Slept with friend of 14 years. Now I Love Him.

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Pisces/Horse on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 and has 17 replies.
Me and this guy (a Libra), have been friends for a long time I attended his wedding. Ater his divorce (he cheated after 10 years)He asked me out. To make a long story short we started sleeping together 2 years ago. In january he left his cell @ my house. And yes I found all sorts of women's #'s (mostly women) when he came to retrieve it, i said nothing and nor did he. So the next time we were together i asked him who some of those people were and was i the only one he was intimate with? He said no. And that he is not ready for a relationship yet. blah, blah, blah. Anyway now cannot understand why i no longer want to sleep with him. Ok here is my dilima. I have already fallen for him. And so now for the last 4 months we have been doing this back and forth thing with each other. He'll charm me and I give in we have sex and i feel like shit afterwards because i do want to be with him. He tells me just concentrate on graduating in may and everything will be ok. But because i am so emotionally involved i can't be patient, i don't like the idea of him sleeping with other people (i think it my be for money, some of them) he says i am the one he spends the most time with (which he does) he's here 3 or for times a week. but when he goes away on weekends (i work weeknds) i feel as though whoever "she is" she is getting the best of him because he doesn't leave in the morning and go to work like he does with me. Please help me. What is going on with him? He says "I have fun with you, i don't have to be witty, i can be myself with you, because you know me." I am the only one who knows about these others, they think they are the only ones in his life. Why is he playing these games? I thought Libra's didn't hurt people on purpose?
That's libras for you hunny. Climbing the social chain, leaving a trail of heartache behind them, such a shame because apart from that they are attractive, charming, kind, peaceful and very nice people. I don't think libras intend to hurt, from my experience they charm, conquer and move on. Such a shame hey. Move onto to someone a bit more stable like an earth sign, they tend to be fixed and not up with the fairys.
Wow i had no idea that this guy was materialistic, you mean that sleeping with all these people is part of his personality? I thought maybe he was sex addict that needed help!! LOL. Darn!! I havent' slept with him in a week, because i again broke it off. So yesterday he asked my best friend "how i was doing?" i know i can't dogde him forever, but i really need to keep my interaction with him to almost nil. untill i get my strength to reject his advances this time and Mean IT.
Read up on libras, they seek their soul mate in life, it's their life goal. you're a pisces and you're pretty emotional, you feel a bit crushed and defeated that your libra is not on the same emotional wavelength but their ohhhhhh so addictive. My ex was a libra, our connection was so amazing that we got too caught up in it all.
How long were you "addicted"? lol Did you have to go to rehab? lol
I was depressed for 2 months after we broke up. i had to cut all contact, phone numbers, email, sms messages, everything that reminded me of her because a taurus's love runs deep. It was tragic but time doe's heal, i never thought it would but eventually i started trusting people again (girls i mean heh) and i have this weird obsession of asking their starsign, if their a libra i be extra careful. Funny thing is that i have a libra rising sign so i have the charm and balance that libras possess but a taurus sun which rules my soul as a reserved warmhearted person. Quite a nice mix + the double venus means im in the long run when it comes to love. By addicted i mean that libras are just so hard to get out of your head, they are just SO likeable, lovable, cute, sexy, nice...but they move too quickly for me through life but that's just my stubborn taurean resentment for change.
Thank you for your insight into this. This was the first time with Libra and most likely the last. And yesssssss they are sooooooooo Lovable. I miss him soooooo much, he was funny, affectionate, made me feel like queen!! That's what's i liked about him, but knowing what i know now, i feel betrayed and manipulated!!!!!!! and i am the human lie detector!!!!! i knew he lying to me!!! Ok Ok i'm back! LOL.
P.S. he said to me that "after i graduate i am going to change, that right now i am humble but i won't be afterwards. My friend said that he was concerned about that, that i wouldn't want him then. Is that a lie also!!!!! LOL
hahaha yeah well im glad you know what's going on and that your making sense of it all. Everyone loves a libra.
His logic is he isn't hurting you because you continue to sleep with him without commitment so you must be okay with it. If you weren't, you wouldn't be sleeping with him.
Libra warmth only runs so deep. We come across as so warm and loving and we are, but it doesn't run that deep. We are detached and aloof and I think that is the part that sinks people in.
I find it quite surprising when people call me nice or sweet as I don't think of myself as either. Charming yes. I can bring people to their knees with charm. But nice? Sweet? No. That really isn't me.
Libras are fickle. Until they make *the* commitment. This guy isn't making you any commitment at all, let alone *the* commitment.
I suggest you just cut this guy off. When you don't talk to him for three months, he will know you meant business. If you keep going the way you are going, it is going to defeat your self-esteem and you are going to get burned. Sometimes the only way to get respect, is to respect yourself first.
Yeah that's right, cut contact like i did and add your broken heart to his list!
Hi it's me with an update. It has been over a week since we've had any contact , and today he calls and ask me call him back concerning some information about a television program that we would watch together. He said he fell alseep before it came on (Yeah right) anyway the Libra/Horse/Venus said all he wanted was to know what happened, that I could email, or him and give him the info. The problem is is that we tried that last week. He begged me to just come over and watch it and I gave in, but not this time. Now I feel as though I have my power back and there is no way in hell I am giving in this time. He only calls when he wants something from that is what pisses me off. I am not going to respond to his phone call!!!!!!!! He has played me for the last time. I want to thank each and everyone who responded to my issue. Please continue to support me with this, I am going to need it. Eventhough I am strong right now today, who knows about those times when I am not. Any suggestions? Please continue to any Libra's but( Prefer Male Libras) to give me more insight into your thought process.
i have to agree with little sparrow. I am not sure why you think you are such a victim here. you know his history of cheating. he told you up front that he doesnt want anything serious. he just wants sex, so of course he will try and get it any way that he can. dont read into it when he contacts you or asks someone about you--it sounds like you are rather hooked on the drama and excitement of not seeing him and then when he calls you you may read into it more than what there is. he takes his cues from you--he knows you will cave in eventually and until you completely close the door, he will keep trying.
""That's libras for you hunny. Climbing the social chain, leaving a trail of heartache behind them, such a shame because apart from that they are attractive, charming, kind, peaceful and very nice people. I don't think libras intend to hurt, from my experience they charm, conquer and move on. Such a shame hey. Move onto to someone a bit more stable like an earth sign, they tend to be fixed and not up with the fairys."""

Sorry but I disagree on many levels. I don't think it's fair to generalize. I know a few Tauruses and they have much to be desired as well.
I'm really sorry you've had previous bad experiences. It's a shame really. But if you look at the big picture I'm sure that people from every sign have been hurt by people from every sign.
I was devistated once by a Pisces who cheated on me. It really hurt me. But I never went around calling all Pisces cheaters.
One last thing, FYI both my parents are Taurus and I looooove them to pieces. They are wonderful, loving people...But DAMN they are stub-born! Whew!
Thank you Librat, I really apreiciate you coming to my defence. I agree that everyone has been hurt by someone in thier life time. Regardless of thier sign. If astrology was 100% then every relationship would be hurt free. As a matter of fact we were together last night and it was wonderful. We talked about some of the problems we had been having. I finally told him I had invested 2 years of my self into him and if he did not invest in me then it was best he left. No i am not caught up nor hooked on drama, if anything i am hooked on being in love and love will make you do some crazy things. And i quote:
"Love without reason lasts the longest."
"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less."

"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."

Combine Libra with Pisces and what do you get? The answer is two extremely sensitive souls. However, the sensitivity produced within this union does vary. Libra is partnership oriented and requires their significant other at their side all of the time. Pisces, on the other hand, often becomes lost easily, feeling alone or melancholy. Pisces needs someone there beside them for comfort, understanding and reassurance quite often.
Put Libra together with Pisces and you will discover that they have a lot in common. Both of them prefer a calm and quiet pace. Pisces and Libra possess a strong natural artistic ability. This common artistic knack ranges from painting, arts and crafts, to interior decorating. They both are fond of music and dance as well. They require a peaceful home environment that is pleasing to view. Light colors in a room does wonders for both of them, especially Pisces. Libra often goes out of their way to insure that beauty is constant in their surroundings, from matching color-coordinated d?cor, to floral bouquets and comfortable quality furnishings. These pleasures will always create a sense of harmony and balance for both of them.
Pisces is the quieter one. Libra loves to talk and communicate. Libra may be unsure about many things at times, with an inability to make up their minds. Pisces can be forgetful, getting lost in their mental drifting by indulging in the art of visualization. If they can communicate and verify issues, this will help to avoid misunderstandings or any confusion between them when the occasions arise.
Libra is considerate of a mate and by using diplomacy, can show Pisces kindness with extra helpings of sympathy, for Pisces has a very gentle nature. Use that Libra charm and Pisces will appreciate that you took the time to show them such consideration. The artistic side of this duo can express much creativity.
Never forget that Pisces may hold things back when slighted, for secrets or hidden issues are part of their life experiences, resulting in confusion. Pisces may frequently seek seclusion or forms of escapism if their world becomes too harsh for them to handle. Libra will always be willing to talk things over and smooth out any rough edges.
On the positive side, to some degree, this pair also has common attitudes in relating to others. Pisces is extremely sentimental, as is Libra, and both possess a very affectionate nature. Pisces has the ability to show strong devotion to Libra. This will be certain to warm Libra?s heart. At the same time, Libra?s kindness will stir Pisces? emotional heart in the same direction.
LIBRA:Indecisive, Social, Diplomatic
PISCES:Imaginative, Psychic, Artistic, Sensitive
Libra:Aquarius and Aries
Pisces:Cancer and Virgo
The information above is based on sun sign compatibility. For a more accurate interpretation of the comparison between you and your significant other, you need a natal chart. This chart will provide your ascendant. When your ascendant is matched against your partner?s the information given is a more precise interpretation of your compatibility. If you do not know your ascendant and would like to, please click here.

Hi Pisces/Horse
I didn't say that the relationship you are currently involved in is a good one...I just replied regarding Tauro's generalizations.
Honestly, if the guy isn't faithful or if the guessing is really bothering you, then move on.
Love is a choice. I honestly don't think that it happens out of the blue like the proverbial thunderbolt. Sexual attraction, yes, for sure, there's your thunderbolt. But love? No.
It's a choice. It's also a choice to stop loving as well. When to make that choice is up to the person involved. Seriously, if the relationship hurts more than it feels good, it's time to move on.
When people stay married for 30 or 40 years, it's a choice and they decided to stick to their commitment. It doesn't mean that for the duration of all that time that they were 100% head-over-heels it just means that they made a commitment and they both valued it enough to stick to it through the good and the bad knowing that their initial choice of each other was a good one.
There are many people "out there" who will honor you and make you feel good about the relationship and not keep you guessing or make you feel insecure. It's just a matter of keeping your head and knowing what you want.
And then, knowing how to recognize it.