Libra men - see my post on the Cancer board

This topic was created in the Libra forum by cancerlvzlibra! on Tuesday, June 14, 2005 and has 16 replies.
Can it work . . . Cancer women and a Libra man? I need your feedback most of all Libra men. I want to know how you guys think! Cancers are known to have psyhic abilities, but I can't read minds as much as I would love to be able to Winking
Aren't there any libra men on this board?? Or are you all trying to decide if or what to respond?
HI i never had a girfriend of cancer,but i have a very one close friend of mine who is a cancer girl.I think things can work,even if sometimes we have some quarrelings,but they always disappear after a short time.
I am a scorpio venus by the way.
Howewher,follow your feelings,"dominate" your stars,remember that the stars are only the cards that we have in our hand,but how to play them is our affair..
Well since I posted the first message I have talked to cancerlady and she came up with some good information on my and my libra man - that helps and explained alot about both of us! One quick question and I'm sure the response would differ from libra to libra but (from your experiences) do libras tend to be faithful lovers?
Whoa,there is a libra dude thought twineflame was the only libra who hung out here but shes a she.Yes they can be loyal,but he can explain the fairness thing and relationship stuff better.
Okay,a more defined libra by personality is always has a good reasoning and fair point of view towards relationships.So if he's a good one he won't go anywhere.Half the time it's the libra getting cheated on.They can be very loving.
Whoa! A libra male! AMAZING!
I think KennyG is a Libra male to though...I am not sure
I think shes a chick,I think she may have mentioned a husband.I could be wrong and getting confused though,it's very easy for me to get confused.
Heck, here's a libra male replying you. Well, I am libra personified, with Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Pluto in libra. Merc is in Virgo (Thank God!). So I guess I can say I am a typical libran - takes 2 centuries to decide if I want my eggs sunny side up... Well, I had a cancer gal once, initially the relationship was extremely rosy, lotsa letters, flowers, just blissful. But somewhere in the middle, things got a little complicated, perhaps I didn't quite express my emotions as well (yeah, that's it probably), especially negative ones... she started to be a little too needy. Which is alright by me, actually, cause I love her too. But the part that scared the crap out of my ass, was the part that she suggested she moves in with me and get married - and we were together for about 4 months.... to cut the long story short... we end the relationship amicably - during our 6th month I think... still on talking terms though but rather distant.I am not sure if all librans are like that, but my advise to cancers are don't rush things with a libran, just go with the flow and if things work out that's all the better - spontaneous marriage. Then again, I find it difficult to propose, even to my current gemini gal... the thought of FOREVER looms large in my head... don't know if the rest of libran are like that....Well, hope things work out for you and your libran guy. smile
oh yeah,forgot to mention that yeah you basiclly seem like the libras I know.Your still loyal though,is that correct?
Well for me loyality in a relationship is a key item,i am very romantic and i put all of myself in a relationship,but sometime i got scarred because of that.
Thanks for all your good advice. FYI - I have been seeing mr. libra for almost a year now (Aug04 to present) and it has definately been a slow one. I don't mind for the relationship to be slow, but i feel like i really don't know what he wants from me. I'm not sure if we are just "friends with benefits" or if we will ever be more than that, i'm being to shy to ask. I must admit i'm i fear his answer a little bit.
In the begining i expected things to move a little faster than I should have. When I asked him about it he said that he didn't want a girlfriend yet, and that we just needed to see what would happen. So at that point I took a huge step back and I'm just trying to let it go slow and accept what i have with him. I'm happy with most of the relationship other than the fact that i wish i knew if we were "together" or not.
I'm a cancer and so loyality is a huge issue for me, but i'm not unhappy so why should i make myself unhappy and worry about "if" we are together. UGGGhhh men are so frustrating.
Should I ask him were we stand now? I just don't want to push any unnecessary issues if they don't need to be pushed, ya know?
Just so you here is a little bit about Mr.Libra:
moon- gemini
mercury - scorpio
jupiter - leo
saturn- virgo
uranus - scorpio
neptune -sag
pluto - libra
node - virgo
but I don't know his rising sign - maybe this will help with any new infosmile

No just let it happen on it's own,one libra guy in particular,took eight years to propose to his girlfriend,now wife.He always told her he didn't want kids blah blah,now that he's a daddy he's one of the best dads ever.You may get an answer that could hurt even if it is a stretching of the truth or a lie or could chase him off.Then w/ the gemini in there he might get flighty to that even more.If you pursue it you could hurt yourself when it could've been avoided.One way to think of it is your cancer fear that he don't love you is like the same thing to him only he wants to run when it comes to it.Same fears but different ways of expressing it.
Well he sounds JUST like the Libra I was in love with so I would watch out for him.
I mean as far as the "I don't want a relationship now" If there is one thing Libra's like to do is communicate about feelings as long as you are rational and not emotional in your approach. He could be scared, he could be a player, he could want to be sure YOU are sure you want him. Be upfront and ask him, I say...
Don't make yourself seem too needy, but definitely ask him what is this leading to if anything, but also be careful because he might lie to you to spare your feelings. Libras are good for that and usually us Cancers hate it.
Good luck though, I hope it all works out!
hello all , ive been reading this and im a libra male and for a cancer and a libra working out i dont know i always end up with leos for some reason lol, and do libras cheat? hmm ive never cheated yet on a girlfriend if i ever even thought of it i would just end the relationship, i dont see the point its not like were married. To be married to a libra u better marry a saint or its possible of cheating (in my opinion)