Okay, first of all I miss-posted this in the Taurus group because that's what he told me that he thought he was. Turns out that he was just guess.
I'm going to go into a lot less detail here mostly because it's probably not necessary.
Long story short, I met my Libra nearly 7 months ago for one weekend. Just as friends. Had a crush yes, but didn't act on it. After that weekend I didn't see him or speak with him again until a couple of days ago. It didn't take him more then half an hour to tell me that he loved me. Had from the moment he'd set eyes on me. Passionately.
As a Scorpio I was bit overwhelmed by all this and immediately suspicious. This is my first encounter with a Libra so I set out with the research. I've been reading but now I want to query the minds of you fine folk. My query is two-fold.
Firstly, is this normal behavior for Libra men?
Can I trust that he means what he says?
And can I expect him to go into a cold reevaluating period and/or drop me like a lump of coal once if I fall for him?
Thank you all in advance.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Tiz, what are those reasons?
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Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Whats 'fair' & 'right'? I dont get it because personally if i like someone I dont see the point in thinking about being fair or right. That to me = no real feelings in the 1st place. I mean, whats there to really think about? Either you love or you dont.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
I get you all's nature but again, its infuriating to know that somebody needs time to 'think' about something so automatic as 'love feelings' or what to do with them. Its like its fake if you need to think about it first. I get it thou. So, how do you reach the 'right' & 'fair' conclusion about feelings? LOL, its ridiculous even in writting *smh*
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Why you need a push from others thou? Cant you just follow your own heart without cheers from bystanders? You all are lame tbh lol. Wow. Do your thing leebs, as weirdotastic as it is.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
I find it lol worthy that the sign that wants to do what's "fair or right" can't make a decision to save their lives. So who are they to figure out what's fair or right?? :p
Also to be the ones to figure what's fair and right, you're far too concerned with what others think, so how does that not produce biased and skewed decisions in the "fair and right" department. It seems as if it's not really going to be fair or right, right?
The universe was screwing with you guys when they made you the scales AND indecisive.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Leeeebra, what do you mean by that? Fix my sight lol
Thanks for the insight all.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Leeeebra, there are fine, very fine bits of truth in your little analysis, but the rest is bullshit. Lets see why... a)I never said anything about me following my heart. If I was I would have been with him ages ago.b)I dont remember 'bashing' him either. Yeah I said things about him & said things about myself too, so dont exaggarrate as if I come here badmouthing him alone...I say shit about myself too. c) I have no idea how I'm 'using him'. You'll have to pimp my eyesight on that one because I'm there for him as he is there for me too. Like I said here before, I'm the person he calls when he has issues cause he knows I listen to him & know how to comfort him etc. We know one another well. d) I take his calls because of 'c'. I'm a loyal person to an extent, you rub my back & I rub yours. I've gotten angry when he tries to pull me back to our relationship issues. e) It may not look like a 'normal' friendship to you, but its normal to us cause 'normal' is only normal to whoever sees it that way.
I may be blind, but at least clear my vision with facts
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
And to clear any mental fog..me & this guy dated in 2003 (I was 19 and him 24) and broke up in 2005, we were together a little over 2 years...NEVER DATED HIM AGAIN. We remained friends all these years until 2012 December where we tried to reconcile & ended up breaking up yet again. Now we are back to the friendship we always kept intact. Thats the story between me & him.
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I understand but, never had my head up my azz before, I always tell people with no brain or concept of thought to kiss my azz
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Takes a true person to make hamburger meat outta me, haven't found one yet, I'm my own person and I speak my mind, some libras need to do the same and stop trying to please everybody just to be liked
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Leeeebra, something is really irritating me about the tone of your post, but I'll let it pass cause I'm not in the mood to argue and write lengthy posts & address each an every point that makes me feel like somebody is inserting a finger up my ass. So, see it however you see it and I'll see it the way I wanna see it, K? I'm dropping this subject now cause I'm not in the mood for it & thanks for the bullshit you wrote...whatever you wanna call it.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Who said anything about moving on? Where to? LOL. Why, you dont wanna chat? That naughty mars energy you mentioned earlier is starting to rub off on me, so I'm sticking around cause I wanna get naughty too. So, what's up now?
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
Ha ha @ 'truth'. Ok. Exactly, what is it that I'm supposed to be grateful for from your 'fellow librans'? I find the 'ungrateful' part of your post very interesting.
Signed Up:
Sep 30, 2011Comments: 712 · Posts: 13125 · Topics: 157
You are pissed & this is your 'storm'!? You gotta be kidding me. Your fed mars bottle thingy better show me more than this cause I'm starting to yawn. I've seen storms LOL, to me your rendition of a storm is like the air from a chinese hand fan. Blow more air cause my own mars is starving here. LMAO