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Sep 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 419 · Topics: 80
Apparently most astrologers claim that April will be an extra difficult month for Libras. How has it been for you so far?
It's been OK for me, but emotionally I've been kind of up and down and apathetic at times. I think I am on the verge of a major life change. For far though, April has not been as difficult as last October or December. Hope it stays that way.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
For my Libra friend its been hitting hard but he has many people bouncing him back in line.
OK here too. I'm feeling something huge is gonna happen soon.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
Was it a financial strain? family issues? or personal problems i'm just curious because march was alot rougher for me.
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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I haven't felt like talking to anyone.. It seems like people have been seeking me out a lot and I want to shut down... My business partner pretty much dumped on me...bills bills bills... Emotional roller coaster going on with my most important relationships... Keep running into Virgos ex wife but he is MIA on me... And the grand trine isn't even till I think the 20-22 of April!
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Oct 09, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 579 · Topics: 30
I guess if we are wise Librans will use this time to rid ourselves of relationships that aren't working.. Forcing us into some changes.. Could be good in the long run.
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Sep 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 419 · Topics: 80
Ugh. Most things have not been going well for me for the past few months, but I feel a major transformation coming soon (more problems?) I was caught in a love triangle and now the dude I was seeing is in a depression and doesn't talk much. My mom is ill. I am broke and searching for a job.
I will most likely move from the country I live in now by June.
At this point, I can barely think long term about anything. I am in a major transition in my life and there is no stability in sight. It doesn't help that I've become workaholic in order to deal with it all.
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
Its starting off really rough, I don't even know how I keep my cool
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
Awww you all make me sad now. Lotus first, were you seeing two people at one time aww I could see why he is depressed. any resentment in it? working on fixing it? Sorry to hear about your mom. I am partially broke , where do you live now? don't lean on work to bury your problems surface them embrace them and know you have tons of people pulling to support and carry you. Here for emotional support if needed, don't give up if life gave you nothing but rain know that rain makes things grow.
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
One of mine admitted he's stressed due to a lot of things coming up.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
Same here I told him if you need your space I understand yet he remains close by, maybe he needs more support?
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
Just found out my 8 year is diabetic he got released from the hospital on tuesday after a few days, work wont give me time off, needs his blood checked every 4 hours for a few weeks until they get a right dosage, being a single mom is tough
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
My mom is a big help, he is staying with her for a few weeks few hours from here, so just me and my oldest at home, april is a rough month
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May 05, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 260 · Topics: 13
wow ... astrology seems to be a big part of my life now.
the 2 april, I had a problem someone at home. I had a rage moment ( it' rare with me. I don't act like this in general ) . I punched the door and kicked the door.
now it's broken...
I don't talk with people at home. family problems... I hate them! I hate that!
I had an unexpected surprise at school the other day ( a bad surprise ... )
and now tonight I wanted to buy a game on pc. it's a sunday night.
I wanted to relax and chillll ! enjoy the evening ...
I paid 10 $ and the game is not working ...
I am trying to resolve the problem. I'm working on this thing since 2-3 hours now.
my night is ruined.
FML -,-
positive things : love. I am dating someone...
and jobs ?! I hope . I want a job for this summer. I am ready to start now ...
I have to finish my new resume
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
I wish the extent of my problems was video games and a broken door...
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Jan 30, 2014Comments: 3 · Posts: 1399 · Topics: 28
General malaise. Very tired lately.
My Scorp is feeling neglected because at home, I just don't feel like snuggling him 24/7. Instead I want to go to the backyard, have space to stretch out and read or sketch or do my own thing in general.
Not much new things going on in the outside world. The April blahs are purely internal.
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Jul 29, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 373 · Topics: 36
Seem to be quick to anger lately, much less tolerable of ignorant people. Really paying attention to what people are saying when they speak to me, verbally and body language. More introspective, not hanging out with friends as much as usual. I'm single and dating. Guys just seem so blah, same old crap, some are just ridiculous. Trying to deal with demons from my past...bad behaviors, an ex, losing weight, cutting people out of my life permanently. Started a new way of eating and working out at the gym. Work has been crazy busy with no extra help.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
wow missy that's alot, single and dating? how is that? sounds pretty hectic :/. It's understandable I are now going to vent mines. I am so irritable lately sounds,people,scenes i make in my head,over thinking etc. I can't find myself to talk when I want to and even then I don't want to be a bother, i'm indecisive lately. I need to get out but I feel I will be trapped. My skin doesn't get much sunlight these days. Trying to help a friend who's going through but that's another story and i'm working mornings (yawns) this is the life and it repeats every morning.
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Feb 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 277 · Topics: 34
As far as I'm aware, April has been so and down for my libra boyfriend (ex boyfriend now) He even said there are going to be a lot of changes , and then he broke up with me out of the blue. He's moving back home, having to sell all his belongings to make ends meet etc.
This is an awful month for saggies too
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
...seems like an awful month for anyone, really.
Mine seemed to be off to a good start. NOPE.
Time for heavy drinking!
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Oct 03, 2013Comments: 110 · Posts: 312 · Topics: 8
Lol drinking solves nothing.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
Note to self get friend drunk find out how to get world peace haha
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Sep 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 419 · Topics: 80
Well, it's the 10th and although I have not seen any major events occurring so far, I have sensed an internal change in terms of attitude and discarding what is no longer relevant....slowly doing that, anyway.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
What is now relevant to you? How does this affect your attitude?
Considering that February was by far much harder on me than April seems to be, I'm feeling alright.
Uranus and Venus are definitely putting an end to all my plaguing conventional beliefs on the love front.
My life's filled with good omens.
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Jan 23, 2014Comments: 124 · Posts: 843 · Topics: 79
(waves arms) ooo what ideas?