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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
So I totally went completely Aries yesterday. I was on a blinding war path it scared me so bad I couldn't snap out of it. I absolutely hate cowards and I am normally not that girl but I would have given anything to round house kick this Sag guy.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You're probably the kind of cunt that lets her fuck buddies have at it with your son.
after all, it's not like you actually care about his well-being.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You've already described to us about how uncontrollable you are when on your blinding war path ...... you pin your son's hands against the wall, so you can beat him up.
Most of your threads describe how uncontrollable you are.
Hopefully, someone steps in to take your child .. he actually deserves a decent person as a parent.
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
@P_Angel I am not sure what you are writing because I cant see what you say, but I can tell you this much everyone gets angry and feels emotion and I am allowed to discuss it however I want and with whomever I want. The fact that you keep bringing up my old threads and that you are so fixated on certain people proves that DXP is the height of your life. You see it as your kingdom and I pity you because you obviously aren't making any other moves in your life if all you do is fixate on other peoples lives.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Sun Sagittarius 1.51 Ascendant Aquarius 21.05
Moon Aries 8.32 II Aries 5.59
Mercury Scorpio 19.08 R III Taurus 10.31
Venus Scorpio 2.05 IV Gemini 6.13
Mars Capricorn 5.02 V Gemini 28.21
Jupiter Gemini 12.32 R VI Cancer 21.21
Saturn Scorpio 5.49 VII Leo 21.05
Uranus Aries 4.47 R VIII Libra 5.59
Neptune Pisces 0.25 IX Scorpio 10.31
Pluto Capricorn 8.09 Midheaven Sagittarius 6.13
Lilith Gemini 8.05 XI Sagittarius 28.21
Asc node Scorpio 26.01 XII Capricorn 21.21
That is my son's chart he is 2 and very very stubborn, rebellious, and emotional he is almost 3 (Nov. 23) and he tests me more than any toddler I have ever seen and I worked child care for 3 years. Spanking does not work with him he either laughs or gets so mad that he cant even process why he is being punished he will some times retaliate or say to me a week later mommy you don't spank me for doing this and he will recount why he got a spanking or you don't take away that. He never forgets what he sees as a wrong doing. I do hands on the wall with him which is basically he has to put his hands on the wall for 2 minutes without talking or moving he hates is with a passion and the threat of it usually works because he hates sitting still, but sometimes he throws him self around and refuses to do it so I am literally holding his hands there. This is very exhausting for me.He grows very attached to people though and has behavior problems at daycare if a teacher he likes quits. Friday he was in the office 4 times. This is so embarrassing for me because I was far from this as a child we are total opposites I don't feel like I can control my child which terrifies me because he goes to school in 2 years and he is extremely intelligent and I would hate to have to hold him back for behavior.
Any advice for me? Here is my chart I am mostly pretty passive so you can see why the whole thing tears me up. It breaks me to the core to have to fight with him like this.
Sun Libra 27.48 Ascendant Leo 9.34
Moon Cancer 23.58 II Virgo 1.45
Mercury Libra 14.23 III Virgo 28.25
Venus Sagittarius 13.55 IV Scorpio 0.31
Mars Libra 20.41 V Sagittarius 5.48
Jupiter Cancer 10.46 VI Capricorn 9.37
Saturn Capricorn 8.35 VII Aquarius 9.34
Uranus Capricorn 2.03 VIII Pisces 1.45
Neptune Capricorn 9.52 IX Pisces 28.25
Pluto Scorpio 14.27 Midheaven Taurus 0.31
Lilith Libra 28.27 XI Gemini 5.48
Asc node Aquarius 23.20 XII Cancer 9.37
Signed Up:
Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Tell me how I was spanking my child and holding him against the wall. Hands on the wall was an attempt for time and I held his hands there one time to get him to understand that he was in time out. you make it sound like I pressed his hands into the wall until they were bruised and that I beat him while I did it. P_Angel and Blue whoever both of yall can sit there and say whatever you want. The fact of the matter is I love my child and my kid loves me too and he feels very safe with me. I don't need you or anyone else to judge that. I came here for parental advice and you came in for a witch hunt because just like all of those so quick to cry witch over the years you cant process much in your brain because you totally tried to see what you wanted to see and Blue who ever you should be ashamed of yourself co signing this disgusting woman she gets pleasure of thinking of abusive ways that she thinks in her pee brain or that she would like to see done to my son probably because she has fantasized about it. How can you co sign someone who fantasizes all the ways children can be hurt especially when she mentioned she imagines me letting other people hurt my own child. You both are disgusting.
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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
busyeyes88 you are consigning a pervert.
Please don't look at your child as a chart.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You belong in prison .. you're a child abuser.
A 2 year old is a baby ..... and you beat him.
Even he knows it and tries to reason with you.
My hope is that somebody in the child's life who cares about him will follow you here, and find out that you need to be prosecuted for aggrevated assault.