My Libra daughter

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Gemitati on Thursday, July 27, 2017 and has 19 replies.
She is 22. Has 5 Scorpio placements.

She had gained like another one if hers during college years...

Now size 6-8.

Hard to describe her beauty as mom but everyone who sees her pick goes OMG!

She used to be the girlies girl when little.

Grew up to be a tomboy.

Her father afraid when she is coming close because she slapped his belly and it hurts! Man jumps! ? she says she had met gorgeous guy a while ago. He is 25 and loaded. She had invited him to a bday party and got drunk and paid no attention to him so he said 'I don't think we need to see each other anymore'

Last night she went to a bar and he was there. Approached her and asked to have another chance.

She apologized for her behavior and they are talking.

I said 'apparently you were awesome even drunk'...not that I am encouraging her drinking but I am THE MOM!

Question is...we don't know mans sign.

But any yourself in this cituation - why would you want to 'do it again' being like she said 'all that' and all? Interested? Thought of her?

She is fun and funny and crazy...

Like so funny and so crazy. I have nothing to do with it...???
Posted by tiziani
Tell her make sure there is food in the deal.
Come again. I feed her well...?

SHE is out of his league and he knows it.


At a stop light here Big Grin
Posted by Montgomery

SHE is out of his league and he knows it.


At a stop light here Big Grin
Love, she IS gorgeous but she took insecurity from her pathernal grandmother who was gorgeous but never saw herself as she was.

She texted me like 'mom, he is so gorgeous I can't describe' and I was like 'yeah...and you are not? Stupid...'

Apparently he is smart enough to see that she IS gorgeous plus dead funny and crazy at the same time...I am just thinking Libras...

A lot of bad things was said about Libras here but she is doomed having 5 Scorpios!

@Tiziani told me she is going to take up the world after age of 30!

I hope so and I am glad she is growing up but I am trying to see if she has some 'bad' Libra traits...

Like not seeing how good she is and ending up with some ugly moron...

Posted by tiziani
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by tiziani
Tell her make sure there is food in the deal.
Come again. I feed her well...?
Let the bird fly the nest!
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She flew 6 years ago. Since she went to college. I would NEVER believe I will let her but I did...
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
Men always come back to Leebs.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
No he isn't married and he was there with guys...

I knew deep inside you have a heart!

It's like I almost like you! Whew! ?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Montgomery

SHE is out of his league and he knows it.


At a stop light here Big Grin
Love, she IS gorgeous but she took insecurity from her pathernal grandmother who was gorgeous but never saw herself as she was.

She texted me like 'mom, he is so gorgeous I can't describe' and I was like 'yeah...and you are not? Stupid...'

Apparently he is smart enough to see that she IS gorgeous plus dead funny and crazy at the same time...I am just thinking Libras...

A lot of bad things was said about Libras here but she is doomed having 5 Scorpios!

@Tiziani told me she is going to take up the world after age of 30!

I hope so and I am glad she is growing up but I am trying to see if she has some 'bad' Libra traits...

Like not seeing how good she is and ending up with some ugly moron...

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Does she have Scorpio moon too?

Posted by Insertusername
Men always come back to Leebs.
They do?

Btw her ugly ass shit 3 timing former bf came to apologize and went down in his knees asking her to forgive him...

He is the white crap covered in tattooed with dreds hair pothead idiot with killer dogs...I had posted it before...oh! And his earlobes hanging down to his shoulders...

She said she told him to fk off but they will at least talk again because he is roommate of her friend...

Imagine yourself in this cituation
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Montgomery

SHE is out of his league and he knows it.


At a stop light here Big Grin
Love, she IS gorgeous but she took insecurity from her pathernal grandmother who was gorgeous but never saw herself as she was.

She texted me like 'mom, he is so gorgeous I can't describe' and I was like 'yeah...and you are not? Stupid...'

Apparently he is smart enough to see that she IS gorgeous plus dead funny and crazy at the same time...I am just thinking Libras...

A lot of bad things was said about Libras here but she is doomed having 5 Scorpios!

@Tiziani told me she is going to take up the world after age of 30!

I hope so and I am glad she is growing up but I am trying to see if she has some 'bad' Libra traits...

Like not seeing how good she is and ending up with some ugly moron...

Does she have Scorpio moon too?

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No, cap moon

Her Scorps are





North node

Posted by 2Moon
Posted by tiziani
Tell her make sure there is food in the deal.
Time to invite Tiz to a buffet... ???

Always talking about food! lol
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Never answered to me when I've asked if he can see his dick without mirror btw...?
Posted by brianafay
Imagine yourself in this cituation
Who? Where?
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
No he isn't married and he was there with guys...

I knew deep inside you have a heart!

It's like I almost like you! Whew! ?
click to expand
She should ask him when his last relationship was. See how he talks about his ex, it says a lot about a person.
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
No he isn't married and he was there with guys...

I knew deep inside you have a heart!

It's like I almost like you! Whew! ?
She should ask him when his last relationship was. See how he talks about his ex, it says a lot about a person.
click to expand
Honey! Baby! Love...

Trust doesn't matter!

Of course from my perspective it doesn't because:

He said he was a shit (at 30th y/old)

After 45 he grew up...but woman got sick of the shit he puts her trough...

She is now hating his guts and don't see him as a man he isnTODAY! because she is hurt! So he said yes I was bad but not anymore...

Grew up but she is still hurt and bitter.

That's end of the world. Misery.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
No he isn't married and he was there with guys...

I knew deep inside you have a heart!

It's like I almost like you! Whew! ?
She should ask him when his last relationship was. See how he talks about his ex, it says a lot about a person.
Honey! Baby! Love...

Trust doesn't matter!

Of course from my perspective it doesn't because:

He said he was a shit (at 30th y/old)

After 45 he grew up...but woman got sick of the shit he puts her trough...

She is now hating his guts and don't see him as a man he isnTODAY! because she is hurt! So he said yes I was bad but not anymore...

Grew up but she is still hurt and bitter.

That's end of the world. Misery.
click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Tell her not to worry about his sign yet.

She should ask him if he's married or has a gf. Any tan lines on his finger?
No he isn't married and he was there with guys...

I knew deep inside you have a heart!

It's like I almost like you! Whew! ?
She should ask him when his last relationship was. See how he talks about his ex, it says a lot about a person.
Honey! Baby! Love...

Trust doesn't matter!

Of course from my perspective it doesn't because:

He said he was a shit (at 30th y/old)

After 45 he grew up...but woman got sick of the shit he puts her trough...

She is now hating his guts and don't see him as a man he isnTODAY! because she is hurt! So he said yes I was bad but not anymore...

Grew up but she is still hurt and bitter.

That's end of the world. Misery.
click to expand
Nothing. I love you...
Been in that situation. 4 of my 6 ex girlfriends are Leebs, so I am all too familiar with how this goes down:

- Meet Leeb, fall head over heels almost instantly

- Leeb invites you somewhere, then pays no attention to you due to the shear flux of the ridiculous amount of friends she has

- Get pissed, and say eff this chick. My time is better spent elsewhere

- Run into/Leeb contacts you at some point after cooling off. You remember how bad you want to sleep with her, and let bygones be bygones

- Have conversation with Leeb, and let her know you need more of her attention when together. Whether she intends to do it or not, she agrees

- Everything good until her friends are in the vicinity again. Leeb realizes she needs to keep her friends happy too, and repeats previous behavior.

- Get pissed, take off without saying anything. She texts 2-3 hours later, "Where'd you go?"

- Realize that things are SO much better when it's just the two of you, she then offers to come and see you

- Tell yourself that once you sleep with this leeb, she will lose ground to be able to act like a douche when her friends are around. Unfortunately, the cards remain in her deck because she looks every bit as good with her cloths off as she does with them on, and she pleasured you like no one else, and you are now even more whipped than before.

- End things with Leeb because my Cancer sun just can't take this schit

- Leeb makes one last attempt to trap you in her genjetsu with high heels, straightened hair, and short dress

- Friend punches you and tells you to snap out of it

- Leeb goes on to her next suitor

The funny thing about all of this, is it is EXACTLY what drives me crazy about leebs, and makes me want them.