my ex libra says sex

This topic was created in the Libra forum by virgo_n_me on Thursday, June 12, 2008 and has 16 replies.
my ex libra told me sex with me was the best feeling, but not his best exprience.. what does that mean? I mean is exprience better then feeling?
It means it felt good but lacked transendence to another level.
transendence? what does that mean? was i boring to him
yow! glad he's your EX!
Libra women here - This dude is a mess child. Experience - something you won't forget and usually is a once in a lifetime thing. Feeling - something you can enjoy time and time again.
So, is he still the EX? or did you give he some breakup to makeup sex?
still the EX. no break up sex. he just told me that.. Thats my thought I would like to think a feeling is better. an experience is what it is. It would be good to have both. But i think I would rather have a the best feeling then have the best experience. After the experience is over then what.smh. stay with the feeilng if its good its good you cant go wrong... I would asume now that every time he has sex he will look for that experience and when he doesnt get it he will be dissapointed. makes sense? blah blah
You were boring compared to the others, but he actually liked you so his feelings compensated for the mediocre experience.
u again.
I am still great. I am not defined by sex... hey if thats all i had to offer then what would i be.. if all I had to show was legs then what? lol.. I am wonderful in every way. smooches.
You don't know what transcendence means?!?! It means it went beyond the normal into a heightened state of being. It was soulful. A spiritual connection.
With you sex felt great but lacked that deeper connection.
Sex is important to a relationship but not the end all be all. My guess is you asked him if you were the best he ever had. Don't ask questions you don't REALLY want the answer too.
You will probably be someone else's best. It really comes down to personal chemistry and preference. What works for one, doesn't work for another.
^Precisely. No need to go on the defense.
Libras are very much sex freaks and so are other signs, but don't go on the defense because the Libra didn't work for you. I don't think it's just sex that got Virgo and Libra where they are today. Her Libra is just indecisive and uncommitted to taking blame. Sex is not the factor here, if it was LIBRA would have left before BLAME showed up. LOL sounds like this dude is in this LIBRA order: Trust, Equal, It's your fault, Now sex me! LOL. I love being a Libra.
little_ sparrow****** My guess is you asked him if you were the best he ever had. Don't ask questions you don't REALLY want the answer too.

no actually I didnt ask. we were talking about sex. and he told me. just was wondering.
If he is the playboy type
Joe Stickler????? Is that a porn name or a lesbian name. Well...... I guess it's not lesbian because it would be Joe Tickler. LMAO just being crazy at work already, but I couldn't let that one past. lol