money and finances libras

This topic was created in the Libra forum by lovely77 on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Do some libras have financial issues, poor money management or just like to be spoiled with nice things. Its always something how do you deal...
Poor money management due to spoiling oneself with extravagance.
Not all, of course. My Libra uncle is a bit better with his money so he CAN afford nice things.
Omg lol
A few of my libra friends are aaaalways shopping it seems.

One tells me about something new she got almost every day. Amd some are not small ticket items.
I'm really financially.. unpredictable.. I don't even shop a lot. I kind of find it energetically draining. I just hate paying attention to money. I'm either insanely conservative (because I don't want to have to pay attention) or I throw all caution to the wind and worry later.

But I have both Uranus and Saturn in my Second House so there's that. I hate the feeling of being controlled by financial restrictions but being financially stable is important to me.

Fml. (Or fmc.. fuck my chartLaughing )