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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
For enquiring minds, yes I had a wonderful "date that wasn't a date" with Libra Girl. I met her at her place, brought a bouquet of flowers, and she expected to have a home-made meal at my place. But we stopped at a Thai restaurant where I had pre-ordered Mongolian Beef, Spring Roles and Thai Rice Pudding with slices of mango. She LOVES fruit (do you other Libra Lasses love fruit too?). We played duets on the piano for about just under two hours (where we BOTH have excuses for sitting very close to one another and bumping into each others hands---making beautiful music together?). And she talked and talked and talked, and I listened. I took her home, gave her a strong hug and brushed her hair and kissed her cheek and told her how much I LOVE being with her.
The next day she left me a voice-mail thanking me for the flowers, nice dinner and EVERYTHING.
I called her a few days later and she wanted to get together right away and talk about things that were bothering her (NOTHING to do with "us"). She hadn't been sleeping well, had a lot of things on her mind, just wanted to talk. So that night I went to her place and we sat at the kitchen table and she told me how down she'd been feeling, etc. (Work stuff, family stuff, past stuff). I just listened and assured her whenever she needed me I'd be there. We seemed closer than ever (a little scarey in a way). And all week she thanked me for the mangos. (Libra Ladies, DO you like mangos?). I told her I'd call her for dinner, which I did; and she had too many obligations and felt BAD about not having dinner tonight--so I left it with her to let me know when.
Signed Up:
Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 12
Sounds like things are progressing nicely! So now, you have to back off a little bit, give her a few days to call, or at least wait a few days to call her. She probably needs to process all of this sharing she did with you.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Taking you advice. Backing off. Playing it cool (REAL easy for an Aries. NOT). 'Appreciate the comment of exotic fruit---didn't think of it that way. Will try to be more mysterious and unavailable---again SO easy for an Aries. Ha.
And, QS, Binti is an awesome name. Glad you appreciate my style .
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
I love Mangos and every other fruit on the planet...
Atom, Libra Girl is shy and may not have realised that your get together was nothing short of a date. Have you tried to see if she has 'shown' you how she feels about you without her saying anything?
I would give her a chance to call you although I think she will not directly ask you out. So her call is your cue to do the inviting. Read between the lines big time. But give her freedom at the same time.
Her telling you of difficulty is positive, as strange as that may sound. If it had to do with love relationships it was her way of drawing attention to herself and trying to tell you that she is capable of 'feeling', that she is human, and that she longs to be loved just like everyone else. If it was about relationships indeed then she is uber shy. She brought things up not becuase she needed to talk perse but because she was trying to tell you that she thinks it is all tough stuff.
Don't bring things up unless she does. Because it is possibly her way of breaking through the shyness and putting her feelings outthere.
Don't know if any of this makes sense.
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1158 · Topics: 16
When I wrote "Don't bring things up unless she does" I was referring to you bringing up the issues that she raised when you had the conversation in the kitchen. Because, unless I am seeing this completely incorrectly in which case do forgive me, these conversations are a means to an end. The end being YOU.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
! Thank you, Libra. Again! I am seeing this the same way you are. It does seem she is EXTREMELY shy in the relationship department. I don't bring up ANYTHING unless she does.
I got a call from her tonight. She is still thanking me for the flowers I gave her. She told me details about the last few days. We talked about scheduling things for next week. A few days ago she had told me she didn't want to go out for dinner on Valentine's Day because EVERYONE would be out to dinner. Then she suggested another day or lunch. Well, tonight, after I suggested we figure out a time to get together, she said she was being totally illogical about going out for dinner on Valentine's Day and if I wanted to do that, it's okay with her. (To me, this sounds BIG from her). Anyway, seriously, I was bushed from a long day, didn't haven't my schedule in front of me, so just told her I'd have to look at my schedule tomorrow and call her back. (This is the FIRST time I've had to put off setting a time to get together with her---but she has done this several times with me in the past).
SHE called. It was nice. I'm soaking it in. Appreciating your advice.
Signed Up:
Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 12
Yay! She called and she wants to do V-day! That's cool - sounds like it means something to her. She didn't want to do it originally b/c of what it means to her, not b/c everyone would be out!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Atom, jealous eyes rolling... Tsk... No, seriously, happy to hear have a great Valentine's Day or evening.
Signed Up:
Jan 17, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
That rocks! You're making leaps and bounds (from the Libra courting perspective)... Definitely gotta go over well with your Aries conquering spirit.
Sounds like it is going to turn out to be a great Valentine's Day for the two of you. Congrats!
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Leaps and bounds! I like that!
Signed Up:
Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
well played good sir, well played.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Thank you, genteelmen and ladies. Now have scheduled dinner at my place on Monday night and a long walk and just hanging-out time together on Valentine's Day starting in the morning---anticipate a nice lunch. Also, again for enquiring minds, considering elegant throw pillows for her valentine gift.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Let's see, I've seen Leos pissed and usually it's to the point and over with. But Leos can hold grudges too and be upset for days. I've seen Cappies pissed and they hold it in for a LONG time---most passive aggressive sign I know next to Scorpio. I've seen Libras pissed and they're usually ashamed after losing their tempers, but I tend to find them justified when they are upset. AND the scales balance back so MOST of the time it's okay for me to see them pissed because, not long after, they will be pleasant, very apologetic and usually go out of their way to make it clear they are content most of the time.
Signed Up:
Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
Aquas are extrememly sharp; clever; witty. Intuitive and ever-learning.
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
When someone is ginuinely upset to the point of being hurt by me and I can see it, it tears me apart. But when people just blow up violently I find such a loss of control harmless. Which usually pisses someone off more but I mean the etremeness of it just makes them come across even more vulnerable to me. Now someone who is calm when there pissed is 100x more worthy of being feared. Someone who can think through there anger is the one who is truely dangerous when pissed.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Yup that would be a Scorp... We are often quiet when upset, not explosive unless you drive us to it so, yes or quiet anger is scary, very scary...
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
**yes our quiet anger anger is scary, very scary****
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Jan 05, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1715 · Topics: 63
ALWAYS duck when a Scorpio is mad!
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Bob and weave, use your jab.
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Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
No not duck, bob or weave. Hit the floor or run LOL!!!
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 5176 · Topics: 77
Or should you just get out of our view, because a stare and gaze of disappointment are stronger than words.
Signed Up:
Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Yeah but leos are pretty good at taking stuff in stride. Yall have pretty thick skin and aren't afraid to make fun of yourselves if you need to to keep things on an even keel so things work out.