Like, ew

This topic was created in the Libra forum by banini on Wednesday, October 18, 2006 and has 40 replies.
Alright, I was hanging out with a bunch of girls the other night, and one of them was a libra. Not one that I've mentioned before in any posts, but one all the same. Right away I could tell. Her voice even sounded like some of the other ones I know, and her sentences did too.
Now to the point. Almost every libra girl I know will talk randomly about their sex lives, and for some reason it always seems to make me feel somewhat jealous, even if I'm not attracted to them. Sometimes it's an exclamation of surprise, like "I did him!" like they can't believe they did it, or aren't sure what the ramifications will be now that they have. Or other common ones I've heard are like this "yeah we did it" or "and then I cheated on him" in a sort of willy nilly la di da tone. It's weird. In a way it's repulsive, and in another way there's something cute about it. It's starting to scare me though since there are only two libras that I know who have not demonstrated this behavior. Are most of them like this?
OMG give me a break! Stop with the superficial libra madness... if a person wishes to enter into the depths of my soul they first must prove themselves worthy and engage me in serious conversations of the sort...
I think I'll repost this in that other thread.
I haven't been with enough guys to run into them everywhere. When I am drinking, I can get a little ... liberated and talk about stuff that would make prositutes red. lol! I think this is why my friends like to see me liquored. My personality is often compared to Charolette on Sex and the City. They like to torture me.
I agree with LovelyLibra. I am not really a where my heart on my sleeve type girl. You earn the deeper stuff.
Well like what I've noticed is they tend to just blurt these things out of the blue. No one asks for anything deep.
A libra girl I grew up with talks about her experiences with every male she comes across/ almost like she's bragging. I guess she thinks I care. I don't/and it's actually kind of awkward cause I don't know what she wants me to say...
I only do it when I am drunk and it is more about techniques etc.
Otherwise, I get uncomfortable around sex talk.
No. I am not promiscious. I might teach you a thing or two though. Winking
can i watch?
i have no idea what you are attempting to insinuate, because i know you did not just call me perverted.
My friend says that one of her friends that is a libra is really cute, and not very bright, and so she sleeps with just about every guy that gets interested in her, which is a lot of guys. Is it really because she isn't that bright, or what, because I thought they were supposed to be smart?
As a libra I don't talk about sex that liberally unless it's my best friend but other than that I don't share. It's nobody's business and why should I talk about it with you when 9.9 times out of 10 you're not going to get any from me.
The joking or sing song voice is probably to lighten the mood. We don't do well with unnecessary seriousness. The world is serious enough also becaus libra's are kinda shy so since sex is say it lightly to share but not share too much. That's my opinion
Banini thats not a sign thing...she's just naive and insecure...maybe she's got daddy issues ( I know an Aries like that and those are all her problems)...more like excuses if you ask me.
My Libra is a prude...even when he talks about sex it sounds prudish, he's so sweet. smile
Banini thats not a sign thing...she's just naive and insecure...maybe she's got daddy issues ( I know an Aries like that and those are all her problems)...more like excuses if you ask me.
Well, so I should probably avoid this one then. She is kind of pretty, but I don't think I would be able to trust her with issues like that.
These girls just sound young and stupid and perhaps drunk. hee!
That is exactly how I come across Lady_M a prude. Unless I am drinking, or with my roomate at home, I never talk about sex at all.
Ya think Banini...unless you want to be another one of THOSE guys, then thats fine.
LS its very hard for him because he so freakin nice. Unless he's drunk, but were both prudes so its fine with me, but I surprise him sometimes and he gets all hott and bothered. Tongue
How long have you been dating Lady_M?
I come across as a prude ... but I'm not. Winking
You just have to know me very well to see that side.
I wouldnt call it dating, I dont really know what were doing, but I dont care either. I met him this summer and we have just been good friends ever since. He's into sensual stuff. LOL... A true romantic.
Oh! The ambiguous something. That is perfect for a Libra early on. This is the arrangement I am trying to steer a Leo into. Nothing really defined but lots of certain fun. We both get our freedom. No strings. No emotions all wrecking it.
It is bloody brilliant!
Oh yeah LS, this is a great arrangement for the both of us. But he's only a friend for now....we'll see where it goes.
I hate being pressured into commitment. I like the slow ease where suddenly you realize that you are both crazy about each other, aren't seeing anyone else, and completely happy.
If you just spring it on me, I am liable to balk and run the other way.
We libras are a slippery lot. lol!
Glad it is working out for you Lady_M
LOL. LS ive noticed you all are too much like us aquas minus the extreme vanity...Tongue
There's nothing wrong with a (libra) woman who likes' a bit of sex!
Well, now I'm suspecting that my friend, who is a Cancer, is telling me all this about her libra friend, to see if I'm the kind of guy that would then want to do it with her, or if I'm the kind who would say eww, get that away from me, which is probably what she's hoping. I like my new female Cancer friend a lot, but I'm not romantically interested, and I hope she isn't, because I can see things spiraling into a world of butter if she is. Plus I haven't even met her friend, and knowing my tendency to easily like Libras, what if I met her and liked her? What then!?! And if she liked me too, I know my little Cancer friend would be distraught, and hugely disappointed in me, whether she likes me that way or not.
You're very young banini. If you like her, sleep with her..stop considering other people, or you'll end your life regretting a lot missed opportunities.
Antibling, ewwww!!! That's so funny...
the 'tally whacker'!! WTF? Tell me more!
Don't trust a girl who would put her "friend" down to you.
Oh she is completely threatened by Libra girl. No doubt about it. Cancer girl wouldn't be slandering the Libra girl if she wasn't. She isn't on the up and up. You don't talk bad about your friends.
The thing is the girl could be flat out lying. We have no way of knowing. It has happened enough to me to know that girls do these things.
Banini judge the girls on how they treat you and how you see them treat others. If you like the Libra girl, go for it. If you don't, don't.
Not just younger women. Insecure women.
I think it comes from centuries of women needing to depend on men for survival. If you didn't have a man, you died in poverty. I think it is in our genetic memories or something as some women still get fiercely competitive. They usually are very insecure.
Bling, you're hysterical!!
Well I like my Cancer friend, but really more as a friend. I'm dreading telling her this if it comes to that, because she'll just think it's because she's ugly, which she's not, but thats what she thinks. She's a lot of fun to hang out with, but the electric jolt energy boost chemistry I want just isn't there. And the particular Libra friend of hers (she has two) that she's been talking about, I haven't ever met. I met the one she isn't talking about and I didn't really like her though. Anyway thanks for all the advice you guys.
Well, i'll give you some useful vocab of my own:
Purple Warrior
Meat & two veg
Branch and Berries
Willy (personal favourite)
im in stitches here!!
How about tra-la-la and ding ding dong, ala G?nther and the Sunshine Girls
Im lovin' it!
the equalizer.
I love the term baby gravy.
Sparrow, my fellow Libra..doesnt this chat just tickle you?!!
Talk about using the giblets to make gravy...
Like, eww