Libra sure is charming

This topic was created in the Libra forum by piscesreisen on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 and has 2 replies.
Hello, I'm new here smile Just throwing some love to you librans... your intelligence is very attractive, seems like many Librans I know can hold stimulating conversation really well! I have a question for you all, if you don't mind... also excuse my English, for it is my second language...
As noted by my name, I am a pisces (moon Scorpio, Ascendant Cap, oof!) I have quite a few Libran friends in my life and we're all platonic in nature, since somehow I got along so well with them in friendship department (the discussion! the social fun!). Despite this, I never fell for a Libran before.. until now!
Okay, 'fell' probably is the wrong word to use, more like very, very charmed! He was the one who made a move on me, very subtle and respectful, not showy at all which was great. Our conversations after work were just amazing, for a short time we knew each other it felt like we knew each other very well like old friends, we could converse for hours and learn about each other personal lives and culture so much. I don't know if cusps matter here, but his birthdate is right at the end of the Libran calendar...
Either way, he went back to his home country because our work together has ended. We kept in touch (he especially wanted to) but suddenly he just disappeared. I figure, hmm maybe my emails were too long...? But then, I found out (ah, facebook) he has a long-term girlfriend. I don't think he tried to hide it or anything, I didn't ask him that although he did ask deeply about my relationship status and pasts... (in the hindsight, I should have asked!) But, we never had any physical relationship (the most were just holding hands, once!)so I suppose it's harmless and well in the platonic area?
My question is, has he just lost interest in me(even on friendship terms)? I dont dare pursuing the matter further, since he's taken (oof!) and I'm also busy, plus there's no reason to send him more emails if he does not yet reply to my previous one, but I wonder since Librans tend to hate feeling restricted, my emails might have scared or bore him off...
Eitherway, what do you think? At this point I can just leave the matter to rest and keep the nice memories (they are quite nice!) but if there was something I did, I would like to know so I don't scare more Librans in the future! And if possible I'd like to keep the friendship in the future. smile
Thank you in advance, will wait for your thoughts and sorry for the length...! Bye!
@tiziani: Thank you for your reply! I thought it was because the long emails, but even after I re-assessed it, it doesn't seem like there's anything strange about it.. so I suppose he may just lost his interest in replying. Ah well smile I was just wondering if this is the case where the Libran need space, but it doesn't seem to be the case after all! Ahh, I gues better luck for me in the future Winking
You are right, pisces is a very reflective sign. I guess that is why some of us can get along with many types of people.. can be a good or bad thing, I suppose... smile makes us seems like a chameleon at times, probably...
@GEM20: Funny you said that, most of my co-workers are Geminis! I work in creative field (though I mostly work behind-the-scenes) and the big players here tend to be Geminis.. they are good conversationalists also! But you are right that whenever they get into bad mood, the air can be soooo tense beyond belief. I find Geminis tend to be more fun-loving than libra, and probably less analytical? Is that true? smile