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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 362 · Topics: 36
Actually, that's a pretty damn good reply. Did you make that up or did you find it somewhere?
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
women usually use ALOT of body language...all of a sudden everything i say is funny and they are touching me...
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
So you have no problems attracting girls then?
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
Nooooooooo! don't get that idea...
i was just answering the question as to how i would know if a girl was into me, and those are the usual tell tale signs.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
It would be great if that was the case with you. Geminis know how to get a gals attention. That is at least what has happened with me. I absolutely think Geminis rock. The way I can have a conversation with them is unbelievable. It's awesome and I who loves to talk.
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
thanks Mystical!
U aqua girls tend to like Gems though...We like you back by the way (i'm speaking for all Gem guys everywhere)
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
Well, I'm being truthful. It's awesome how a conversation can go into so many different topics and still be fascinating. I notice Geminis love to talk about everything. I'm the exact some. Something I can bring up a topic and other people are like not interested but not with a Gemini. They get it and we talk for hours. Usually Geminis are attracted to me because I'm myself which is a typical Aquarian. Unfortunately, my heart isn't with a Gemini now. My interest is with another star sign and I don't understand him but that's okay because it's a challenge.
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
*My interest is with another star sign and I don't understand him but that's okay because it's a challenge.
-challenges are always goooood, keeps you awake. I know what you mean about the conversation thing. With the Aquas i know, the conversations just go and go and go. Usually where ever we are at, we are just making fun of whatever is in front of us...people, things, ideas, animals.... nothing is spared. Its sort of strange to be in your own world with someone else...
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
"Its sort of strange to be in your own world with someone else..."
I know what you mean. It's awesome. It's great to have a connection with a person like that. Now if only my heart was set on a Gemini then everything would be fine. Geminis are great as friends though and how I love to have friends is no understatement. I've never dated a Gemini which is a shame. Maybe one day that will happen. I just have to let life go it's merry way.
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Sep 20, 2005Comments: 7 · Posts: 3855 · Topics: 41
*I just have to let life go it's merry way.
-its all u can do sometimes.
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Mar 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1737 · Topics: 49
It's so hard sometimes though. I can be very spontanous also. Actually I'm very unpredictable which I love. Guys are not always sure of where they have me because I like there to be some mystery. It's no fun if I'm predictable. Anyway, somethings in life are worth waiting for and other things aren't. Life works in cycles as I've learned over the years.
They give me that look like a deer in head lights.
Are you sure they are alive???
Just Kidding.... I am sure you are quite the Adonis Mr P.
Message posted by: antibling on 5/1/2006 4:36:25 AM ip:
Then when all else fails they get drunk and do something slutty.
and you see that as a bad thing????
I do agree here Mr P as you would pay good money for this where I come from....
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
Ahhh yes .... the doe-eyed look.
Scorps do this to me. They just look at me with the you're-pretty-I-want-to-touch-you look, then run away.
Good times.