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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
what he said ^^
and...stealing. seriously? you are blaming others for something YOU did wrong, using them as excuses even. I'd take a peek into that kind of behavior if I were you.
I'm assuming you guys are on the "not friends" stage right now. Certainly, it has to do with the fact that you took out some frustrations on her and like cappywench said, didn't define your boundaries very clearly.
You know, just forget the whole thing.
i didn't know there was a character limit on this, so you didn't get the whole story. there was at least 2 paragraphs worth of me explaining and self-justifying what i did, in all reasonable sense.
i don't know what flsd, but i'm going to go on a hunch and say it's some pedo shit.
I'm 17, gay virgo guy.
She's 18, libra girl.
sister is 12, spoiled brat.
just forget everything i said, i was stupid to ask for the insight of people on the internet. we're dealing with it, and by dealing with it, i mean me clawing and begging for a reason why and getting ignored.
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Jun 12, 2008Comments: 2 · Posts: 4648 · Topics: 31
??????? Hmmm, interesting.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
u stay away from her and let her live her life. I recently met a libra girl who has been severely damaged without any idea of reality after being in a relationship with Virgo, Capricorn and Scorpio.
yeah fuck you guys. she sent me a message yesterday saying that she apologizes for everything that happened after that day. and it was long. >:/
the said i was just saying things about her sistered that she agreed with and knew i was just stating it. and sho doesn't even care about the stealing thing, and she understood too, and everything after that was done because of her twisted fucked up step-mom and she's looking to move out soon anyway, and when that happens we'll be able to spend a whole lot more time together. because we're great friends.
the libran. just lol. speaking out of one's ass isn't good. and i only mean that to the first sentence, although i am very sorry for the libra girl you recently met.
this thread is over.