Read Me...

This topic was created in the Libra forum by aquarianbrat on Tuesday, January 2, 2007 and has 40 replies.
Woman's Prayer
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
Massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to "how big is my behind?"
I pray that this man will love me to no end,
And always be my very best friend.
I got this from the Aqua board, the guys were tearing the poor girl down that posted it.. I told them, if I posted this on the Libra board you guys would eat it up.. you're way more sensitive to a womans needs than the aqua men are..
What'cha think?? Was I wrong??
this is real Great. I wonder what men will be praying...
Yeah, screw those guys, that pretty much sums up the type of man I aspire to be for the woman of my affection.
"Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,"
Give me a woman who will let me make love to her mind.
An ideal husband...
Nic... That's sweet!! See this is why I love you guys..
I want a man to make love to my mind, among other places.
Oh wait...I'd rather have a man who will actually call when he says he will....yeah, definitely.
thelibran.."I wonder what men will be praying..."
Probably for a gem???
Probably for a woman just like me!!!!!!!!!! Winking
HP74... "I'd rather have a man who will actually call when he says he will...."
That's a good starting point.. huh?? smile
Aqua men are boring..they're so predictable in their "unpredictableness"!! Yawwwwwn.
Give me a man who's not all talk and no action anyday.
"I want a man to make love to my mind, among other places."
The day I settly down is the day that I find a girl who craves for me to make love to her mind, body and soul.
What's your sign nicodemus.
Libra baby.
According to our sun and moon we'd get along pretty good Winking
lol that LIbran charm!!
Nic is the man.. huh! He gets all the girlz.. I'm with you Chatz.. the libra charm is workin'!!
most men want a girl who will laugh at his crappy humour, will be a wild horse in bedroom, wont talk a single word when he watch football, who can dress up for a party in 5 mts, who can talk just about anything to his friends during a party but always one step lower than him, a gal who dont mind what her husband does ect ect... impossible expectations and they blame women for a relationship breakup forgetting their share.

both men and women often misunderstand lust as love and then nothing can mend when its broken.
Chatz & girls
For a Libra man to fall for a girl (not sex!) she cannot be too flirtateous and obvious about wanting him - so don't let anybody on this board draw this out.
The mystery of whether you want him has to remain. That's what keeps you feminin and what keeps it going in his mind. The moment he knows you want him he moves on.
(At least that is how it is for me and I figure it must work in the same way for guys )
weird....but this dance is a long one!!!! How long does it take for Godsake for a guy who is obviously into ya to actually make it known??? sheesh!!! Yup frustrating!!!
Mine makes sue the mystery remains - hope he's enjoying it coz I don't LOL
thelibran....THEY are HIGH expectations!!!! Most can be done - no problems but the not minding what the husband does??? pfffftttt you have GOT to be joking????!!!! Might go to another star sign board.....hmmmm let's see......ummmmm...oh God, who am I kidding??? Im totally in lust with my Libran yet these games - argghhhhh!!!!!!
3 months!!! did I mention 3 months??? OMG that's a lifetime!!! People get married in less time LOL....not that I want to get married - uh uh...nooooooo but come on!!! how long does one have to wait???
But if you guys do everything that a boyfriend and girlfriend do and are having a great time doing it then whatelse is there to know? If he is not taking you for granted, treats you with respect, makes an effort.
Maybe they are not games. Maybe he does not realise that you are looking for a confirmation. There is no hidden agenda. Seen to be making effort is all you need to look for. That's being in love...
A kiss (without asking for a shag) is no less than a word.
well said *sighs*....LOL
Libra guys want to make completely sure you are sure before the title comes out, they don't want anyone to do anything they are not completely sure of. It saves us a lot of heartache in the end too. I dated a girl for 5 months, we were both exclusive to each other but the words were never said. Some people nead the confirmation, others don't. I think the one that doesn't should empathize with the one who does though and just get it out in the open so it doesn't drive them crazy.
I so want Nic...
"The day I settly down is the day that I find a girl who craves for me to make love to her mind, body and soul."

A kiss (without asking for a shag) is no less than a word.

be still my heart....
Libra.. "A kiss (without asking for a shag) is no less than a word"
I am lost.. what is meant by this?
Hey you, what I mean is that if you are looking for verbal confirmation but are not getting this you can look for other things as well: observations.
And in my view, a simple kiss and not asking for more e.g. physical satisfaction which is supposedly on a guy's mind every six seconds, says as much as 'I love you'.
Your Libra is at the 'I wonder' stage. You have a little bit to go. An encounter would greatly help you - so HE can realise - you're already there...
What I mean is: you don't get much physical satisfaction out of a kiss. You're putting yourself outthere and it lasts one second. (Am not necessarily talking about the other types!)
So that is selfless effort and therefore love.
"What I mean is: you don't get much physical satisfaction out of a kiss."
Are you talking about her specifically or people? Becuase the amount of satisfaction I get out of anything physical is directly related to the other persons ability to let go and just be in the moment. If they can do this, then a kiss can be bliss.
"I so want Nic..."
Are you sure, allowing someone to do that for you requires a lot of vulnerability on your part. a lot of people want this but aren't comfortable with "letting go of themselves", just giving in to the energy that exists between two people in the moment. Letting that energy out, being transparent is key, it is the information someone needs to make love you to individually.
When the other persons orgasm triggers a past life vision in know your doing it right.
What I am trying to say is that - if you are looking to establish whether someone considers you a girlfriend or just a friend and is scarce with words - then a kiss can say as much as a word.
I agree.
uh huh.
A Man's Prayer? For a wonderful Libra woman he can enjoy thoroughly who "gets it" that her man IS considerate and does all those thoughtful things for her; and wonderful good loving men are RARE and, in addition, maybe a wonderful Libra will let her guard down once in awhile to really be loved emotionally! Yeah, I understand Air signs but REALLY not EVERYTHING goes on in the mind!
Well, im sorry but being a libra, i confuse men as much as they confuse me. For those who don?t share my sign, bear with me!!
For example: i like you, but i dont show it. I will act extremely aloof and carefree, always being too damn cute and charming. Deep down im DYING to know what you think about me, but i know my act is too good to be resisted by any man (fact)! A couple of days later..the cat?s out of the bag. I can just feel that my appraoch has been the best and i?ve got what i wanted as usual. Lol!!
The lesson is: we do love, just not in a conventional way, a bit like the aquarian. Dont make us feel obliged to love you by manipulating us..its important to allow us to choose how to feel about you. The guard is necessary for the process..if you?ve done well, the guard will be dropped forever..otherwise jsut leave us alone.
Nicodemus..are you flirting with me? Then let the game begin (but i always win)!
Nic.."When the other persons orgasm triggers a past life vision in know your doing it right"
See I need a past life experience... (I always get cheated) Sad
Libra.."a simple kiss and not asking for more e.g. physical satisfaction which is supposedly on a guy's mind every six seconds, says as much as 'I love you'"
"So that is selfless effort and therefore love"
Got'cha... love it..
Sola.. Everything you said sums up this Libra board in one post... very clear..
Thank you for this.. it seems to be the same with the libra men.. exactly the same..
No problem..if you need more info just message me.