Posted by 2MoonPosted by CurlyAries
I'm an Aries woman and I lowkey love Libras.
By that I mean, my attachment to them never hit me until recently when I answered a question on one of the threads.
From my experience, Aries women and Libra men get a long great.
Libras are very down to Earth, gentlemen usually, and try to understand you.
Great people.
hum yeah... but no thanks.
I don't like aries women. they are too manly, domineering, rude, loud and stupid. did I say manly? aries women are usually more hairy than a man. I know one aries girl that has like a beard-mustache. lol! they are more manly than real men. you know what i'm talking about. if you are an aries woman, you were a tomboy when you were young. (probability= 80% this is true ) other things I don't like: their stupid ego. their stupid need for attention and devotion is annoying. you already know what im talking bout.
( I mean... cmon! look at this pathetic name "ariessunGODDESS".... lmao! )
always wanting to be #1. bitch please, you can't always be right! and you are an aries, this makes you dumber than everyone when you were born. that means: 75% of the time you are wrong. lets talk about the sex? the sexual chemistry is boring with an aries woman. everything is too rushed and about sex. it's only sex. thats it.
im going to be kind and stop here. if you want more I got to expand
Posted by 2MoonPosted by CurlyAries
I'm an Aries woman and I lowkey love Libras.
By that I mean, my attachment to them never hit me until recently when I answered a question on one of the threads.
From my experience, Aries women and Libra men get a long great.
Libras are very down to Earth, gentlemen usually, and try to understand you.
Great people.
hum yeah... but no thanks.
I don't like aries women. they are too manly, domineering, rude, loud and stupid. did I say manly? aries women are usually more hairy than a man. I know one aries girl that has like a beard-mustache. lol! they are more manly than real men. you know what i'm talking about. if you are an aries woman, you were a tomboy when you were young. (probability= 80% this is true ) other things I don't like: their stupid ego. their stupid need for attention and devotion is annoying. you already know what im talking bout.
( I mean... cmon! look at this pathetic name "ariessunGODDESS".... lmao! )
always wanting to be #1. bitch please, you can't always be right! and you are an aries, this makes you dumber than everyone when you were born. that means: 75% of the time you are wrong. lets talk about the sex? the sexual chemistry is boring with an aries woman. everything is too rushed and about sex. it's only sex. thats it.
im going to be kind and stop here. if you want more I got to expand
Posted by 2Moon
you sound like a kid. I say 9 years old.. typical aries. they never grow up
FOH, you can keep your political beliefs and your "sport facts" for yourself! lmao
well, thank you for the good laugh.
you can go to the bathroom and shave your mustache now. it's sunday..
Posted by champrangerPosted by ariessungoddess
my friend who's an aries too wants to date this libra guy but we don't know his chart or year so help, is there a chance?
also just out of curiosity what sign do you think is your best match? who was your best date?
What's her chart like?click to expand
Posted by 2MoonPosted by rockyroadicecream
lol @ the silly 23 year old that has zero idea of what he really wants in a woman, let alone enough life experience to speak on the matter.
Finish your ice cream and go shave your to expand
Posted by 2MoonPosted by CurlyAries
I'm an Aries woman and I lowkey love Libras.
By that I mean, my attachment to them never hit me until recently when I answered a question on one of the threads.
From my experience, Aries women and Libra men get a long great.
Libras are very down to Earth, gentlemen usually, and try to understand you.
Great people.
hum yeah... but no thanks.
I don't like aries women. they are too manly, domineering, rude, loud and stupid. did I say manly? aries women are usually more hairy than a man. I know one aries girl that has like a beard-mustache. lol! they are more manly than real men. you know what i'm talking about. if you are an aries woman, you were a tomboy when you were young. (probability= 80% this is true ) other things I don't like: their stupid ego. their stupid need for attention and devotion is annoying. you already know what im talking bout.
( I mean... cmon! look at this pathetic name "ariessunGODDESS".... lmao! )
always wanting to be #1. bitch please, you can't always be right! and you are an aries, this makes you dumber than everyone when you were born. that means: 75% of the time you are wrong. lets talk about the sex? the sexual chemistry is boring with an aries woman. everything is too rushed and about sex. it's only sex. thats it.
im going to be kind and stop here. if you want more I got to expand