Hi, my question is... Is it true that when a Pisces or any sign for that matter shows interest in a Libra Male, they tend to pull back and then when you decide to move on and act like you're not that interested, that's when they start to show more interest in you and draw closer?
I'm asking because I had a really close friendship/relationship with a Libra male and we spent pratically every day together for 8 months. We really enjoyed each others company and did everything together as a girlfriend and boyfriend would (w/o sex), but we never committed. It seemed like we were growing, but not together.
This was very weird... we both know that there is deep care and love for one another, but it seems that when I express my emotions, he gets irritated and pulls back.
I need to know how I can get this Libra man to come towards me instead of pulling away. I love him and want a commitment eventually, but I don't want to come across as rushing him or that's my main focus. I'm trying to be cool about this because I also understand that it takes Libra's a very long time to make a decision, especially about being in a committed relationship.
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 131 · Topics: 13
I have been wondering the exact same thing! Considering my libra man has pulled away from me. I broke it off with him, he brought up a conversation about exclusivity, said he needed to think about it, I stood my ground though, didnt give in. Eventually we did have a person to person talk, and he said we shouldnt see each other anymore. I was floored! And soooo pissed. He told me this right after I told him I would like to give it a try. Its almost as if he only wanted me when he couldnt have me. And when he knew I was interested in a committed relationship, it scared him off. He kept saying "I really like you, more than anyone else I have been with, and I love spending time with you and would really miss you if you were gone, but I am very confused because I still want to be a 24 year old guy." Anyway, he is completely being cold to me now.
I cannot wait to here the answers to this one.
I feel exactly what you're saying when you said that your guy stated: "I really like you, more than anyone else I have been with, and I love spending time with you"
That's what my friend always say. As soon as I start to move close to him and show feelings, he runs away. So, I decided to just stay friends. I've heard the more you push, the more they pull. I've also heard that they take things VERY SLOW.
I guess only time will tell.
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May 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
Libran tends to get emotionally attached with scorpion. But trouble is that a scorpion girl makes him feel that he has to grow up a lot and a libran always love to be 24.
Same experience and feelings i had when i was with my xgf- scorpion.
I am 26 now and dont feel so. I am young... damn young at my heart and have no plans to grow up.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Having watched a Scorpgirl with a Libralad, I have to say don't over think things.