And now I just can't sleep. I sooooo need this vacation. I don't think the Scorpio is too excited I'm going! Haha Let's hope I don't get a hangover the first night and ruin my damn trip! ???
My outfits are fire! I'm most excited about that!
So me and this guy have been dating for like a year now before this we were like best friends. Its all good when we meet up, it's fun and we get along for the most part, he'l constantly make fun of me in a friendly teasing way of course and takes care of
So me and this guy have been dating for like a year now before this we were like best friends. Its all good when we meet up, it's fun and we get along for the most part, he'l constantly make fun of me in a friendly teasing way of course and takes care of
Ok so I think it's a given that guys don't care if their friends are lookers or not, but I've started seeing a different pattern with girls and it's pretty sad.
I've seen this A LOT but I will specifically bring up two cases here.
So there's one gir
So..Ima capricorn woman and I met this cancer man months ago. We instantly connected it felt like something that was God sent because this happened around the time my virgo boyfriend betrayed me. I knew I would have something for this cancer man & lets ju
Woof* Woof*
Looking into buying a dog so I can jog with him & teach him to chase the mailman. Plus my cat won't be bored at home all day by herself.
Yes I have a cat.
Anyway, what breed do you guys recommend
I have experience
Thinking abou
Found this thing, thought maybe some of you guys would like it.
Who did you get and do you agree with it?
Anyone know how to tell who someone was to you in a past life?
Okay met my gem on tinder (I'm currently seperated about to divorce) he's 32 I'm 29. He immediately asked to see me and I agreed, we did sleep together there was jusy something I couldnt say no to him! He asked to come by next day and he stayed the night
Ok Gem Guys... Name 3 must have traits a girl must have for you to be into her... Annnnnd GO?