Libra Temperament

This topic was created in the Libra forum by EmoFish on Monday, February 24, 2014 and has 19 replies.
I've been married to my Libra man for 15 years, so communication and compromise is pretty good...
But.. one argument has always been his temper, like his loud voice with the kids.. Short fuse, little patience.
Is this typical?
Where's his mars at?
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Where's his mars at?

A Scorp Mars will have that effect on a Libra , or a fire Mars
Well im pisces with mars in Libra.
He is libra with mars in scorpio.
Im not really sure what that is supposed to mean but after 15 years we still dont agree on the "tone" to take with the kids...
I have so much more patience and understanding.
Posted by EmoFish
Well im pisces with mars in Libra.
He is libra with mars in scorpio.
Im not really sure what that is supposed to mean but after 15 years we still dont agree on the "tone" to take with the kids...
I have so much more patience and understanding.

Mars in scorpio can do that to you. I have a similar problem and unfortunately it is hard to control *shrugs*
Thank you. Yes. I see that.
when we attempt a project.. I want to get it done.
he wants it perfect.
It makes working together on certain things VERY difficult.
Holy cow. I even tell him, "you bark at them like a drill instructor"
and yes, he used to be a Marine until he was medically discharged.
I guess he just is who he is and maybe that is why I need to be the opposite
I will try letting him take the lead on some stuff. Haha..
but like home-improvement is creative and expressive and FUN project time!
And to him.. it is work, to be done perfectly.
Opposites attract I guess
Well. It's funny because I see some of that and then I don't. Rarely are things simple to explain and analyze I guess.
We have been compromising well for a long time, but there are always things to improve on.
discipline is a big one - I guess I just forgive instantly. Im easier on the kids. Understanding. Let's talk about it.
he is very different instinctively - yell, punish, spank
I think he expects too much from them.. or is too dissappointed.. maybe.
We do talk about it. Sometimes he apologizes. Sometimes he disagrees with me and says a father needs to be like that.
it is a fuzzy gray line.
You are a libra/ pisces pair too? Oh I love that because I havent seen much of it and our charts dont really say we match well do they? But we have been together 15 years - finding a way so far to make it work!
His perfectionist streak. - yes. Not in all aspects.. but I cant figure out what DOES hve to be perfect and what doesn't. There doesnt seem to be a rhyme or reason. At least I havent figured it out yet.
March 5
Aesma- yes he is pretty good at playing with the kids. Wrestling, or fun on the playground, or soccer. Sometimes it doesnt always end well if the kids get frustrated (like kids do)
if they whine because they lose, etc. Sometimes he isnt great at staying level headed.
Mr balance. Lol @ menopause. Seems like that with my moody libra sometimes.
im a moody emo fish and I know I feed into it sometimes.
I hear you on balance. That makes sense and I may need to analyse that a bit.
Free time? With full time jobs and 4 kids? Hahahahaha
I actually have encouraged him to go out with the guys..but he wants to go with me. And isnt that just what a married couple should do? So I love that about him... but have you tried to find a babysitter for 4 boys? Lol no one is really volunterring much! Haha I dont blame them.
Posted by tiziani
It happens with me, happened with my father.
I actually have a lot of patience, and I've regained most of it back recently too. But when a line is crossed it can be explosive.
I think a regular outlet for it helps keep it all in check. Like pad work at the boxing gym.

Libra's are usually really calm people by nature....I dunno...guess that's just the way we were createdsmile,but believe it or not, we do get angry and bent out of shape just like the next person, but when we do, we're not your average out of control person. I Think because we are so calm most of the time that some folks will try to take advantage of that and out of sheer "just wanting to push your buttons" will provoke, but if pushed at the wrong time, it can result in a hurricane Katrina incident!
Personally, for myself, I always try to stay on an even keel because if I allow other people to dictate my behavior, it's not a pretty sight and it shocks most people when they do see me angry because I can be deadly with my words as well as physical, AND will be the first one one to throw the first punch. It's rare, but it can and has happen with me. However,when you see the average Libra behave in that manner, something really bad happened and put them into that space of no return.
Some people will say that we keep things in and bottled up, but that's not true either. We just see situations as relevant or irrelevant and if you're irrelevant, then we don't waste our time arguing about something that we deem as silly...basically, we choose our battles, and if the battle is not worth fighting, then we kinda just sit there and look into space, which does frustrates most people, and then we're label as being cold, distant, nonchalant and aloof, but we know what we're doing and what keeps us
I think all signs handle their issues differently and all signs can have the worst of the worst brought out in them. Some just need to be pushed harder than others.
I'm a Libra sun with aquarius moon and a virgo ascendant and I also have Scorpio in Mars. I hate waiting in line, tardy people, and my temper is explosive when it's too much. When I get really upset, I would raise my voice, have the urge to break stuff which follows through sometimes, and be really cold, mean, and sarcastic with the way I speak.
How old are the kids? I'm a libra with mars Scorpio and most of what you said my ex could have said about me. I had a short, explosive temper with the kids when they were real small. I'm not proud of it and know I was too hard a few times. I kind of cooled off with time, as they got less annoying and I worked on controlling myself. I have always loved them and was never abusive, they just pushed my buttons bad.
Try talking to him. If you think he is going too far, say so. Tell him he scares you. Tell him he scares the kids. Tell him he is ruling by fear and not love/respect. Whichever, if any, of those you feel.
Oh, libra scales don't represent us always being in balance. A scale never stops moving. It's a constant swing trying to find balance. I think that more closely represents a libra.