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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
can you get it back? how? i want to but i am having some trouble feeling it.
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
if you really care about someone just explain to them what happened, why you went cold, and if they can find it in their heart to forgive yoU. but first off, apologize! going cold on someone is never a nice thing to do, its hurtful, like betrayal...
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
was this a friend or a significant other? and what do you have trouble with exactly, like for example, apologizing face to face to that person or breaking the ice and contacting them for the first time after so long has passed?
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
whats their sign? and what did they do... if its that bad then maybe they dont deserve a second chance.
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Jan 13, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 266 · Topics: 2
Once I go cold it is dam near impossible for me to come back, I think I do this as a defense mechanism son don't get myself trick by the same person twice, but they wwould need to have really wronged me
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
if what he did wasnt that bad, only a matter a feelings being hurt, then i think you should forgive him. it sounds like a misunderstanding.. let him know your feelings were hurt so he doesnt act that way again. be adults ya know, most of the time people forget to include someone else feelings into their actions as humans are selfish by nature
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Dec 03, 2014Comments: 16 · Posts: 2377 · Topics: 189
taurus and libra have too strong of a bond to be thrown away easily, not that its your fault of course. but just get over it, youll be okay
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
no, he knew from the off. i made my position very clear - several times - over a long period of time. no misunderstanding.
he did it. i forgave him and we carried on as normal. he did it again. same. i had a meltdown but forgiven and forgotten. this last time? forgiven, not forgotten and now i find myself replicating a cold shower.
he just wants to do the best for everyone involved but it's impossible. things don't remain suspended in time and motion. he just wants everything in its place because to him, there is a place for everything. life is messy. sometimes you have to break a few eggs.
but! yes, i understand why he did what he did and yes, 100% he is forgiven. i harbour no bad feelings. no anger just a frustrating numbness that i seem to have no control over. my solution is to withdraw the opportunity to hurt me further because you know fool me once... but i don't know if i can get myself to feel again.
It takes me at least 5 years minimum before I warm up again but things never get back to how it was before. I certainly have my guard up for a good reason.
I still show I care but I just can't bring myself to be as warm as before.
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Oct 05, 2014Comments: 81 · Posts: 3016 · Topics: 49
I rarely go cold and I get over things and move on exceptionally quickly (thank you Gemini Moon.) However, I to am currently pretty cold on a longtime "friend." She totally turned her back on me when i needed her in spite of the fact that am forever always there for her (and she is very needy.) I just realized that I give eternally and this one-way street isn't what I want in a friendship. I shared this story to explain that I only go cold if for a very good, long coming reason.
It's been about two months now and I am slowly starting to consider maybe giving her a bit of my time but Idk.. I'm not really feeling it.
I don't think my answer is very helpful. haha
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Oct 05, 2014Comments: 81 · Posts: 3016 · Topics: 49
I also very much dislike grudges btw.. This whole going cold on my friend thing has been such an odd experience for me. I can't actually think of a single other person I've gone cold on since one crazy whackadoo about 12 years ago who literally destroyed a family member of mine (like identity theft etc.)
Maybe Librans are just too rational for grudges. Everyone has positive and negatives right?
I read in a horoscope recently somewhere (cafeastrology maybe?) that Librans are going through learning to identify and make our own needs priority (*gasp* feels kind of uncomfortable for me to even say.) Some lesson some slow moving planet is teaching us? Idk, I don't absorb details well, lol, I prefer to get the basic idea and move on.
Definitely.. you are a Libra.... What you stay to think 100 years now ???? If you forgiven what he did, simple, acting ! Say hello ! Is very simple ! At least for a Leo as me , but I know Libra need 100 years to think and think again and again, so you lost 50% from your life only thinking how to do and how to pass a moment like this ! You lose a lot of time instead to acting and connect things happy again !