Sad to say my Libra and I have broken up, how do i get my things back

This topic was created in the Leo and Libra Compatibility forum by PayMeek_NoMind on Thursday, May 25, 2017 and has 3 replies.
I am a Leo and I have posted about my Libra in the past being mean towards me. I allowed myself to excuse his behavior for too long to the point that I was on eggshells. I let him being paralyzed make me accept that he was just dealing with life this way because he had no control over his legs so he tries to control everything else that he think he can.

I read up on how Libra's get and he was started displaying the negative characteristics of a Libra, like he was in search for something better so he could leave me. The problem is, I was never bad to him I didn't change I was the same person he got with. We knew each other a good 10 years prior to being together. So if anything changed it was simply because he wanted something different and he didn't know how to tell me. Honestly I stopped putting anymore thought into what his deal was and started asking myself if I really wanted to stay with him. There were times I knew he wanted me but then he was way too flaky if I didn't do anything wth are you all moody about snapping on me.

We would come in the house together and I got a hand full of shiet and before I can set anything down he's asking me to do shiet. I catered to his every need literally smh putting myself in the back seat and he took advantage of me. Then when I told him he was surprised like as if he had no clue what he was doing. Come one now, I am not convinced a 37 year old man doesn't know it's a problem to not pick your girl up when you know she's waiting on your night to end to come get her and bring her in.

He was partying all day he forgot me, I called and he was acting like we never spoke... Once he must've realized we did he called me up talking about coming to get me in a nasty way as if I was nagging him for why he finally said he would come.

This isn't the incident that ended us though, this is just one example of his irrational reckless behavior. Never wanting to own up to where he fuck up but then acting like I am the problem. I can say one thing and he will act like I disrespected him I even repeated what he said to me right after he said it and he got mad hahahahaha childish much and I got tired of entertaining the kiddy crap with him.

I just want my things, and I gave up on the car because he feels like it's owed to him. It's a 97 hoopty so w/e if that makes him feel good... But I damn near lived with him I have an entire house of things and I want it. He is being difficult and he has my house keys too. He will initiate contact to say he is bringing it but he won't ever bring it. Then my ppls will see him hanging around doing the same shiet he always do so I am confused as to why he still got a house full of my stuff to remind him of a relationship he didn't want.

The law.
Posted by Insertusername
The law.
I'll take the L before I do that but thanks anyway