Libra Man with Virgo Woman?

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Unregistered on Friday, December 7, 2001 and has 7 replies.
Libras can't make up their minds about anything and that aggravates critical Virgos who know their own minds.
Actually, Librans CAN make quick decisions, just like most people of all signs, however, I think it tends to be the really big, consequencial (sp?) ones that we apprehend on. The ones that will chnage our present welfare, well-being, life situattion, etc, etc. I have freinds that are Virgos and we are JUST friends. A Virgo and Libra as lovers is NOT ideal. Believe me. You're ideal as friends only. As business partners it might work too--just not as lovers. By the way, and I say this respectively, but Virgos can be a bit to picky about, well, A LOT of things. Sometimes, you just gotta take what's there in front of you. :-)
Sorry about my spelling and typos. I normally type better.
You must be reeeeally tired from your new job, hey Sloane. Just enjoying still, eh. LOL
Have a good one,
Hi MT Moonshine,
The job is going wonderful! The people I work with are really nice and very professional.
I like to check out Duncan Expose every once in a while. I guess it's one of the few places
where I can truly voice my thoughts and get feedback-the positive kind that is! :-)
Jada Pinkett and Will Smith - Virgo & Libra.(Perfect Example)
Good Luck!