Libras, do you see Cancers as inferiors, Capricorns as superiors...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by bricklemark on Friday, April 14, 2017 and has 13 replies.
And Aries and equals?

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In my experience Cancers are influential people, but kind of child-like, and this is most visible in Libras, who are, one must admit, the masters of sociability.

I've also noticed, and read, that they look up to Capricorns, l've heard two Libras say they admired lawyers, and CEO's, they wish they hard that work fiber in them...and professionalism.
I'm Virgo-Libra cusp. Can I post here since I'm also Libra Dominant?
Aries is weak.

Cancer women I love, I am emotionally stronger though.

Capricorns, BORE ME at times. Do not look up to them.

Posted by Sanchez
No to all those weird ass questions/insinuations. That's silly to look up to a sign. People really do that huh?

And lol at the Libras who can't get along with Aries so they mud sling.

You're just day drunk and looked at each cardinal sign's position on the chart. You're not fooling me.
I get along with Aries well one of my oldest friends is an aries. But shes easily persuaded by anything.
Posted by bricklemark
And Aries and equals?

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In my experience Cancers are influential people, but kind of child-like, and this is most visible in Libras, who are, one must admit, the masters of sociability.

I've also noticed, and read, that they look up to Capricorns, l've heard two Libras say they admired lawyers, and CEO's, they wish they hard that work fiber in them...and professionalism.

Thanks a lot for this wheel never seen it before- it is very helpful with associations.

Posted by TheLibraMudra
-I dig capricorn's work ethic.

-Aries are awesome.

-Dunno many cancers. I know more cancers on here than in real life. Well, I have 1 yoga buddy and this other chick I worked with at my old job. I loved their sexy vivaciousness. The cancer dudes I know at work now are whiney little bitch boys. Kodak and EU don't seem so bad though lol

Why are you posting so recently after your nuptials? Lol... When I am over my lover's house with my I'm never on here... I don't get it maybe it's a cultural difference... I just think it's so odd that you recently got married you actually have the time to post on this thread is he back in Sydney or wherever? You guys actually live together you recently got married and you have time to post on this forum? You're a beautiful person sweetheart but uh something sounds suspect.?

Posted by ChoXtsy
I admire aries women and Cap men, as I've noticed those two are great in positions of power and leadership. I can do without thinking much about cancer.

Why is your chest substantially darker than your face? You have a really pretty face but your chest area really ruins that picture if you're using bleaching cream you need to start putting the bleaching cream all over cuz you look like two different completely different colors and it looks bizarre.

That profile picture does absolutely nothing from for you.

Nope all are awesome ! No one is inferior
I find similarities with Aries-strangely enough. Its like they are able to show on the outside everything that I keep inside which is nice, relieving almost. Admire the work ethic also.

I have 2 male friends and 1 female who are Cancer-they are good souls and fun. We just get along like peas and carrots. The girl is nuts lol, never a dull moment with her.

Cap my sis and I had one friend. And an ex. As a friend they will be there for you should you ever need them, but zero forgiveness and I mean zero. If they deemed you have done them wrong thats it! Ya out! And you'll feel it. LOL.

As a bf my ex was militant and v controlling-this may be more due to upbringing and work though. Psychologically controlling also, and non communicative-you have to be a little psychic to deal with them.

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by bricklemark
And Aries and equals?

User Submitted Image

In my experience Cancers are influential people, but kind of child-like, and this is most visible in Libras, who are, one must admit, the masters of sociability.

I've also noticed, and read, that they look up to Capricorns, l've heard two Libras say they admired lawyers, and CEO's, they wish they hard that work fiber in them...and professionalism.
Exactly as you said it op,

Cancers inferiors. ( only a small % of them that I can actually respect and admire.. )

I respect and love Capricorns, they are smart, rational and have this deep raw natural knowledge... Great friends.

Aries is 50/50.

Lots of dumb modafackas. Weak and stupid, always bullying weaker people too...

Its a hit or miss. Can be inferior, equal and or superior... Its always a surprise. You never know what you are going to get...

I like Capricorn. Mah niccas.

Good loyal friendship, we learn alot

click to expand
Yeah l don't mind caps...they get the shit done ?
I don't admire cancer men at all they are horrible with money, my grandfather my father and one male friend, they are emotional thinks everyone owes them and can't seem to get life right. HIGHLY intelligent! I mean damn near to the point that they have psychic abilities! Cancer women though seem to have their heads on straight.

Same with Aries, they will take your idea and claim it as their own, under cutting you.

Capricorn, I do admire, their ability to focus is amazing! Their work ethic can't be match they are crazy devoted!
if that chart was accurate, I wouldn't have been told by this libra that he "didn't feel good enough for me".

But meh

we're all worthy
Posted by SalamanderCandy
if that chart was accurate, I wouldn't have been told by this libra that he "didn't feel good enough for me".

But meh

we're all worthy
You're a leo tho....and maybe he has stuff in his chart that's inferior. And this chart doesnt say anything, it's just cardinal signs highlighted...