I originally wrote this thinking I might send it to this libra girl that I've liked forever and I'm annoyed with myself for continuing to talk about it and think about it all the time, and maybe other people are too, but anyway, I started out with this analogy of relationships being like swimming pools, and then I just took off from there, which I thought was interesting and it might be fun to share with you guys. So here it is: Do you think insecurity could maybe be the best explanation for my behavior? And not to say that if I wasn't so insecure, then I wouldn't have behaved this way, and then you would like me, I'm really not that stupid. Like, I think if I understand correctly, you don't really like me, but you also don't dislike me, and what you don't like is the way I've behaved, and continue to behave, like I'm never going to learn. Obviously there's some things you do like, like air guitar. Thats probably it. And none of that bothers me or makes me feel insecure at all. I think what I've done is sort of jump into a 12' swimming pool not knowing how to swim, and hoping I would just be able to figure it out. Then it seems really complicated once I get it, and I freak out. Of course swimming is actually really simple, and so is this whole situation, and so slowly I start to realize that and maybe I can stop freaking out as much, and eventually I'll start to feel more secure. But you're the lifeguard, and you don't even want me to be in your pool, so I'm trying to learn how to swim in a pool that I'm not welcome in. Then my insecurities make me feel like you just don't want me there because I don't know how to swim and it's embarrassing and a waste of your time to try and help me figure it out. That bruises my ego which says, how could I (bold italic) possible not be worth anyone's time and I feel completely affronted and hurt. But then again it is your swimming pool, and you should be allowed to say who swims in it and who doesn't without fear of retaliation from me. Still, I like your swimming pool the most. It seems like I like it even more than my own swimming pool. Do I even have one I wonder... but everyone does so I must. Wow so there must be a lot of other swimming pools out there that I might like more. So then I can decide how to spend my time.
One, I can improve my own pool so that I like it more than yours. Two, I can spend some time looking at other people's swimming pools to see if I like any of them. Three, I could put effort into convincing you to allow me to swim in your pool. The dilemma is, how? What would be meaningful? What would you like enough that you would think I deserved to be there, and at the same time not make you feel like I was only doing it because I'm insecure and I think it's the only way anyone could let me swim in their pool? Is that even something that you would think? And then I'm all insecure all over again. I could make my pool so nice that perhaps you would hear of it and want to swim in it. And then do I let the past keep me from allowing you to swim in it, since you wouldn't let me swim in yours? Is that an insecure thing to do? Or do I forgive you and let you swim in it because I like you? Or maybe thats being insecure, because I just want your approval and I think maybe I'll get it by letting you swim in my pool. Maybe I'm hoping you'll let me swim in your pool if I let you swim in mine, but I don't know if you will, and everyone sees it, and thinks I'm letting you walk all over me and taking advantage. Or, maybe I really am just doing it because I care about you, but since I'm thinking about why I'm doing it and what other people are thinking, and what you're thinking, I get insecure about what I'm doing, and can't really let myself keep doing it, because I just don't know. Is it something I have to figure out and know in order to feel secure, or do I just say to myself that it's just a really complicated thing to understand for anyone, regardless of how good a swimmer they are, and I should just stop trying to understand it, pick a course of action and just go with it, and fuck what other people think. Which is why I want to do something special for you on valentines day, thats just for you, and you can do whatever you want with it. The problem is, I don't know how to do it without feeling like I might be scaring you by showing up at your door with a present or something, or having something sent to your work.
Don't worry Banini. I am kind of realizing I did that with the latest Leo. I actually have been reflecting on it the last two days since pretty much throwing in the towel on the whole thing. I really did feel over my head and like I was stepping out of my comfortzone. I showed a real lack of faith in myself, the universe, and in the guy ... to just like me. I couldn't just relax and let it roll, I had to try to take control. When we try to control, it is obvious that we are working against ourselves and the universe. It really is a lack of faith. Of course, the more you try, the more you push that which you wish to attract away, and the more you push this away, the more you try. Have you ever heard the expression every thing you chase runs away from you? I kind of forgot that for awhile. I think you did too. A rookie mistake if there ever was one! I am trying to relax and embrace the flow. I am adopting the matra, "All I have to do is be myself." Perhaps you should too. You can sit on the bench with me while we wait for the next leo/libra bus. And next time we with both be a little more prepared.
SoftCookie there are other people that sit at bus stops besides just Forest Gump. Life isn't the movies, and even if it was, there are still other movies that have scenes with characters who aren't Forest Gump sitting at bus stops.
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
hi kris, how's college? Has any coed made a dishonest man out of you yet? banini, I was just teasing you and LS...she knows I love her. I just forgot to add the
LMAO!!! COOOOOKKKIEEE!!! YAY! Hops up and down happily on one foot. I will claim it! Forest Gump sounds about right in my situation. I don't think I have acted worse in my life. lol! (puts head down on desk and cries) The only saving grace is I have acted sooo completely crazy it has reached the point of hilarity. Half the time, I am crying with mirth over my own stupidity.
the other half, I am crying at my own stupidity. lol! Although ... thinking about this ...the Leo may have been Forest in this case with his fear of commitment yelling, "Run Forest! Run!" Any guy who walks/runs away from me can't be that smarts! (does flirty shoulder roll and smacks my own ass!)
Signed Up: Jun 01, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 790 · Topics: 20
LS, I'm sorry to hear that you gave up on the Leo. But you're right, it's time for you to move on and maybe someday he will reappear. Life's funny that way. The only people you're required to chase are purse-snatchers and the ice cream man.
yeah. me too. I fell pretty hard but I can only do so much. At some point, you have to cut your losses, and yet another unreturned phonecall seems as good a place as any. It is too bad because I think it is something we will both regret and think of often.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
I am glad he got a lot of responses because all I could do was shake my head and close the page. Banini, While as a charmer and self proclaimed renissance man I can appreciate your intention but please, please...... get yourself some laid.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
I think it is awesome that he is trying but reading it was like watching a car wreck, you know it's gonna be painful but you can't help but keep watching. I want the guy to get the girl but from my experience with Libra girls I don't think this would be such a good idea.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
I just looked it up. I am a Scorpio descendant too. That explains a few things Can't seem to get away from those scorpio girls, though who in their right mind would try too
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"For you nic i suppose a scorp chick with libra descendant might do the trick interesting i want to test my hypothesis lol. " I wouldn't mind testing it out either. I just got off of the phone with my ex of five years. She was a scorp with a Libra ascendent and moon. I would like to find one with a Libra descendant and see how that pans out.
Why would you ever ask a taurus how to capture a libra girl? (scratches head) Many have tried, many have failed. They usually aren't very attractive at all. Plus, they do not take no for an answer. Annoying gits! (At least the ones I met.) Kris my ascendent is Sag, my descendent is Gem. I have a Leo moon. Everything else is Libra, Sag, and a couple itty bitty drops of water. Now you know why I was crazy about Leo/Gem guy ... His chart was almost entirely Leo and Gem. Until you get to the outer edges and then it matched mine. Fatal attraction. Poor me.
Kris somewhere on these forums there was a post on how compatibility works. You write the signs down and number them from your sign onward. So in your case, Leo would be 1, Virgo 2, Libra 3, so on. For me it would be Libra 1, Scorp 2, etc. The 3-11 is a powerful attractor with lots of play, freedom, etc. It is probably the most sustainable combo as the 5-9 combo which is the great love combo often burns itself out if people aren't careful. I wish I had saved that article. It was a great article and very accurate. It explained how people at certain numbers saw you.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Kris, Really? I have seen it the other way around alot, Taurus females with Libra males but not a lot of the Libra girls with Taurus guys. But, then again I don't know a lot of Libra girls and a lot of Taurus gilrs so it is probably just a coincidence. I can see the combo working, but the Taurus guy is going to have to loosen up a lot and let the Libra girl run the show a little bit which would seem like a difficult proposition given the Taurus guy personality. I am a Libra guy with Taurus rising, talk about conflicting signs. I can tell even with the slight effect of Taurus personality in me it being causing conflict with a Libra girl....I am probably overanalyzing though.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"Well actually the libra girls were fine with taurus guy he didn,t show any controlling attitude they hide it very well . Besides i have a wild guess that libras are very submmisive group you guys don,t mind if others run the show infact you like it so its perfect ." Yeah I can kind of see this. We like it 50/50 but I think that if anyone is going to get us to submit they would have to be really intelligent, reasonable and tactful, all traits that Tauruses can display. I can see it going pretty smoothly but when they do but heads it would be in a big way. Tauruses tend to stand their ground stubbornly and use their horns, and Libra is so elitist that this very trait will bring out our well hidden fighting spirit. When it comes to this, Tauruses are pretty much the only sign where I will set diplomacy aside and break a taurus down...so I think there is a little danger. But this would obviously be few and far between.
Actually Kris, I TOTALLY disagree with you. Thinking this over, I don't like Taurus men at all, even my own brother who I avoid at all costs. The three uncles I dislike are both taurus's as well. I find them to have explosive tempers. I find them very uncoth and competitive. (They have no sense of style either.) The ones I have tried to date or ran into in social situations were very unattractive to me. I didn't like them at all. The most common relationship I see is Leo man/libra woman which makes sense because it is a 3-11 combo. I know a couple libra/libra; libra/aquarius but leo/libra seems the most common. Of course, it depends on the mars, venus, moon. My chart is set up for a fire/air combo. With my moon in leo it means I am wildly attracted to leos. The only earth sign I ever dated successfully was Virgo which makes sense because it is a 2-12 combo that is very healing and supporitive combo. Looking at the charts though, they both had fire in their venus, mars. Caps? Taurus? nooooo thanks. I'll stick to leos.
Even in the very few dating situations I have had with taurus guys, if you reject them they get crazy on you. CRAZY! stalkerish weird. screaming fights yadda, yadda. noooo thanks.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
Well unfortunately I have had a lot of practice. There have been a few tauruses that wanted to push me to the limmit. For some reason they think a libra will just stand there and take crap from them. They are bluffers. They will instill a ginuine fear that they can and will destroy you, but, they have weakness, RAGE.. Let them come at you full force and just pick em apart. But I am wierd, I fight best when being attacked, and Tauruses will do the attacking so....works for me. (speaking both verbally and physically)
Okay what if I got her a cake for valentines day? Like just a small one, and she's vegan so it would be totally vegan, and then instead of doing something creepy like bring it to her apartment, I tell her friend that I got it for her, and she can go to the place that made it and pick it up, or call them and they'll deliver it. I mean, I know I prolly shouldn't do that, but I still want to...
Signed Up: Jan 17, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1252 · Topics: 17
Banini, With regard to the pools, personally, I think that you are overthinking it... Nobody has all those answers. Nobody always knows exactly why they are in it, how they are supposed to be, or what will or will not come of it. You just ask yourself if you believe that it is worth the chance, and if it is, you go... As you said: "just stop trying to understand it, pick a course of action and just go with it, and fuck what other people think." And, if something doesn't work, well, hindsight is 20/20... Unfortunately, the only way we learn to play this game is by playing (and making mistakes). That being said, perhaps a cake is a bit much, given things seem to be a bit rocky. How about something smaller, a little less overbearing. Cake would probably be okay for a girlfriend, but less than a girlfriend, not so good... Think of perhaps something you would give to a friend, a really good friend?!?
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
OK, dude regardless of what everyone else says here you obviously have some serious emotions brewing over this one. I suggest you do one of either two things. You walk away from it then come back to it. Like a puzzle you can't solve until you allow yourself to forget about it. Get a buddy, go out with another girl but whatever you do make it something that will allow you to forget about it. Then, you approach it again in your mind and if your gut still turns at the thought of her... You have to express yourself somehow. She is either going to love it or hate it and the focus isn't so much on what you do it is that you do it. What do YOU want to do for her, not what you think she would want you to do for her because at this point no one including yourself has any idea weather or not she actually wants you to do something. When it comes down to it and this part has passed, like Alcheme said hindsight is 20/20 but what you will be analyzing isn't her, I guarentee it, it is weather or not you did what YOU KNOW you should have. Weather it is something over the top or subtle, it will all come down to weather or not you are happy with your actions in the end, so the only thing you can really do is what you feel you should. My recommendation? Pick out a song, burn it to a CD, put her name on it and mail it to her. A song that doesn't necissarily represent all of these burning desires for her, she is a Libra, be subtle. A song that explains the miscommunication, the unknowing. This will get her thinking about you, not what you did. You don't want what you do to be so strong that it becomes the focus and overshadows you. At this point, the more extravagent the less personal. Never let a Libra see you desperate. Sorry about the crack about getting laid earlier, I totally get your pools theory but what you were trying to explain really showed your confusion. It sounded unsure, so, I would keep it for you and not show it too her until you guys have been dating for 6 months and all gooey and sentimental, that would be the time to show her that Why the F don't I have a girlfriend right now?
Okay what if I got her a cake for valentines day? Banini Trying to hard. Just let it go for now. Kris Two disappointments does not mean repeated. The first one was fresh out of a relationship and rebounding big time. I should have known better. The second ... I am not sure what is going on but I don't blame ALL leos for our failure to acheive a relationship. I have just been honest. I don't find earth signs attractive. If you looked at my chart, what you are saying doesn't make sense either because I have so much air and fire in my chart. Like elements are attracted to like elements. Fire and Air share compatible values. This is why they attract. Guys with a lot of water or earth just don't do it for me. I am just being honest. If I remember correctly, your venus is in an earth sign, this explains why you are attracted to Earth females.
I dunno. Generally a woman is attracted to men who are in her mars placement and men women in thier venus. Who knows? Maybe this libra has a lot of water in her chart or something.
Signed Up: Nov 06, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"good luck with that man it is easier to swallow deadly cobras than to try to beat a bull down ."
"...Adolf hitler was a taurus with a libra rising !" Really? That is interresting about Hitler. I am a Libra with Taurus rising so maybe that explains the above quoted comment. That and I have had to deal with two tauruses in my family and a couple of my good male friends are as well so I guess in knowing them so well they don't seem so invincible to me.
So am I on for a Valentines card then? I don't want to be all stockerish and I don't know her address, so I'm thinking no. I mean I know the intersection she lives at, and roughly what building, but thats it. I do have her business card which she gave me actually, so I could have it sent to her work. I dunno though. Plus, hey! There's this girl at my bank who seems interested maybe, unless she's just friendly like that with all the customers...
Signed Up: Nov 30, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3480 · Topics: 90
I agree with Nic!! a single rose means a lot more than a bouquet anyway....I'd melt if somebody were to do that Although a card would be nice too - again, keep it simple and just to let her know you are thinking of her on this "special" day although honestly I would prefer you did it the day after, not when the retailers are suggesting we spend a fortune for their own gain *shrugs* Guess my romantic side has kinda taken a blow lately - I'll bounce back - promise LOL