So cute!!!

This topic was created in the Libra forum by Chatz on Sunday, April 1, 2007 and has 29 replies.
Well welcome back to another working week - hmmm well mine has started anyway!! *sigh*
I had to share this with you all...its quite funny and yes Im still giggling!
Some weeks ago the man and I talked about what turns us on (no, don't get filthy minds ok?? sheesh LOL) and I said a 3 day growth really does it for me!!! so sexy!! And he said he'd like to see me in a dress, yes ok, so I've been veging in jeans over the past few months and he hadn't seen me in one so ok....we both must have taken that on board.
Yesterday afternoon (knowing we were going to catch up last night) he text me saying:..."I'll be over around 7.30 and I haven't shaved for 3 days is that ok.."....OMG that was just so cute and whoah!!! so I had no choice but to wear a dress and go to a LOT of effort hehehehe
Needless to say we both were like WHOAH!!! when I opened the door (he looked as good as I thought he would). I know its kinda silly but so cute at the same time....he's really been going to a bit of effort lately and OMG talk about affectionate!!! This morning I had to actually kick him out so we could both go to work....I don't see him as often as I'd like but when I do it is SOOOOOOOOOO hard for us to part again.....grrrr lol
Chatzee's in Lurve!!! or was that lust? Im not sure but man it feels good Tongue oh and he can come over unshaven any day!!!! yummmmmmmmmmmmm
so how was everybody elses' weekend?
My weekend? Dog-gone-it! I shaved!
You have 3 days!!!
OMG and shock/horror, we caught up late last night via chat (much to my surprise he was waiting online, particularly as we saw eachother that morning - normally I wouldn't hear/see from him for a few days), he asked for my "permission" to call me tonight so that he can come around for a little bit and pick something up that he left behind yesterday. The effort he is putting in lately astounds me!! OMG permission though? sheesh!! I told him that he can just drop by but he said that would be rude....again, sheesh!! LOL. I will just get on with dinner and maybe be able to pursuade him to stay and join me as Im sure he wouldn't have eaten beforehand Tongue
I told him that I would only be able to see him on Thursday night if we were to catch up as I have a few things to go to this time...I ensured this would be the case as I'd previously waited for no reason in the hope he'd call or want to catch up (it is a long weekend here for Easter) and he said he had his daughter on Thurs/Fri but nothing was "set in stone"....guess it'll be interesting to see whether he changes those plans to accommodate me for a change and Im pretty sure he'd be able to if he wanted doubt I'll find out tonight....keep tuned for the next chapter *giggles*
Im loving this...things have turned around considerably...its only small stuff to you guys but for me this is huge considering how frustrated I've been during the past 6 months with his behaviour.
Anyway where is Brats??? I miss her Sad

Considerably! NOW I'm jealous!
WHAT are you doing online??? you should be swimming across the ocean!!! LOL
and uh huh they sure do think about the things you've said weeks later.....again, astounded in a good way Tongue
*glub, glub* (on my way)
ESPECIALLY the beach dress and barefoot!
dresses huh? ok retail therapy coming up!!! LOL He seemed to like the look anyway so I will do as you suggest smile
Atom, you will indeed look awesome when you arrive across the ocean....whoah those abs!!!
Hey guys... Chatz, I am soooo happy for you. Glad things are finally coming around for you and this Libra. It takes SOME libras forever to realize a good thing and step to it.
Thank gawwwd they are not ALL that way. Winking
Thank you - I am soooo happy too would appear it was a sudden thing for him, like a fire cracker went off underneath him. He is trying a little more every time....and to think I almost walked away many a time, actually come to think of it I did last time but he pulled me back in. Just lately the little things? OMG they are little but mean so much smile
Finally I can just live my life and know that he's going to be around - no more worrying, no more dramas thinking he's doing the wrong thing....notnemore!!! This Leo is definitely very happy - purrrrrrrr Tongue
This is sooo great! About damn time that boy figured out what he has (and before he lost it, too). Hmmmph!
Progress! AND, more than just standard "I heard from him this month!" Libra relationship good news... It sounds like you might be getting to the last leg of the race.
So, have you heard back about this weekend yet?!?
yes thank you Alcheme, he has indeed changed his plans with his daughter for tomorrow night (Thursday - as that is the only night free over the long weekend for me) and he wants to join me. He has rescheduled time with his little girl for the next night. I didn't ask, merely told him I was busy otherwise (previously I would have spent the weekend alone, just hoping to see him but not this time, I didn't want to do that again, and he's made plenty of time free *sigh* LOL)...we may get it right yet, but he did change his plans as they weren't "set in stone"....I think he told me that little quote to keep his options open for me without sounding too keen - like I said, these are little things but they mean so much as before? he'd not have bothered. For him to go to his ex and change plans for me? *smiles* I'd have been fine with not seeing him though had he I said, I am not going to worry so much anymore - he's not doing anything wrong when Im not with him smile He's not going to his singles sites much anymore either....told mem from nowhere the other night that he had only met 2 women from there in the 18 months he was a member and that he merely goes on there to chat and make friends.....can't ask for more than that honesty. Not sure whey he mentioned it all but he did *shrugs* I never questioned him.
Yes Alcheme, he realised I was going to walk away....he continually surprises me!!
So yeah, one more sleep (one more moon) and I see him again - maybe I'll tire of him yet - yeah right!!!
Yay chatz!!!
Score!!! That is Libra leaps and bounds, right?!? smile
Uh huh indeed!!! ;P
Winking even
Chatz, I think "the nickel dropped" i.e. he finally figured out how awesome you are and started picturing you in a dress---which is obviously a turn-on for him. Your tough talk helped, I think. And your TENACITY---wow, do I admire you!
kg, I think that's AWESOME you have mermaid in your mural. (Hey, Chatz, what would happen if you wore a dress that slightly resembled a mermaid tail??? My oh my!).
Thanks Atom - you might be might just be right smile
LOL@mermaid tail!!! I can do that...I love to dress up Tongue
(*fanning self* imagining Chatz dressing up)
BTW, Chatz, it is a HUGE deal for him to change his time with his little girl. I would say he's rather enamoured with you at this time.
It is HUGE for him - yes!! She is everything to him and I would never want to get in the way of them that's for sure, and admire a man who spends regular time with his children, unlike so many others, but tonight is the only night i have free over the weekend so yes, I feel very honoured smile
He's constantly now surprising me but again, this is no guarantee and Im just taking every day as it comes now - I am happy though smile Thanks Atom
I'm happy for you too. Even though I went to the trouble of doing THOUSANDS of sit-ups for those abs you wanted!
Hey, did I mention I like nice firm abs???......I could be twice as happy Tongue
Coming right up!
mmmmm mmmmm!!!
"So cute!!!"
Oh Thank you...