I read somewhere, that libra males can't distinguish between the love they have for a friend versus the love they may/may not have for a lover. Wondering if any libra's can elaborate on this? Thank you in advance
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
From my experience with some libra males, they can, but try to make it the dames as they are dating u, what I mean by that is some male libras as they start getting to know you, they treat u like a friends at first but when they start to like u to protect themselves from getting hurt they play the part of the boyfriend but without actually calling themselves that.
They play the boyfriend part but still be your friend, which is so f**** up tho, cause if the female is not careful to what the libra is doing he will keep the game going, and that's how some females get screwd up because of that behavior.
I find it strange how libras want the idea of love instead of the actually form of it.
But thank god I got my libra out of that crap, he has the actually love from me, and he couldn't be more happy, but now we are always together
Not gonna lie tho, it took him forever to get his shit together in a form of not being indecisive about love relationships, but it happen to me also with my current libra bf, we were friends first, but he kept treating me like a gf, but I put a stop to that shit, either I'm a friend or gf pick one, or I'll pick it for ya...lol, got my answer, lmao been his woman ever since