Love Triangle -Libra Man, Leo Woman & Cancer Woman

This topic was created in the Libra forum by leonine_girl on Wednesday, October 13, 2010 and has 22 replies.
I'm a Leo Woman with a capricorn moon, and was dating a libran man early this year. We dated for about a month and it was explosive. However we were under work pressure and called it off after an abrupt trivial argument.
We met online a month ago, and within moments he called me, and next thing I knew we met and slept with each other. Later he told me he's dating & living with a cancer woman, and thought I knew abt it. At that moment, it was a hit, but as i put thought into it i realized i didn't care and thought it would be just like a booty call, so he left.
Couple of days later i find us flirting thru texts phonecalls, and eventually after a few days he came to my place in the night and it was crazy wild love making. The chemistry in bed, and out of bed is insane. Its like a this big explosion in our minds like we're in 'e' or something. Since then, he's been coming to my place every night, sneaking out of his place at night, and we text each other all day long.
I don't know how he manages to text me all the time, and come over whenever i need him to, even if its at 2am, taking such a big risk with his gf.
I really really really want him. But the fact that he is cheating on his gf does make me realize something may be wrong here. last night i confronted him, and asked him the outcome of all this, and he simply made a joke and said - that one of us would be dead soon if we go on like this. But he was so charming when he said it, I just melted.
He keeps saying why all this didn't happen when we dated earlier, but it nags me that he's still with her.
I don't want to put a condition on him saying I want him to leave his gf, since its a bit early, and scared he might choose otherwise.
I've heard librans and cancerians have a fantastic relationship too but is it better than what leo & librans have? - is he just playing me?
Don't even bother trying. Your relationship would be doomed from the start. You would never trust him and he would never trust you either. Yeah he is the one cheating right now, but you aren't innocent either. You know he is cheater, you're guilty by association and would be a cheater too. It's a joke really. You are his booty call. You can't turn that into anything more. It don't work.
You failed the test .... you slept with him to fast..... he will never trust you. Please do better, Libras are good men and good cheaters when the other women lets him play.
Cheap women are the best. Not for me, but in general.
@ Taste of Chaos - Apologies but as far as I'm concerned he's who cheated/lied to his gf. I'm a single girl, dating a super cute boy who makes me really happy when i'm with him, and I'm NOT hurting anyone here. If he's lying to someone he's committed to - its between them and its their personal issue. So strange how its always a woman who becomes the slut - whether she's the other woman or the infidel wife. Men - well, they're always just helpless ole weak men, such hypocricy i tell ya!!
@qlibramale @librasid @ thank you so much guys but now the whole thing has a new angle. We had a chat and I called it OFF yesterday morning - i told him i can't deal with a boy who i cant trust - we talked and and he seemed to take it well - today he called me and told me he's broken off with the cancer girl - I WAS SHOCKED (honestly still am, i never imagined a manipulative charming libra man would ever do that) - since i was already getting over him, now i'm totally in a fix -just hearing his voice threw me off today - he told me he doesn't care anymore, he's was very frustrated with her physically and intellectually, and he wants to be with me - she'll be moving out by weekend - and its my call if i don't wanna be with him its fine but he's crazy about me and all he wants to do is just hold me, stay with me blah blah - he said he wanted to see me but i made some lame work excuse - he knows if he tries i'll end up giving in so - he texted me like thrice since afternoon today - i didn't reply. Even right now I so badly want to see him, and he stays like three blocks away - but this whole thing is so crazy. I stay alone so I'm scared everytime the doorbell rings it might just be him! Is he actually serious about this?! Like wtf. I don't know whether to trust him or what. Should I end it for good?!
PS - i verified the breaking up story from his sister, its indeed true.
@jojo - he and I have a connect on a very ethereal level where its mind over matter and have a non-judgmental relationship which is why all these crappy cosmo magazine rules don't matter here - and i'm not trying to marry him or anything - if something great happens good - if it doesn't then it doesnt. So, seriously stop reading magazines and just go live life.
MrCrabby - Whatever works for you mate.
People here are offering you advice as you it's not what you want to hear, but seriously the Truth hurts! Look around the boards before putting it out there if you really dont want peoples truths and their opinions and want to stay in denial.
As for your situation, maybe you really have an awesome connection...however you went into it all wrong and now will always be looking over yours and his shoulders looking for the next special person to come along and take him away from you should you two stick it out....maybe not tomorrow or next week perhaps in years...but it'll happen, seen it myself so many times! Bout 8 years time when things really start to get boring!
@sweethearts - that's so true, and that is why i'm scared. At the moment i'm not in love, but i know soon I will be. And i'll never trust him, no matter how amazing he makes me feel (as of now). Its so tough to do the right thing, the last man i loved was a taurean and he totally broke my heart and that was three years ago, i dated men after him but never got over him - after three years of crying alone in the nights wanting him back I gave up on the thought of ever being over him until this libran man walked into my life and turned things around.
But I guess, I should stop things before they go out of hand, and he finds his next muse. My capricorn moon clouds my judgment completely when it comes to love and feelings.
and sorry if i was harsh with some, its just that i'm going through alot and instead of help its quite a slap in face when people just sit and judge you passing comments - everyone makes mistakes - which is why they share and seek help/advice to begin with.
It's hard to reverse a bad situation but it can be done, you have to go backwards and somehow make him respect you and want you for it...which means no easy sex until he can commit.
So he has had a taste of what's to offer and also a taste of losing it...if he really feels that much for you then he will still jump through all the hoops to get you, make him prove it to you!
Toc, don't take it so personal.
I agree with sweethearts, i mean damn taste of chaos, is YOUR man she sleeping with. STOP HATIN! Lmao. Shyt, aye Leonine_girl, i think she might be the libra guy's "other" gf. WATCH OUT!lol
Posted by amethyst2002
Are you freaking serious? Are there ANY Leo women on this board who aren't nuts?

this is how all the leo women i know rationalize. it's crazy but it makes perfect sense to them. i think it's the challenge that gets them going.
Karma always comes back to bite us in the butt when least expected!!!
Don't you think it would feel better to have a man of your very own, one that isn't a proven cheater? No, you're NOT the one who made a promise to her (her philandering jackass did).. but you could wake up one day and find yourself in her shoes! Karma is a bitch and the wake up call can be really brutal. Women selling themselves short and settling for crumbs of affection and bad or neglectful treatment ...always feels so yucky and sad to me... every woman deserves to be loved and adored exclusively.. by a man who deserves her love and affection and fidelity in return. No woman should settle for poaching another woman's man.
Hey, sometimes people get caught up in a bad situation... no reason to prolong it once you realize it's not good for you. You said yourself that you know you can never trust him (and you can't.) I guarantee you that there's a better man out there.. sexier, smarter, hotter, just totally awesome in every way... and not a cheater. But if you're still hung up on this Libra boy, you may miss your chance with a MUCH better guy.
LMAO. taste of chaos you Yu cant piss me off, and for the record im not whatever the hell yu called to the girl that posted this. They are on ya gaurd with this one. Personally i think you should let it go, and let him see how life is without you, thats the ONLY way he will appreciate you being in his life. I would need time to let the whole thing digest. Even then i doubt i'd go back to the drama. for what??? Im a libra woman, and i've delt with a guy that cheated on his girl that he was with for 5yrs. He cheated the whole 5 yrs, He cheated half way through this past yr with me, we didn't make it the whole yr because 2 months ago i found out about her. I didn't even know she walked the planet. He hid it sooooo well, had me around his family all the time and everything. Up at his apartment, and swear NOTHING read that a woman lived there. He hid it so damn well that it was scary and even when he promised to leave her, i told him not to. I didnt want him to leave her for me, she didnt deserve it. If he left her, i wanted it to be because he TRULY wasn't happy with her. Then and ONLY then i woulda gave him a chance. We tried talking it out, but i could never get over the fact that he hid something so huge, and lied. Anyway we went our seperate ways and till this day i wouldnt trust that man as far as i could throw him. Even if he came back a changed man, i doubt i could let it go. And whether you see it now or not, you will never trust this man. Trust is one of the KEY elements in a relationship. Yours was based off lies and dishonesty from jump. And all the passion and chemistry you claim he built with you, he built it off the pain and dismay of someone else. Granted you are right, you dont owe her or him anything. But knowing about the woman, makes you just as much in the wrong. Karma is a bonified bitch, (excuse my language) but it is. Just think, when you finally fall madly deeply in love, you are going to want another woman to respect herself and your relationship enough woman to woman to have the dignity to walk away from a man thats already taken. Its not worth it if you ask me.
leonine_girl - I understand the crazy chemistry that makes your knees tremble, your heat beat rapidly and the butterflies in your stomach go so crazy that you feel like you cannot breath, because i've had that with Libra too. But the truth is, you're going to get hurt even if he never cheats on you. You will love with all you have but never trust and always wonder where you stand and the uncertainty will slowly kill you everytime he leaves your sight. You can deny it and try to convince yourself otherwise and tell yourself that you wont get hurt, but your instincts are telling you to walk away, so don't ignore them.
lighten up @toc
zerox - call it lack of self esteem of wtv blah blah - is its easier to point fingers and judge - i did the same until bamm! its me on the other side
@sweethearts @pinklibra @sizezero thank you so much for being non-judgmental and helping out. its true i didn't know he was committed when we hooked up at first, but i should have stopped once i found out. i just didn't realize i would fall into this trap, it seemed to harmless at first and the sex haze took over perhaps (when i say we met online again, i meant on facebook chat, i was stupid enough to not check his status which clearly said he's in a relationship with her, which is why he assumed i knew about them) even though he's left her now i don't trust him which is why i've been seeking advice, and debating the whole thing
@lioness81 - I honestly don't know what to do. the way he rationalized it is "that he used to love me, but i left him - meanwhile he started dating someone else - but the moment i am back in his life, nobody else matters to him" - i know it sounds crap, but what is a girl to do when a guy who anyway makes her knees weak goes on using his libra charm endlessly.
Anyway, he's leaving on a work trip in a few days and wont' be back until november end. I've told him i don't want to see him until he comes back, the time apart will be great to get over him and think clearly. Besides i'll know whether he even wants to be with me or this is all just a rush of feelings.
Thank you so much everyone smile
lionine- don't even plan on seeing him when he gets back. get busy, go out, meet people, line up dates, pamper yourself, catch up with friends and do all the things which will prevent him from entering your mind. Have fun with your life rather than holding the expectation that you need him or anyone for that matter to make your life fun or great or whatever. I don't usually tell people to break it off with someone because that is a choice best made for themselves but if it has taken you forever to get over a Taurus, you don't want to even try to get over a Libra. They will pull you in, and push you out and replace you, then pull you back in again and it is like being on a rollercoaster that keeps slipping off the tracks.
lioness81 - i just found out from a common friend that he is much older than he had told me. I'm 24 and he's actually 35, whereas he had told me he's 30. Looks like he isn't all milk & ivory as I had thought him to be. I'm done with him.
I'm going to stop bothering and giving a hoot, since he's clearly not worth it. Can't believe I wasted a month of my life on that. Stupid capricorn moon.
Thanks again, all :-)
All the best with the next one. smile
* He keeps saying why all this didn't happen when we dated earlier, but it nags me that he's still with her.
Is Venus in retrograde or something? Someone from my past popped up and expressed similar regrets.
* The chemistry in bed, and out of bed is insane. Its like a this big explosion in our minds
Yeah. I've been there with a Leo. If it clicks, it is exactly that. an explosion. Just be careful it doesn't end up like Chernobyl. I have never had that with any water sign. But Leo, absolutely. But it takes more than that, as you know.
Why did he move in with the Cancer girl? (I haven't read the entire thread yet.) I suggest you tell him like it is and tell him he needs to make a decision. You or her. Then don't contact him till he has. He probably doesn't want to hurt her. Maybe she is feeling financially responsible for her, etc. You may want to suggest he end it with her now before he ends up being even more twisted into the web with her. Remind him, the longer it goes on, the MORE intertwined their lives will become. Don't be emotional about it! Just be honest. Tell him what he already knows. Validate his fears. Then cut contact till he does.
Posted by leonine_girl
lioness81 - i just found out from a common friend that he is much older than he had told me. I'm 24 and he's actually 35, whereas he had told me he's 30. Looks like he isn't all milk & ivory as I had thought him to be. I'm done with him.
I'm going to stop bothering and giving a hoot, since he's clearly not worth it. Can't believe I wasted a month of my life on that. Stupid capricorn moon.
Thanks again, all :-)

Ewww ... yeah. That is uncool. I doubt you could ever trust him with all the lies. Sad
Hopefully, the month away, will help you get over your good sex hormones and you find someone else to explore them with.