Posted by Scorpiogrl62
Firstly, is this normal behavior for Libra men?
Can I trust that he means what he says?
And can I expect him to go into a cold reevaluating period and/or drop me like a lump of coal once if I fall for him?click to expand
Posted by LeeeebraPosted by rockyroadicecream
The universe was screwing with you guys when they made you the scales AND indecisive.
You'd make a scale that permanently tilt to one side? I'd like to see that. oh come one, if you aim to laugh at Libras, at least at something that's actually funny not on your own to expand
Posted by Scorpiogrl62
Thanks for the insight all.
I just don't trust easily but this guy seems all but perfect (and I've come to understand that Libra is a charming sign). He's hitting checkmarks that I didn't even realize that I had. I guess the big problem is that I can easily see myself falling for him but I don't want to if he's fooling himself.
And the rest of the convo has been pretty fun to read as well.
Posted by Leeeebra
Scales are balanced when what you put on it don't change, let's say an apple, life would be so much easier if you are an apple, he is an apple, I am an apple, but are you? an apple? no, you are a human being, the input on the scale of life is forever changing, complicated and sophisticated. and a good scale balances even CHANGE, that's why the need to clear out noises and find that solitude. and don't be silly, everything that exist in the Cosmo is balanced, balance is life, sustainability, and continuity. Balance is forever. It's OK if you don't understand that energy, you are not born a Libra, but to not respect the UNKNOWN, is generally referred to as ignorance. and all that you see is a Libra can't chose between red or blue, orange or, we are all on a path of evolution, we evolve and grow, when a Libra matures, what's on his/her scale changes in depth. It's the path of life for us, you just don't understand it.
Posted by LIBRA1234
@Scorp "Long story short, I met my Libra nearly 7 months ago for one weekend. Just as friends. Had a crush yes, but didn't act on it. After that weekend I didn't see him or speak with him again until a couple of days ago. It didn't take him more then half an hour to tell me that he loved me. Had from the moment he'd set eyes on me. Passionately."
We call this kind of guy "the perfect moment guy" haha. The guy is feeling you at that moment. He seems amazing because he puts in that persona. After that moment is gone, he is GONE... Be careful with these kind of guys. They prey on victims when their dick goes up. It doesn't mean it will last. The fact he told you he loved you says what kind of immature prick he is. I am not talking out of my ass, I know these kind of guys - I witnessed this with my male causins and his friends - ohh lawd what kind of shit I saw! Good luck!
Posted by rockyroadicecreamPosted by Leeeebra
Scales are balanced when what you put on it don't change, let's say an apple, life would be so much easier if you are an apple, he is an apple, I am an apple, but are you? an apple? no, you are a human being, the input on the scale of life is forever changing, complicated and sophisticated. and a good scale balances even CHANGE, that's why the need to clear out noises and find that solitude. and don't be silly, everything that exist in the Cosmo is balanced, balance is life, sustainability, and continuity. Balance is forever. It's OK if you don't understand that energy, you are not born a Libra, but to not respect the UNKNOWN, is generally referred to as ignorance. and all that you see is a Libra can't chose between red or blue, orange or, we are all on a path of evolution, we evolve and grow, when a Libra matures, what's on his/her scale changes in depth. It's the path of life for us, you just don't understand it.
Cool story bro. If that's the lala land story you want to put behind how you handle the situation, fine. Whatever floats your boat. Unfortunately, how the rest of the world experiences and sees it from you guys? No.
And really, if my head was shoved that far up my ass, I'd be misunderstood to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithet
If they had no brain do you think it would register though?
Posted by LIBRA1234Posted by libra sun
Seems every post in here turns sour. Thought we Libras loved peace hahaha
We do? hmmm I like drama - but that is to be expected, I have too many leos in my chart, they overshadow my libra lol and yeah my mars is in scorp. If that's not dramatic enough I don't know what is? hahahclick to expand
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