Signs you secretely think ugh when you meet.
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
Pisces. Had a close friend in high school who was a Pisces. Hands down, craziest person I've ever known ON EVERY LEVEL. Every one I've met since then just rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it, more like they aren't to be trusted, too whimsical.
Capricorn, I immediately think.. "Well, I know you aren't buying a round." hahaha
On the flip-side, never really met a Sagg I didn't love.
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
@FishyPisces.... hahaha. Maybe I'll retract my statement (indecisive), I like your style ! 
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
I'm wayyyyy too possessive to ever be the other woman, though 
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
I have positive and negative. I'm still open to all people, but I get a little spark of thought.
I get most excited about- Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer, Sagg
I get ugh about- Pisces, Libra, Cap, Aqua
and by ugh I don't mean I hate them or anything, just like "Ahh bummer, I hope we click"
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Totally legit question though.
How would you know what sign they are when you meet them?
"Hey how are ya? My name's Erik, what's your star sign btw?"
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
I ask every one's birthday within the first few minutes. I don't say "sign" as to not sound all hippy like. 
I like to try and guess, then ask to see if I'm right. Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Oh I like that approach Helium! I've done what you've done before Nina I've had some weird looks before lol! I fail at the whole casual and subtle approach 
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Can't say a particular sign weirds me out. The only one would probably be Virgos but I still love them. I guess I follow the positive bias part 
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Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
Posted by tiziani
Posted by aquasnoz
Can't say a particular sign weirds me out. The only one would probably be Virgos but I still love them. I guess I follow the positive bias part 
lolol the robotic letters of love
click to expand
The weirdest most startling almost TWILIGHT ZONE romance I will ever feel. It was honestly love and hate at the same time. Props to virgos! Now I'm imagining a really awkwarad robot sex scene!Signed Up:
Dec 20, 2011Comments: 362 · Posts: 10167 · Topics: 100
I really need to find some of those crazy pisces people mention often. Or maybe my own craziness dwarfs their insane tendencies or something. I love pisces!
That's strange, almost felt like I was saying I love myself.
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Apr 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 27
I have that "ugh. It's gonna be boring" with cappy. Most cappy friends have already set that expectation so when I meet one, I get that feeling. I've never met a cappy who knows how to party 
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Leos. Leos because I know that the conversation will be all about them instead of something interesting. They will childishly show a "persecution complex" if you somehow make clear that life isn't all about them.
Capricorns. Because I know they will (as the OP said) refuse to buy a round of drinks. Besides, I've met some really horrible Capricorns lately and don't know what their deal is.
Love to talk to Sags and Geminis, because they won't tie me down for long (will want to go talk to other people in about 5-10 mins).
Crabs are hit or miss with me.
Taurus girls always talk to me, haha.
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Posted by ninjutsu
I think leo and pisces combined makes for A LOT of drama by and large
Yeah, because Leos are insecure about Pisces' good looks and intelligence.
I've dealt with their insecure asses many times. What's funny is many of them show instant signs of irritation, arrogance and even hostility when you don't pay attention to them. Meh, children.Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Posted by ninjutsu
Lmao pisces gets so much hate
Most attractive and intelligent people do.Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I like Pisces....
Everyone already knows Gems are my favorite.
Big Ughhhh like Napoleon Dynamite style .
Usually I don't need find out they are a Gem either, I just KNOW.
I have met a couple I have liked though... I was genuinely surprised when I found out their birthday.
There are a bunch of DXP Gems who seem alright too
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Scorpios piss me off with their impossible standards, they don't compromise what so ever, but we gett along great as friends tho
Gems, sorry no dice, it's 3 people you have to deal with, the devil the angel and the host
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Posted by TaurusNikki
Gems, sorry no dice, it's 3 people you have to deal with, the devil the angel and the host
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Caps, I must say Dam workaholics, they make time for work, but not play time
I love me some leo's, hell yea
Libra men, well I'm dating one, and want to rip his freaking head off
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Mar 03, 2012Comments: 214 · Posts: 1468 · Topics: 21
Posted by aquasnoz
Totally legit question though.
How would you know what sign they are when you meet them?
"Hey how are ya? My name's Erik, what's your star sign btw?"
HAHAHA!!!!!!!! Hi+How are you+ what's your birthday hhhhhhhhhSigned Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I'm one of those
Once the convo gets started, I ask in the middle what's ur sign, and just in case, show me some ID
Gotta make sure sometimes
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Mar 03, 2012Comments: 214 · Posts: 1468 · Topics: 21
Virgos the lords of stress, they cracks my head!!
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
Posted by caliberquick
helium, if it helps, i always buy my friends drinks! c:
only.. if they just so happen to insist on paying, i definitely won't say no 
Haha Good to know! 
I prefer to go back and forth myself.Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Sag thinks they know everything, like their word is the mouth of god, and can hold a grudge longer than any sign I know
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May 02, 2012Comments: 11 · Posts: 1836 · Topics: 72
Posted by HonestGirlExpressions
pisces+leo combo ???? fuckin RUN!!!!!

If the fish has Aries placements, it will work or if the Leo has some Virgo placements it should work. Not impossible. Not like Leo and Cap. That is nearly impossible.Signed Up:
Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Posted by TaurusNikki
Sag thinks they know everything, like their word is the mouth of god, and can hold a grudge longer than any sign I know
You had the first part right
Idk if we have the attention span for the latter
but yeah, damn right 
Aqua's, Taurus and Virgo are my Ugh for me! I love Aries, Scorps and Cancer.
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
To me Taurus and Scorpios together in a relationship reminds me of gladiators
Too dam stubborn on both parts, trying to dominate the other, fun but dangerous
Try to date a gem, would be the worst threesome ever, who the hell are u screwinf or should I say your getting g screwed by
Aries, the ram, hell Taurus and goats got horns, shooo let it rip for all I care
Caps in relationships, u might want to invest in a prodotype, u will be alone
Sags, knock them over the head with a book, and all is forgiving
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Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Posted by brianafay
Posted by TaurusNikki
Sag thinks they know everything, like their word is the mouth of god, and can hold a grudge longer than any sign I know
You had the first part right
Idk if we have the attention span for the latter
but yeah, damn right 
click to expand
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Posted by brianafay
I like Pisces....
Thank you. We like you too!Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
I like Pisces, but their communication sucks
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Jun 20, 2011Comments: 5 · Posts: 4737 · Topics: 103
Posted by TaurusNikki
I like Pisces, but their communication sucks
Is that so?Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 1534 · Topics: 3
Try getting a Pisces to call ya, it just doesn't happen, but when u get them on the phone, it's smooth sailing
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Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
Pisces and Cancer women, whining bitches--there's only a handful I can stand! Virgo men--love them but we are soooo incompatible!
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Sep 09, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 1341 · Topics: 40
everyone else is pretty neutral.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
Posted by JennGem
The cap I know just didn't click on any level he seemed arrogant and annoying.
This reminds me of my experience with Taurus men...they just do not like me :/
My whole life....
I try! I don't feel any kind of way about them...they're usually exceptionally fine specimens too....
but they seem to try extra hard to be standoffish with me. Maybe it's my Scorp partsSigned Up:
Apr 03, 2012Comments: 12 · Posts: 642 · Topics: 27
Posted by heliumfiasco
Pisces. Had a close friend in high school who was a Pisces. Hands down, craziest person I've ever known ON EVERY LEVEL. Every one I've met since then just rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it, more like they aren't to be trusted, too whimsical.
Capricorn, I immediately think.. "Well, I know you aren't buying a round." hahaha
On the flip-side, never really met a Sagg I didn't love.
I Love Libras too 
pisces females and capricorn males both end up rubbing me the wrong way. Pisces girls are cool to talk to, but will go to some serious lengths for constant attention and grate on my nerves. I am really close to a few pisces guys though, my favorite male friends even though they can also drive me a little crazy. Capricorn men complain too much for me and are too negative/sulky
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Jan 26, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 333 · Topics: 16
Posted by FishyPisces
For me that would be Libra women. You guys are spineless, indecisive, shallow and pretentious. Don't believe me just look at your thread title lol. Plus some of you kick on being the other woman which is so cheap imo. Very flirtatious despite of being in a relationship, the list goes on and on
*waits for all the bruised ego's* 
You can only bruise an applicable ego...the sad part is that you're right about some women...unfortunately Bad Libra's don't have the market cornered on these traits.Signed Up:
Oct 07, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 171 · Topics: 15
Posted by heliumfiasco
Pisces. Had a close friend in high school who was a Pisces. Hands down, craziest person I've ever known ON EVERY LEVEL. Every one I've met since then just rubs me the wrong way. I can't quite put my finger on it, more like they aren't to be trusted, too whimsical.
Capricorn, I immediately think.. "Well, I know you aren't buying a round." hahaha
On the flip-side, never really met a Sagg I didn't love.
Pisces indeed. Most Pisces men are okay. I have some very entertaining Pisces male friends that I can easily share some laughs with - but they always end up getting a little too emotional for me. Wanting to talk about their feelings and shit.
Pisces women though...ugh. I can't stand them. I tried to date Pisces women several times and it was absolutely nerve racking.Signed Up:
Oct 07, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 171 · Topics: 15
Posted by GemStar05
Pisces and Cancer women, whining bitches--there's only a handful I can stand! Virgo men--love them but we are soooo incompatible!
yes, thank you! Pisces AND Cancer...both whiney as fuck!Leo women: Most of the ones I have encountered have been as deep as a puddle and have over estimated their intelligence, beauty and desirability. No offence to the good Leo women I haven't met but seriously I usually have my back up the instant I meet them waiting for them condescend to me or hog the limelight.
Virgo Men: Ever since I dated one I have had an almost immediate and intense distaste for them. Particular, cold, calculating, ruthless and underneath it all terribly insecure. I love Virgo women though, they are awesome.
Libra women: lazy and entitled though one of my best friends was a Libra. Did I mention judgmental? That's why the friendship didn't work out. I love Libra men though...yum.
Pisces-My older sister is one. Growing up,I didn't understand why she got so emotional sometimes.
Taurus/Aries-my middle sister. Growing up, she was the diva of the family and always needed to have her way....
Sag-My mom and ex are ones and their personalities slowly grew on me...
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Jun 27, 2013Comments: 155 · Posts: 1080 · Topics: 17
*waltzes in* Sometimes, during random conversation, teh Zodiac comes up. It's possible that someone might be reading that part of the newspaper and suddenly get the urge to ask everyone in the vicinity which sign they are. There are also actually some jobs where the person's ID expires on their birthday. *waltzes back out*