This topic was created in the Libra forum by Aylin33 on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 and has 12 replies.
I love your comments ! even bad or nice, but it keep a nice mood when I read them, haha !
And Yes, my Libra makes me fly !.... And Yes, this is not a Karama relationship, I know this , it is great !
Karma relationship : when you meed someone in this life and you feel you know him/her since always, if you have this feeling is not good sign. After a while, the problems will start, like quarrels, misunderstandings, break up, sufference, tears... This means it is a Karma relationship. It means that person is not coming to you for the first time now, you met him/her in a previews life and in this life, he/she only has to give you something or say to you something. After this, he will go further , away from you and you will cry, you will feel lost and feel love him / her so much and cannot live without him/her, etc.... Well, this is Karma , you met a karma relationship and you can't do nothing to make it working because it is a just a karma .
When you meet a non karma relationship, you will feel this from start. You will feel everything is going on easy , and even he disappear ( as a Libra do sometimes), he will not give you much sifference, you will feel relaxed in some ways, not just like in karma relationship where you feel cannot live without him.. in non karma relationship, you will see that you can live without him and you will be more patient. And yes, he will come back to you for sure because he is not a karma , he is coming for the first time in your life now and he has nothing just to do for you or just to say and after that to leave, no, he will come to love you . You will feel this with all your heart, not like in karma relationship where you are always afraid that he will go, that he cheat you with other girls,etc. And you will see how easy he will come back to you , you no need do much efforts, just use your love and show to him is enought. But in a karma relationship, this is not working anymore ! You can try 1000 times , is for nothing, he will go ! because his role is just to do something for you in this life , not like a non karma relationship where he will be yours because it is your fate.
So, conclusion ? if is not working and you feel it make you suffer a lot , this relationship is karma relationship and you must stop it as soon as you can , don't wait to let yourself suffer more and more, because he will never be yours ...
A non karma relationship, you will see you are not worried
Lol @ 'preview life', I wish! Your English is improving, by the way..congratulationssmile What's your home language, Aylin?
Well, sorry for type wrong, I am very hurry when I write because I have also other things to do in the same time smile
I am not a Native English, I am from Romania, so my mother language is Romanian, latin language , similar with Italian, Spanish .
Thanks for reply and I just hope you all think about this when start a relationship, you will see how easy is to make the difference between a karma relationship and a non karma relationship .
Yes, I am happy and it is for the first time in my life when I feel a non karma relationship... after 2 karma relationship that was very painful and sad.
Thanks Ninjafish ! I have many posts here, some of them just for fun, some of them serious smile
Posted by Aylin33
Well, sorry for type wrong, I am very hurry when I write because I have also other things to do in the same time smile
I am not a Native English, I am from Romania, so my mother language is Romanian, latin language , similar with Italian, Spanish .
Thanks for reply and I just hope you all think about this when start a relationship, you will see how easy is to make the difference between a karma relationship and a non karma relationship .
Yes, I am happy and it is for the first time in my life when I feel a non karma relationship... after 2 karma relationship that was very painful and sad.

oh, okaysmile the people will take note, I'm sure.
Aylin...I totally agree with what you said.
What??s the point of this post? Is this for any girls out there wondering why their Libra man didn??t come back? And what do you mean he makes you fly? lol. Girrrrl, I swear your post confuse me each and every one more confusing than the one before. I think it's sweet that your so happy with him though. It's certainly different than the ones that come and bash the boards about a man because of his sign.
Right, I am Leo smile And I dislike peoples who are haters as you say , so thanks for support smile
For Pinklibra : I mean "karma relationship" for any sign you will meet. not specialy for Libra. So what I said about karma , it is in general for any sign you meet.
About him, how he makes me I mean he makes me happy , very happy exactly when I am waiting less for this to happen. He always surprise me with something very sweet and with love. And what I like about him it is that he is very sincere, when he feels he miss me, he say this, when he feels say he loves me, he just say this and for everything is the same with him. Other men from other sign of horoscope is not doing like this , from my experience, but Libra is very directly. I love him very , very much and I never saw a man more sweet than him . He is very handsome also .
Hope you are all happy now or soon ! smile
Thanks to everyone here who appreciate my post and agree with it. I hope more and more peoles who identify what kind of relation they are in. If you feel your soul is so difficult to find a way in this relationship, just give up ! Save your time for a non karma relationship that will come soon !
I was in a karma relationship for 3 years ! 3 years I loved him as a crazy and cryed and suffered also as a crazy .. I was doing everything possible to keep that relationship to work in some ways, but at least I got more and more hurt .. And now I can feel the difference so well. I am so sorry I lost that 3 years crying ... and doing so many efforts to keep the relation on. Now I do not any effort and the actual relationship with the sweet Libra, is going so naturaly and I feel peace in my soul all of the time. No worried , no questions in my mind, no sadness, no pression , nothing, is everything coming naturaly. I wish you all meet this non karma relationship and to see the difference ! Non karma relationship will make you feel only happiness in your soul, and there itn say also, love never hurt, love should come with happiness !
Oh. Now it makes sense. LOL. I use to read your post like wat the hell??lol. Well that's great. Good luck.
Thanks pinkilibra ! All the happiness for you too !