Posted by HaruukaI think like this also. If she was with someone who had the same expectations as her, then all would be fine. Expectations of others can be a killer of relationships.
Wow, all of you are attacking her, why? Because she want some respect.
I mean, if someone is ignoring you, then there is something wrong, it’s not just her being clingy, it’s something about him and her not being compatible with each other.
It’s so clear to me that there is something not normal about this relationship.
Posted by angie2080
I started a relationship with a Libra man but I'm so confused with his actions. I'm a Cancer female.
When we're together he says that he loves me and treats me like a princess but lately he doesn't message me or communicate as much as he used to. I've asked him if everything is fine and he says yes and that he would never leave me without an explanation.
On Friday he showed me that he loved me with his actions. We always meet after work but I told him that day I wasn't available because I had to go to my aunt's house and he went all the way there to see me for a bit. She lives really far so he made that sacrifice for me. He even sent me love songs that night. So I took that as a proof of his love.
Well today (Sunday) he's totally changed. Last night when I texted him good night he didn't respond. And today he hasn't communicate ALL DAY with me and it's 3 pm already (my local time).
I sent him a text early around 11 am which he never responded but I saw that he was on Facebook so he has access to his phone! 😕😡
So his actions confuse me because he tells me he loves me but other times ignores me and acts like he wants to break up or something. Is it normal that he doesn't communicate with his girlfriend the entire day and takes hours to reply to my texts? Yet, he has told me he can't live without me, that the day he leaves me he will do it in person. How should I behave with him? I'm not going to chase him anymore but if he comes back pretending nothing happened what should I tell him? I read that Libras are indecisive. Could this be the issue? If he continues driving me crazy I feel like I will have to dump him.
Posted by MacDaddyInfinitePosted by black773
You’re being needy and, sure, go ahead and dump the guy. If you need constant reassurance and he is unable to text you 24/7 then definitely leave.
This is literally all y'all say to EVERYBODY that has this issue. No simple goodnight text or anything? What drugs are you smoking? Just do yourself a favor and stop giving relationship advice, because you are WAY too to expand
Posted by angie2080Not responding to texts is NOT acting like he wants to break up with you.
So his actions confuse me because he tells me he loves me but other times ignores me and acts like he wants to break up or something. Is it normal that he doesn't communicate with his girlfriend the entire day and takes hours to reply to my texts?
Posted by HaruukaIn a 'normal' relationship people respect that their partners may not be able to drop eveything at work to answer texts.
Wow, all of you are attacking her, why? Because she want some respect.
I mean, if someone is ignoring you, then there is something wrong, it’s not just her being clingy, it’s something about him and her not being compatible with each other.
It’s so clear to me that there is something not normal about this relationship.
Posted by angie2080Like she's mad she texted him at 11am and its 3pm and he hasn't answered back. Ummm its monday. He's at work and trying to focus on doing his job.
Well today (Sunday) he's totally changed. Last night when I texted him good night he didn't respond. And today he hasn't communicate ALL DAY with me and it's 3 pm already (my local time). I sent him a text early around 11 am which he never responded but I saw that he was on Facebook so he has access to his phone! 😕😡
Is it normal that he doesn't communicate with his girlfriend the entire day and takes hours to reply to my texts?click to expand
Posted by Haruukaif she is being ignored. do we know if she is being ignored?
Wow, all of you are attacking her, why? Because she want some respect.
I mean, if someone is ignoring you, then there is something wrong, it’s not just her being clingy, it’s something about him and her not being compatible with each other.
It’s so clear to me that there is something not normal about this relationship.
Posted by MacDaddyInfiniteAt your age I promise you’ll hear dumber shit than that.Posted by Gemitati
You wouldn’t dump him.
You would release him...
That is the dumbest shit I've ever to expand
Posted by angie2080yeah, that's not going to work in the long run. keep him on such a tight leash and he'll eventually break free.
Thanks for your advice. Yes, he finally contacted me yesterday. It was Sunday by the way when everything happened. Not a day during the week. He told me he has been busy.
I understand that but at least he could've told me he had things to do.
I will try to work on being more understanding.
I completely understand that we don't have to be texting 24/7 but in the beginning he would talk to me more so I've been confused that he changed and talked to me less.
I really hope things get better and he also tries to understand my needs.
All I want is for him to communicate and if he has things to do he can tell me.
Posted by MacDaddyInfiniteI am still insist that you will hear dumber shit. Just keep growing up.Posted by Gemitati
At your age I promise you’ll hear dumber shit than that.
I'm exaggerating, I say that about anything I consider pretty damn dumb. I've definitely heard loads worse, I was just emphasizing as a guy that you thinking we're concerned with freedom as much as women are is pretty naive of you. Men that run from obligation and commitment aren't men, they are little girly to expand
Posted by MacDaddyInfinitePosted by black773
I will continue to give advice how I want to give it and if that upsets your fragile ego, I really don’t care. You’ll need to work that out yourself.
Lmao what? Fragile ego? All I did was call you out on your unrealistic/exaggerated to expand
Posted by MacDaddyInfinitePosted by black773
Get help little white boy. I imposed no unrealistic standards or exaggerated standards. If you’re the annoying kid with no life who has to text your love interest all day, then that’s your issue. I don’t agree with the clingy behavior. You can disagree little guy, your disapproval doesn’t invalidate what I originally mentioned. Tough luck.
Again, your idea of "clingy" is just having any sort of attachment whatsoever. So you're batshit insane. You're also either a deliberately deceptive male trying to play this off as if the dude ISN'T chasing pussy elsewhere, or you're an incredibly naive woman with a high likelihood to get cheated on. Good to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneMaybe you’re right.Posted by HaruukaIn a 'normal' relationship people respect that their partners may not be able to drop eveything at work to answer texts.
Wow, all of you are attacking her, why? Because she want some respect.
I mean, if someone is ignoring you, then there is something wrong, it’s not just her being clingy, it’s something about him and her not being compatible with each other.
It’s so clear to me that there is something not normal about this relationship.Posted by angie2080Like she's mad she texted him at 11am and its 3pm and he hasn't answered back. Ummm its monday. He's at work and trying to focus on doing his job.
Well today (Sunday) he's totally changed. Last night when I texted him good night he didn't respond. And today he hasn't communicate ALL DAY with me and it's 3 pm already (my local time). I sent him a text early around 11 am which he never responded but I saw that he was on Facebook so he has access to his phone! 😕😡
Is it normal that he doesn't communicate with his girlfriend the entire day and takes hours to reply to my texts?
Its not like he's ghosting her for days. Lets be real, most of us wouldn't be mad if we text our SO during business hours and he doesn't respond for a few hours. Its called being a responsible adult and focusing on work so you get that to expand
Posted by angie2080He told you from the beginning he’s not big on texting. Either you accept him as he is, or you move on.
Thanks for your advice. Yes, he finally contacted me yesterday. It was Sunday by the way when everything happened. Not a day during the week. He told me he has been busy.
I understand that but at least he could've told me he had things to do.
I will try to work on being more understanding.
I completely understand that we don't have to be texting 24/7 but in the beginning he would talk to me more so I've been confused that he changed and talked to me less.
I really hope things get better and he also tries to understand my needs.
All I want is for him to communicate and if he has things to do he can tell me.
Posted by angie2080
I'm a Cancer in a relationship with a Libra man. He's amazing in every way! Fun, romantic, a gentleman, and passionate. Whoever I'm starting to realize that he's also detached most of the time. For example, he confessed that he doesn't like texting too much but sometimes he could go hours without texting me and it drives me to expand
Posted by MacDaddyInfiniteWhoever you are annoying af with your smart annoying language. Mr. Perfert Wannabe. 🤮Posted by black773
Bye now. Converse with someone who cares. My opinions aren’t debatable.
This response is pretty much a tutorial on a surefire way to be wrong in a single to expand
Posted by angie2080Yes you should. You probably have incompatible venus signs or something. Do yourself a favor and find someone more suited.
I started a relationship with a Libra man but I'm so confused with his actions. I'm a Cancer female.
When we're together he says that he loves me and treats me like a princess but lately he doesn't message me or communicate as much as he used to. I've asked him if everything is fine and he says yes and that he would never leave me without an explanation.
On Friday he showed me that he loved me with his actions. We always meet after work but I told him that day I wasn't available because I had to go to my aunt's house and he went all the way there to see me for a bit. She lives really far so he made that sacrifice for me. He even sent me love songs that night. So I took that as a proof of his love.
Well today (Sunday) he's totally changed. Last night when I texted him good night he didn't respond. And today he hasn't communicate ALL DAY with me and it's 3 pm already (my local time).
I sent him a text early around 11 am which he never responded but I saw that he was on Facebook so he has access to his phone! 😕😡
So his actions confuse me because he tells me he loves me but other times ignores me and acts like he wants to break up or something. Is it normal that he doesn't communicate with his girlfriend the entire day and takes hours to reply to my texts? Yet, he has told me he can't live without me, that the day he leaves me he will do it in person. How should I behave with him? I'm not going to chase him anymore but if he comes back pretending nothing happened what should I tell him? I read that Libras are indecisive. Could this be the issue? If he continues driving me crazy I feel like I will have to dump him.
Posted by Black-MambaI agree that is why she needs to break it off.Posted by HaruukaGood point
Wow, all of you are attacking her, why? Because she want some respect.
I mean, if someone is ignoring you, then there is something wrong, it’s not just her being clingy, it’s something about him and her not being compatible with each other.
It’s so clear to me that there is something not normal about this to expand
Posted by angie2080
I already know he doesn't want to be with me anymore. He's actions tell me everything. So I'm definitely not pursuing him but it hurts when I see my phone because I was used to texting with him on a daily basis since September. And it also hurts that I don't have an explanation of why he stopped all communication. I don't know if he was ever sincere or he changed his mind about me but he should've acted like an adult and told me he wanted to end our relationship.
The worst thing is that now I will have a hard time trusting another man after this experience. How will I know if someone is being real? I guess I got attached too soon. He was a gentleman and very romantic so he made me fall for him. And my self esteem is damaged because when a guy calls me "beautiful" from now on I don't know if he really means it.
This man used to take me to Starbucks and now I literally feel like I don't want to walk in there. It will just remind me of him and how he bought hot chocolate for me
I don't understand how he can forget about everything from one day to the other.
Posted by Black-MambaStill doesn't count as ghosting. He talked to her yesterday and told her he's crazy busy and thats why he didn't respond back. Now she's mad he didn't respond to her gm text the following day.Posted by angie2080Sorry, you got ghosted! He probably didn't want to spend money on a Christmas gift. That sucks! Now, what is your plan of action?
This is just an update. Apparently my Libra boyfriend is done with me for good and even though you all attacked me I was right. Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day.
I'm just really upset that he didn't had the balls to break up in person instead of stop talking to me abruptly. This is so wrong!click to expand
Posted by angie2080
Yes, he finally contacted me yesterday. He told me he has been busy.
I understand that but at least he could've told me he had things to do.
Posted by angie2080
And it also hurts that I don't have an explanation of why he stopped all communication. I don't know if he was ever sincere or he changed his mind about me but he should've acted like an adult and told me he wanted to end our to expand
Posted by LadyNeptunethis.Posted by Black-MambaStill doesn't count as ghosting. He talked to her yesterday and told her he's crazy busy and thats why he didn't respond back. Now she's mad he didn't respond to her gm text the following day.Posted by angie2080Sorry, you got ghosted! He probably didn't want to spend money on a Christmas gift. That sucks! Now, what is your plan of action?
This is just an update. Apparently my Libra boyfriend is done with me for good and even though you all attacked me I was right. Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day.
I'm just really upset that he didn't had the balls to break up in person instead of stop talking to me abruptly. This is so wrong!click to expand
Posted by TimonPosted by LadyNeptuneHm where did she say he talked to her yesterday? I thought she said he didn't reply either yesterday or today.Posted by Black-MambaStill doesn't count as ghosting. He talked to her yesterday and told her he's crazy busy and thats why he didn't respond back. Now she's mad he didn't respond to her gm text the following day.Posted by angie2080Sorry, you got ghosted! He probably didn't want to spend money on a Christmas gift. That sucks! Now, what is your plan of action?
This is just an update. Apparently my Libra boyfriend is done with me for good and even though you all attacked me I was right. Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day.
I'm just really upset that he didn't had the balls to break up in person instead of stop talking to me abruptly. This is so wrong!
"Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day."click to expand
Posted by TimonPosted by Boots1313Yeh not sure. She said he didn't reply to her good morning text that she sent yesterday so I thought it meant he never replied her at all but maybe he did but just not to that specific text.Posted by TimonPosted by LadyNeptuneHm where did she say he talked to her yesterday? I thought she said he didn't reply either yesterday or today.Posted by Black-MambaStill doesn't count as ghosting. He talked to her yesterday and told her he's crazy busy and thats why he didn't respond back. Now she's mad he didn't respond to her gm text the following day.Posted by angie2080Sorry, you got ghosted! He probably didn't want to spend money on a Christmas gift. That sucks! Now, what is your plan of action?
This is just an update. Apparently my Libra boyfriend is done with me for good and even though you all attacked me I was right. Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day.
I'm just really upset that he didn't had the balls to break up in person instead of stop talking to me abruptly. This is so wrong!
"Yesterday he didn't talked to me all day again and he hasn't text me today either.
I knew something was wrong! The last text I sent him was yesterday saying "good morning" which he never responded and basically i was ignored the whole day."
Im curious why she used the word "basically"...thats vague. Did he or didnt he ignore her?
Sounds like he responded just not to her liking...maybe a one word response?click to expand
Posted by LadyNeptune@timonPosted by angie2080
Yes, he finally contacted me yesterday. He told me he has been busy.
I understand that but at least he could've told me he had things to do.Posted by angie2080
And it also hurts that I don't have an explanation of why he stopped all communication. I don't know if he was ever sincere or he changed his mind about me but he should've acted like an adult and told me he wanted to end our to expand
Posted by Boots1313my bull has cancer mars too.
Listen i have cancer mars...i can get dramatic and say "you never call me anynore or text me" when i literally got a phone call the day before...
Posted by Timon
Either way. Something tells me she is right because to be honest the libra board is filled with girls being ghosted by a libra.
When there is a change in someone's behavior usually something is up. If your significant other sends you a good morning text at least you can say good morning back or something. It's not that time consuming to send a good morning back lol. If you're interested in someone I bet you would. I'm not saying reply immediately but more than a day and no signs of life and its a libra. Yeh something is up lol.
Posted by jeanePosted by Boots1313my bull has cancer mars too.
Listen i have cancer mars...i can get dramatic and say "you never call me anynore or text me" when i literally got a phone call the day before...
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