
This topic was created in the Libra forum by Chatz on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 and has 13 replies.
Well I thought I'd start a new topic and wonder what kind of jobs/professions Librans prefer and/or are suited to.
My libran is a salesman (Accounts Manager) but he doesnt seem all that tenatious to sell, in fact, he's always saying "I need to find more ways of making money"...dunno what the sudden attraction to earning more is but that's what he's after...aren't we all?? LOL. He's also quite lazy and puts EVERYTHING off and always says "if I didn't have to work...." but having said that, he does like the finer things in life...catch 22 Tongue
Yeah I must admit I don't think he's suited to it....perhaps a lawyer instead coz he's a tad argumentative LOL
Yeah he would argue both sides....that means the other side doesn't need a lawyer - he's got both bases covered, perhaps he can be paid by both?? LOL
Oh he has a heart of gold when something bad has happened to somebody but then seconds later he can reason as to why they may have received such bad luck!!
Always thinking!! Must be tiring
He'd be ok as a criminal attorney...and as long as she was pretty, he'd be on her side *laffs*
Libras seem to truly want to help people. So service industry job of some kind seems appropriate IF it is classy---you Librans ARE high class / good taste.
*Libra's will never be found in a trash can, unless they lose their hearts. See how it is Chatz???*
Uh huh smile
I think some type of profession where we are advocates, expressing an idea above anything else. I also think it takes Libras the longest to really find and then decide on what there purpose is. It might be simply because we are stubborn about the idea that we do need a purpose, we can't work 9-5, collect a check and call it good, there needs to be something more.
I work in the arts. I use to do fundraising for a museum. I loved it!
I was a journalist/photojournalist/production for awhile as well.
I am now dabbling in film and comedy.
I think I could sell anything because I can talk nonsense like no other. Present some kind of new logic, completely on the spot. BUT I have to be in a certain mood. And you're not in that mood all the time.
Selling is a bit like begging, it is not a Libra thing, and also it crosses the 50/50 line e.g. I want more from you then you from me. Difficult.
I should have been a jewellery designer but alas... Feel free to guess as to what I do...
(it's not in any post)
I actually don't mind soft selling, where you get to know the person, and fix their problems through sales. I actually like that. I also like selling talent aka artists I believe in. I can get passionate about it.
I really believe a good sale benefits everyone.
Libra ----
You are a Bull Fighter aren't you? smile
Yes I am, how did you know??
What can I say? It is a gift.
* blush! *
The thing with me is, I have the most amazing drive and stamina yet hardly any ambition (=except in the love department but sometimes I even let go of that)
Just wanna be...
Now that I know what my passion is, I am ambition. I think you have to know your passion first.
That took me forever!