Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
I think YOUR ............
Posted by tiziani
Who is the fairest Water Cup of them all?
(Mirror reflects back a kettle)
Non politically correct version of how to answer this thread: Looks do influence me and case in point was how everyone uploading their best-foot-forward pictures into their avis a few days ago had me thrilled at how generally sexy and stylish the entire DXP is.
Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
toothy smile was told to you in another thread WC
= :+D or : D without the space so colon with a capital D
Posted by tiziani
I'll give you an answer that you'll call bs on but it's my truthful answer anyway.
The thing about Libras (and me specifically) is that we don't really see ugliness other than the ugliness people do to themselves. When I first started seeing my ex for the first time, she was beautiful. When she stopped taking care of herself and become too comfortable, I felt she became ugly but not just in looks also in character for giving up on herself and not taking pride. When she started doing coke and all sorts of other stuff just to avoid dealing with her unhappiness, she TRULY became ugly because it was a waste of beauty.
I think if you want to understand Libras maybe think that we don't actually believe in the saying "beauty is only skin deep". We believe that if something is pretty on the outside then it must be on the inside too, and vice versa.
If you think about it, in one way that makes us superficial as hell because we're attracted to shiny things and assume that because they're shiny then they must have it all together on the inside and they'll never let us down.
But we do get let down. And i think that helps us get our prorities straight and start to look first deeper for what's on the inside and see if it really matches up to what we love on the surface. But ultimately we believe the beauty in is a reflection of out, and vice versa.
Posted by everevolvingepithetThe thing about Libras (and me specifically) is that we don't really see ugliness other than the ugliness people do to themselves.
I think it's as much that we stick around while the ugliness comes to the fore and exposes itself as it is being naive and blind to to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithet
No, not perfect, far from that haha, and it isn't delusional, it's more a case of the others manipulations and machinations.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
lol@delusional, you can be a funny one sometimes, WC.
Posted by tiziani
Yeah you have it right in a sense WC. Personally I think I've put in a decent amount of spiritual work to avoid that but I think that is part of our nature to see faults only with time. And I do not think it's delusional to admit this is part of our nature to be that childishly naive. After all, self-awareness and humility saves anyone from delusion. I don't think either I or Bling are blaming anyone else at all for our responsibility in the equation. It's just a part of our makeup and hopefully we wise up and learn how to handle it. And also find other people who can accept it for what it is and, like Bling says, not make the mistake of thinking we're a soft touch for being open about it.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
A perfectionist!
Posted by tiziani
I'd definitely agree there's no smoke, but you'll never get it through a Libra's head there's no mirrors. The House of Libra is the House of Mirrors. Because of that like Bling said we like idiosynchrosies and the perfectionism becomes an ugly word to us.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I was saying you were the perfectionist wc, not I. I'm far too feral for that .
Posted by tiziani
We're not perfectionists at all when we grow up. Most of that is because we remember the reflection of when we were younger and thought we were perfect or just too big to admit our flaws. It's not a nice memory to be honest. That's why we like to see humanity and all it's flaws reflected back at us when we're a little further along.
Can I ask you WC if you feel you have opened up to, consistently admitted or reflected any of what you feel are your personal flaws in front of your Libra? Or has it just been too offensive/defensive in your time together for that?
Posted by tiziani
I'd say that's about right WCHard love (on occassion without being a bitch) helps win our respect. Iron fist behind the velvet glove, and all that.
Posted by jessgoogoo
I am a Libra, and I admit, I date beautiful people on the outside, but once they show me how ugly they can be I toss them in a Heart Beat, always Lessons to be learned but I`m not good at finding those lessons sometimes, so its one beautiful creature after another for me...
Posted by WaterCup
So, looks influence you, huh? But is it all you guys see or other factors count too? By other factors I mean, an abnormally huge brain, like mine. Lol. I'm really curious thou because it seems as if to librans beauty its where its at. Have you ever been with an ugly chick? If yes, did you feel as if something was missing?
Posted by tiziani
The beer holder haha
Posted by WaterCupPosted by everevolvingepithet
No, not perfect, far from that haha, and it isn't delusional, it's more a case of the others manipulations and machinations.
please explain what you mean by 'manipulations & machinations' because to me it translates to 'you fooled me, *I* thought you were this & that, but you arent, so its your fault' Its like you are putting blame on the other person for YOUR mistakes. I think the reason why people find librans so confusing is because of this. You guys go all in at 1st & thinking the person if perfect, but when the smoke clears you pull back feeling duped because its not what you expected, not realising that YOU are your own 'duper'. Do you think you are being FAIR when you pull stunts like that? Life is not all smoke and mirrors, you knowclick to expand
Posted by WaterCup
Lol you are funny and I see what you are saying, but I'm also NOT least to myself. I still get you thou, maybe I exude something else other than feminity
Posted by tizianiPosted by MissFury91
I really don't think it's about looking like a tomboy, it truely is about how you carry yourself. The way you walk, speak, graceful gestures and such. I NEVER wear heels or skirts, dresses, FUCK that. Not even make-up, hell, I'm the only female I know who can get ready and out in 20-30 mins flat. But guys I think are still attracted to the feminine way I carry myself, that I can't help. I wear fitted t-shirts and fitted jeans, which show off my shape, but i'm always in my converse. I wear my hair up because it's no-fuss, I hate having hair in my face, but I had a guy tell me that keeping my hair up made me look more graceful because I have a long neck. I guess a woman who exudes femininity will always come across as "Girly" to men no matter how she is dressed. Besides, most of these crazy, 5 inch heels make women stomp mad frankinstein-like.
I know a Pisces I dated one who is the head of her own fashion design house and yet she has the mentality of a tomboy.
I've dated a tomboy.
When it's a tomboy looking uncomfortable in dress clothing, that's equally as awkward as a princess looking uncomfortable in tomboy clothing.
It really is about just outfitting yourself in the way where you carry yourself with confidence and some backbone. The rest shines through.
But I DO prefer dressclick to expand
Posted by MissFury91Posted by WaterCup
Lol you are funny and I see what you are saying, but I'm also NOT least to myself. I still get you thou, maybe I exude something else other than feminity
Maybe it's confidence. Probably if you have aries on your ascendant. When women walk with confidence, like she knows she's the shit, men always stop DEAD in their tracks. I don't think I exude confidence, but I'll switch my hips down a sidewalk in my converse like I'm a supermodel. because I love converse THAT to expand
Posted by tiziani
Posted by tiziani
Wel jel!
"Tiziana" on weekends!
Posted by aquarius09
WC, lemme spell it out because a libra male will just pile on the excuses. Libra is an insecure and superficial sign with a sense of entitlement. They want the best of the best in terms of looks, not because that person's physical beauty is indicative of their inner beauty for that is the most preposterous excuse/reason to be given. I think even a 14 yr old kid realizes beauty is skin deep. The real issue is how that beautiful arm candy reflects on them. Let's face it, beautiful ppl are more likely to be helped first, hired at work and many other advantages. If you ever had a super hot bf, I don't mean just beautiful to you, I mean that most of the surrounding ppl thought he was cute, it would make you feel better about yourself that this hottie is yours. Sometimes people think they are good looking by default because they were able to snatch a hottie. Basically, it's all about the increased sense of worth they derive from having a hot partner. Example to follow shortly...
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