Posted by NotYourAverageAquarius
Well either you should get used to getting older or karma is paying you a visit. But hey maybe I just see the world differently
Posted by Sola
When i was younger (20's) i could have a new man every week, get really intense but move on without much effort.
Posted by Sola
my age isnt an issue for me..and i dont think its Karma, some BAD shit has happened to me over the years. I think the problem is that there is so little respect for each other these days.Its changed soooo much in the 5 years ive been out of the dating pool People just dont give a shit, and just think about themselves.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
This IS karma. You basically had the same mindset before when you were in your early 20s. Now it's coming back to bite you.
Posted by incandescentcancerPosted by rockyroadicecream
This IS karma. You basically had the same mindset before when you were in your early 20s. Now it's coming back to bite you.
LOL!!! And you said on that thread I set her up!!!!click to expand
Posted by incandescentcancerPosted by rockyroadicecream
This IS karma. You basically had the same mindset before when you were in your early 20s. Now it's coming back to bite you.
LOL!!! And you said on that thread I set her up!!!!click to expand
Posted by Sola
I mean i can take a knockback, im not a baby, so hit me with that instead of a brick wall.
Posted by libra sun
If you are right for someone doenst matter if you sleep with them on the first second or 500th date. Why should you wait to have sex if you like someone to me thats just playing games?! I slept with on the first date and he I'm guessing he respects me since I didnt get labled as a fuck buddy he married me instead lol.
Posted by incandescentcancer
You're grown up enough to know that people are never going to give it to you straight up. Most people lack the courage to be to expand
Posted by Sola
everything spica and librasun said. I mean, ok i slept with CAncer man on 2nd date, havent slept with taurus man, so as has already been mentioned, its not about the timing of the sex. I just dont get why guys come on to you full throttle and think its ok to disappear. I mean i can take a knockback, im not a baby, so hit me with that instead of a brick wall.
And just to clear it up, in my 20?? i didnt pretend to love anyone, everything was just what it was..a good time. The ones i did love i stayed with through 5 and 7 years, and all the shit that went with it. So its not that im incapable or a cock tease. If im interested then take the hint dumbass..why all the d.r.a.m.a??
Posted by rockyroadicecream
HOW many women come here and have the same exact sob story about putting out asap and the guy ditching her/changing into a jerk? I've seen it so many times here, irl, and have experienced it.
I think it's total bs that women can't approach sex like men do and are risking it when they put out when they feel like it.
However, it's unfortunate that so many guys pull this shit, hence it being a basic rule of dating for women. If one wants to put out asap, so be it. But be prepared for the possibility of him running the hell away/changing once he's gotten ass from you. That's what her other thread was about.
Posted by rockyroadicecream
I know it's hard to wrap your head around, but sometimes guys are just dicks and you gotta practice self control and common sense here. I can relate to this tidbit of yours, as can many women. Why do guys chase and then disappear? Because they're cowards. Because they have no scruples, especially when thinking with that penis of theirs. When they let it do all the decision making, it leads to bs that makes ZERO sense.
Posted by libra sun
@rockyroadicecream. I personally dont see and never have seen a link between putting out on a first date and a relationship not working out. I sleep with who I want when I want. If it works out great if not oh well either way its no loss. The people who lose out are the ones who only put out to try and get the guy to commit because that doesnt work.
Posted by libra sun
@rockyroadicecream. I personally dont see and never have seen a link between putting out on a first date and a relationship not working out. I sleep with who I want when I want. If it works out great if not oh well either way its no loss. The people who lose out are the ones who only put out to try and get the guy to commit because that doesnt work.
Posted by incandescentcancer
Don't you think this is extreme passive aggression? You're making a generalized statement about 3.5 billion men. Would you like it if I called all women gold diggers on the basis of the bad behaviour of a few?
Posted by incandescentcancer
You repeat this sentiment quite often, personally I don't agree with it entirely but both of us are grown up enough to accept different points of to expand
Posted by rockyroadicecream And you're assuming I'm referring to ALL men. Did you not see earlier in my post where I said "some" men? I know not all are like this.
Why don't you attempt to not get so butthurt and assume ALL when that's not the implication? kthx. That is the number one response from guys. Are you really that insecure that you have to assume something said applies to all and you? Come on.
Posted by rockyroadicecreamYou aren't female! I wouldn't expect you to understand! Of course you have a different outlook. You're a freaking male. You do not have to worry about the same things that most women have to concern them about. Your argument is ridiculous and that was proven several times over in that other thread.
You need to realize that OUR SOCIETY has not gotten to the point where women can freely do what they want as you're implying. Really, what planet do you live on? Are you not familiar with the paradox that if women approach relationships/sex as many men do that they're labeled "whore/slut?" and with men it's perfectly okay? THAT is what I'm referring to. And until our society decides to outgrow that bullshit ideal, then yes, women ARE going to have to pay attention to how they handle themselves in regard to dating and sex.
There's a huge difference between what you THINK and what the reality is. Head out of clouds to expand
Posted by Sola
oh, the avatar
Posted by Sola
i started this thread in response to a taurus guys behaviour last week..we didnt have sex. But now im thinking i should have because i was very attracted to him, and i would have probably gotten the same response. I think he disappeared because he didnt get any!
Posted by Sola
i started this thread in response to a taurus guys behaviour last week..we didnt have sex. But now im thinking i should have because i was very attracted to him, and i would have probably gotten the same response. I think he disappeared because he didnt get any!