my libra

This topic was created in the Libra forum by lovely77 on Wednesday, December 16, 2015 and has 19 replies.
My libra told me they fought 4 their ex and did everything 4 them. Treated them as if they were in a rel until they gave in. Here i am doing 4 them.......they have yet to reciprocate anything. My question is what do u guys think on that? Its like everything u did for her u should be directing that toward someone who trying to be there like me. Smh my deadline is coming soon. I always fight to the end then wash my hands that made me feel bad like what I do isnt enough
Posted by Sugarfoot
You're getting played because you're letting yourself get played. You're showing exactly zero respect for yourself and your needs. Maybe you should push the deadline up.

True jeane and sugarfoot
Im not comparing to the ex perse im evaluating how ppl can do everything they can if they really feeling u. Which goes to show they not feeling me 100 because im doing all the chasing at this time. Why lose the fire ppl always treat the right ones wrong and the wrong ones right
Posted by lovely77
Im not comparing to the ex perse im evaluating how ppl can do everything they can if they really feeling u. Which goes to show they not feeling me 100 because im doing all the chasing at this time. Why lose the fire ppl always treat the right ones wrong and the wrong ones right

i don't know if it i a libra thing but i know i personally like a bit of push back in a partner. i don't want him to do everything for me. i like that bit of friction that comes from him calling me on my shit (when deserved). it makes me do better, be better. it's not to he should be mean, or unsupportive (quite the opposite) but it's that nice happy medium where he respects me to ask me to rise up to his standards and i, in turn, respect him for his strength in unwillingness to let me walk all over him.
How am i changing anyone i haven't mentioned anything about change. Im more so asking what ppl think nor am i changing whoni am either. Sometimes we have to continue being who we r always mo matter what ppl do @tiziani where in there do u see me changing someone besides it seemig like im being taking for granted and allowing it. I own that
What im saying is pay attention to how ppl treat u in actions it shows hownmich they like you. I notice it. BUt giving th3 benefit of the doubt
Excuse the typos
Ive been nothing but quiet and observing actions. I havented complained or asked for anyone to treat me any kind of way. Im just noticing things. Its up to me to allow it or walk away. Thats corny i would never ask someone to do anything obviously if they wanted to do it they would have lol. If I don't like who they naturally our its up to me to leave. Never change or force anything but im definitely paying attention to how im treated. Im my own judge and it has been ine sided smh
You shouldnt have to tell someone how to treat u period. Find someone who can reciprocate the same love. Thats one thing i wont do, but ppl will learn and understand when ur gone.
Yes i agree we just want to be good ppl and atleast fight for someone. So many ppl are damaged i just feel why throw in the towel so soon atleast do my part which ihad been a year. And some months now i think they r a good person but its the wrong timing and maybe they r just not that into me etc thats ok i just wanted clarity on my part before I walk away @blackphase
Yes indeed im just trying to get insight before i walk away. I fight 4 love but cant be a fool either i know im being foolish but i want to atleast try @tiziani i hear ur point too
Posted by lovely77
My libra told me they fought 4 their ex and did everything 4 them. Treated them as if they were in a rel until they gave in. Here i am doing 4 them.......they have yet to reciprocate anything. My question is what do u guys think on that? Its like everything u did for her u should be directing that toward someone who trying to be there like me. Smh my deadline is coming soon. I always fight to the end then wash my hands that made me feel bad like what I do isnt enough

okay, seriously, you need to hear this.
For weeks now, you have been very concerned about your s/o and her ex.
Seems like no progress has been made. I think your s/o and ex are too close, you are being pushed to the side. Your s/o has absolutely no reason to be worrying about her ex so much, she's an ex for a reason, exes belong in the past. This is ridiculous, you shouldn't have to be dealing with this. It sounds like your s/o wants a threesome or threeway relationship with you and her ex.
This whole situation is just uncomfortable, and she had the nerve to tell you that you need to deal with her giving her ex money and a place to stay if she needs it.

Please, save yourself from this trainwreck. You are a pretty girl and you look really young, you're wasting your time on this thick headed, inconsiderate, indecisive hoe.
Your s/o doesn't deserve to be in a relationship with you if she can't let go of her past. Hope you make the right decision.
Thank you i gave it my all wanted to atleast try on my part im still young and a good person i dont need this drama. Your response made me lolllll made my Friday @mysterioustaurus im 31 still have time
Posted by lovely77
Thank you i gave it my all wanted to atleast try on my part im still young and a good person i dont need this drama. Your response made me lolllll made my Friday @mysterioustaurus im 31 still have time

Wow. You look so young I would never guess 31. I would say like mid twenties. You're a good person and you tried really hard to be patient, understanding, and to compromise but your gf is immature and inconsiderate. It seems like she isn't doing much compromising at all. It's time to leave the relationship. You need someone who is more available and doesn't have ex BAGGAGE
Are you going to break up with her?
Posted by lovely77
Thank you i gave it my all wanted to atleast try on my part im still young and a good person i dont need this drama. Your response made me lolllll made my Friday @mysterioustaurus im 31 still have time

I'm glad I made your Friday smile
Yes im moving on for now my life is good and stress free i want to that way. Atleast ive tried its hard when u care but i cant allpw ppl to take advantage of me. And thank you smile @mysterioustaurus
Posted by lovely77
Yes im moving on for now my life is good and stress free i want to that way. Atleast ive tried its hard when u care but i cant allpw ppl to take advantage of me. And thank you smile @mysterioustaurus

Good for you. It seems like your decision has been made. Don't let the libra manipulate you. Stay strong and solid. Let us know how it all works out. Good luck.