Libra never initiates text

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Jjboy96 on Monday, January 9, 2017 and has 23 replies.
I need some advice. I have went on 2 dates with a guy last week who is a libra and they went great. Every time I text him he responds and even when I ask to hangout with him he's always on board. My issue is he never texts me first. He will occasionally send me a Snapchat, but that's pretty much it. I made an effort starting today to not text him and he hasn't reached out. I'll probably keep it going, but wanted to get your views on what's going on, and how to get him to text me.
Im a girl tho but I myself dont text first, I only do when I feel like I have the right to do. As for me if Im officially a gf I have the right and I would text first. I have a tendency to be clingy and Im aware its scary so I dont text. If you text me first tho Id be very happy and will reply right away and If you want to see me Ill be happy even more
If you are not consistent Ill get sad Sad If we are in a rel and u dont reply Id be mad Bat So stop it babe go text him im sure you will get your reply quick smile If you dont text him he might be talking to some other chiq, dint give him a chance! Go text first. He is probably just waiting. I like people who text me first I feel very wanted smile but thats for me ?
Give him a chance to.
He got hoes in different area codes
libras luv texting. ur screwed
I can only speak from a girls point of view. With me it depends how well I understand the person I am seeing. Aries ex we would text equally. With Sag... although we text daily I will only initiate the first text maybe every 3rd or 4th day. Purley because I know he likes to "chase" and will not appreciate the feeling of being clung onto. I don't know what sign you are but I think once you have a good read on someone you should have a feel for what they like or don't like. Texting everyday can also become a chore for some people. Your relationship seems new still so he probably has his feelers out. Let him come to you and if he does not... then you know he ain't in it. But a day is not long enough I would give it at least 3
It's a game he probably really likes you, he waits for you to text first so he doesn't seem to eager, us Libras over analyze everything. I'm sure he checks his phone constantly, that's why he writes back right away! He might really be into and doesn't want to scare you off by showing how feels. Idk if that helps, I've done these exact things myself!
Coming from a libra....don't text him.

Let him come to you. If he is interested, he will initiate communication and there will be no games.

Just have patience and maybe add some distractions to your daily life.
Posted by Libramiss
I don't think he is that interested to be honest. Sad
He could be interested or he could be manipulating her. We do both, you know. ?

IF it's manipulation, her not chasing him will stop him dead in his tracks.

IF it's not manipulation, her not chasing him will cause him to see that she isn't some desperate woman and he will start to make attempts to get her attention.


I am a libra and I hardly text someone first, this is because I think I bother them .. but if that person keeps messaging me it will show that they are interested and therefore ill try to make an effort and message them first sometime, saying good morning or just hey, how are you. The thing is we need to be very sure that person is interested in us because if she/he isn't then we wouldn't be either

bare in mind, it might take us a while but once we are into that person we will be constantly thinking about his/her and also debating whether we should message first
Posted by Noni05
You stop

He starts

Simple .
What if he does not??!?!

Should I buy a rope and a soap???!!!!
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by tiziani
Text messaging is unattractive.
I can't speak for everyone but I'm a Libra man and that's the way I view it. Pick up the phone and call if you know how to have a good time.
Yeah I was given that advice. I've mostly texted my interest for pragmatic reasons(as in to reschedule plans etv), I personally hate being called
Fair enough.

Lol Tiz you're the expert not me

Lol no but really, it is fair enough. It's just about different tastes. If phone calls don't do it for you, that's how you are and you can't force it with someone who wants to call. And vice versa.

I don't think there's much to be read into this. I know personally if a woman is texting me each day and nothing else, that is stale. I didn't always feel that way but now I do.

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Nothing else like what?
"You have went" on dates?

"Gone." It's motherfucking "gone."

I am so freaking sick of hearing people sound like illiterate fucktards, misusing "went"

"I should have went!"




It's right up there with "supposably." *primes golf clubs*

No text / go find someone else.
Tell him how you feel about it, I have a hunch he may have read the no texting a girl technique from youtube relationship gurus.
Posted by Jjboy96
I need some advice. I have went on 2 dates with a guy last week who is a libra and they went great. Every time I text him he responds and even when I ask to hangout with him he's always on board. My issue is he never texts me first. He will occasionally send me a Snapchat, but that's pretty much it. I made an effort starting today to not text him and he hasn't reached out. I'll probably keep it going, but wanted to get your views on what's going on, and how to get him to text me.

If we Libras are really interested in someone, we'll show how much we care. We are proud to show the world how we care of the other special one. You nam it, it's not just text, we'll do anything

Posted by OldLibra

If we Libras are really interested in someone, we'll show how much we care. We are proud to show the world how we care of the other special one. You nam it, it's not just text, we'll do anything

Even if you mention to us at one point that you are lazy?

Also what exactly does "lazy" really qualifies for a libra case? Taurus people for example love being calm and chilling. But we don't look at ourselves for this aspect as being lazy.

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Posted by Mered1th
Posted by OldLibra

If we Libras are really interested in someone, we'll show how much we care. We are proud to show the world how we care of the other special one. You nam it, it's not just text, we'll do anything

Even if you mention to us at one point that you are lazy?

Also what exactly does "lazy" really qualifies for a libra case? Taurus people for example love being calm and chilling. But we don't look at ourselves for this aspect as being lazy.

Dear Mered1th,

Not sure if you were talking to me. And sorry that I don't recall if I mentioned I was lazy in this post. In any case, I don't think "laziness" has anything to do with "in love". Because I will call, text my girlfriend anytime possible. When I don't have interest on anyone, of course I won't initiate text or contact. And I think this trait has nothing to do with my sign as a Libra.

Thank you

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I don't know why Libras make it so difficult, on the one hand they like to weight up all the options before making a decision, so he may like you. Or Libras like to go along because they feel bad if they let someone down, they are also naturally flirty, and they are never rude enough to not message back. But after all this, I think you are the lady and it's the guy's job to message first, you have to make him work for you a little, and Libras want a challenge. You can of course set up something really obvious at the end of the next time you meet, and wait to see if he messages. Then you would know.
If you have to constantly text first, you're not a priority. It could mean anything from they're busy, talking to someone else, or just not interested anymore but the point still stands.

Same goes for recieving one word text messages. There is no effort on their part.

Take your space, either you confront them about it or you let them go and find someone worth your time.

Posted by OldLibra
Posted by Mered1th
Posted by OldLibra

If we Libras are really interested in someone, we'll show how much we care. We are proud to show the world how we care of the other special one. You nam it, it's not just text, we'll do anything

Even if you mention to us at one point that you are lazy?

Also what exactly does "lazy" really qualifies for a libra case? Taurus people for example love being calm and chilling. But we don't look at ourselves for this aspect as being lazy.

Dear Mered1th,

Not sure if you were talking to me. And sorry that I don't recall if I mentioned I was lazy in this post. In any case, I don't think "laziness" has anything to do with "in love". Because I will call, text my girlfriend anytime possible. When I don't have interest on anyone, of course I won't initiate text or contact. And I think this trait has nothing to do with my sign as a Libra.

Thank you

Thank you for your reply OldLibra smile Yes it was you I was asking this. And no, I was not referring to "you" as in you = OldLibra, but I was making a reference to another Libra male that I knew at one point and that he told me he was lazy and I didn't probe him any further to elaborate on it and explain himself as to what lazy meant for him when he was using this word.

I was digressing with another question basically smile

English is not my native language

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Posted by Mered1th
Posted by OldLibra
Posted by Mered1th
Posted by OldLibra

If we Libras are really interested in someone, we'll show how much we care. We are proud to show the world how we care of the other special one. You nam it, it's not just text, we'll do anything

Even if you mention to us at one point that you are lazy?

Also what exactly does "lazy" really qualifies for a libra case? Taurus people for example love being calm and chilling. But we don't look at ourselves for this aspect as being lazy.

Dear Mered1th,

Not sure if you were talking to me. And sorry that I don't recall if I mentioned I was lazy in this post. In any case, I don't think "laziness" has anything to do with "in love". Because I will call, text my girlfriend anytime possible. When I don't have interest on anyone, of course I won't initiate text or contact. And I think this trait has nothing to do with my sign as a Libra.

Thank you

Thank you for your reply OldLibra smile Yes it was you I was asking this. And no, I was not referring to "you" as in you = OldLibra, but I was making a reference to another Libra male that I knew at one point and that he told me he was lazy and I didn't probe him any further to elaborate on it and explain himself as to what lazy meant for him when he was using this word.

I was digressing with another question basically smile

English is not my native language

Dear Mered1th1,

Ah no worry about English. I can tell many posters in here aren't either. I do understand you.

My key take away in previous post is that I, as a man (regardless of my astrological sign), will text, call, see and do anything to care about the one I love. Just simple. When I don't care about someone, there's no reason that I will initiate a text to her. Period.
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