Silent treatment

This topic was created in the Libra forum by saralefevbre on Sunday, May 26, 2013 and has 15 replies.
Hello everybody
I'm scorpio and i would like you to help me to understand this behavior from a libra man.
We met during vacations abroad. We really enjoyed the time together as "just friends". We don't live in the same country. So we just exchange by emails. After few messages he told me that he finds me an interesting person and invite me to discuss with him. I replied but since he gave no sign of life. I sent him another email and a sms but always no response. I can see him online in a social network. I understand that he is taking his distance from me. Now it took two weeks and i feel myself rejected.
It's really hurtful and disgusting. I didn't expect this behavior from him cos i really liked his personality. Now as he is acting like a child i realize that it doesn't deserve the matter to think about it
This is really the year for libras

Wicked libras taking over big time
Hey, don't be sad! it happened to me too, similar circumstances! but it's far from disgusting.. it's kind of sad, yes, but Libra1234 is right, he may see no future and see no reason investing in it... sad to say or hear, but you will be fine... smile
Trust me when a libra gives it to you straight's like Christmas
Only comes once a year.......jk jk
On a serious note libra1234 is right on the money
It's Bowing out in a nice way
You met him while on don't even know his personality to like him.
Keep it moving, mark this up to a summer love!
I say why wait go do u, life is too dam short waiting for a man to get his shit together, have fun with the girls meet someone else and if the libra calls its up to u to decide what u want at that time
Posted by saralefevbre
It's really hurtful and disgusting. I didn't expect this behavior from him cos i really liked his personality. Now as he is acting like a child i realize that it doesn't deserve the matter to think about it

No need to assassinate his character just because he didn't want you. Sheesh
Of course they know only to post NEGATIVE THINGS HERE INSTEAD TO GIVE YOU A RESPONSE FROM HEART ! I will take "care" of them soon, don;t worry ! I tell you, just keep in touch with him and make the distance to not exist ! You will win ! think positive and all positive things will coming !
If you will still read what they reply to you here , you will see how much they influence you Negative ! You will say in one day that I was right ! So just folow your heart and you never ever will need any advice from this peoples , and I promise to you, if you will think positive and attract him, he will no have reasons to reject you forever. Is nothing about not be interested in you , Libra find interest in what is warm in his life and what makes him happy. If you was one of this things for him, be sure in one day you get a message like " I miss you" and from here everything can start nice , the way to keep the balance is in your hand then.
Don't listen to this Negative comments from this Negative peoples, listen to me , I know what I say. Sometimes when a person think or want you meet bad situation, this can happen if you cannot control your energy in the front of their words. Is much to say about energy , but is not the right place to write this things here, just because I don;t want this mental sick peoples who comment only Negative and their life is only Negative, to learn something from what I say. If you want, write me a peivate message and we can talk in particular or you can find articles about this things and books and read and learn to balance your energy and life and then you will see how the good things will coming in your life and also who you want to come smile
Thanks guys!
I find all your answers right.
Julya22 i had this attitude during all this period but i think now it's time to move on. It couldn't be a story of love like this way specially it's not obvious in our case.
i'm turning this page now with some of sadness with no regret.
If you just give up so easy, that means you have no feelings for that guy, just met him for a summer , but I tell you, if he really likes you, in one day you will have a surprise and he will back to you. Distance is not much matter when there are feelings.
Anyway is your choice, I wish you be happy !
I have feelings for him of course otherwise i wouldn't have posted this topic here. My choice is to give up thinking about it because it's only torturing me. If he decides to appear again (i believe in it too but anyway) only at that moment i will have the answer.
If he's like this now then imagine what he's gonna be like when you date him, hmm?
Please move on and enjoy life ahead .....