for any woman in my life. It has been them, not me. But I don't consider you on my level either. I'm sure you're just average like the rest. Look, there's no need to be upset, maybe in another lifetime in another body (hopefully in a hot girl's body) you might have a chance. But not in your current state. Sorry. Your opinion of me is completely irrelevant. But you can keep commenting.
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Just LOL! Any guy that has to say they’re hot has always been ugly. Not even average but below. Nice try. Not buying what you’re selling. I’m certain no Aqua woman has given you time a day.
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I don't have to prove it to you, the 400+ women I've rejected have. And the majority of them I guarentee are more attractive than you. Don't take it personal I'm just bustin your chops. Just to make you feel great about being a proud Aquarius, I just took a good look at Gina Valentina who's actually a goodlooking Aquarius girl. She's a beautiful Brazilian woman. I don't put stock on a girl's looks based on her Sun sign, there is something to a woman's sun sign with the physical appearance, but ultimately the Moon, Ascendant, Venus and Mars is what makes the physical appearence with Genitics being a big part of it as well.
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This is precisely why I don’t like Libra men and take them seriously. You guys have no stance on anything and complete sellouts. Look at you back pedalling on what you previously said, waffling over things, vacillating on what to say/do. #clowns
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Back pedal on what? I did not back pedal at all. The whole point is I'm just here on this to have fun.
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So you’re a troll? Thanks for stating the obvious.
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Not always, I left the thread starter on this post with some good post.

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