So... Libras...lets talk breakup...
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
hey all libras out there, I was just wondering from your personal experience how do you handle breakups? I would like to the know the sign you were with and if you broke up with them or vice versa! And also if you were really in love with that person. Now spill your beans! lol
I handle breakups by breaking up and having no contact what so ever.....My last 2 significant breakups were with Taurus men. As a Libra when I'm done I'm done cut all ties....period.
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
I have been broken up with a few times, and it is always the worst feeling in the world. My mind spins wondering what I've done wrong...
When I do the breaking up, though (more often), it is usually clean. I try to remember how it feels and do it gently (if it is so deserved).
I almost always, in either case, able to remain friends, but the prospect of ever being romantic with that person again is erased forever.
2 Scorpio's I dumped and 1 Gemini. I pretty much moved on mentally so my stress levels were really low.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
this is surprising, as a sign of relationships, you guys get over it quickly then I expected =D
"this is surprising, as a sign of relationships, you guys get over it quickly then I expected =D"
we love the idea of love more than the person him/herself
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
for myself, when I break up with someone, it takes me a long time to reach the decision. I imagine other libras feel the same. A huge libra trait is the wavering back and forth decision making process, but usually when our minds are made up, we are steadfast in our choice and very little (if anything) can be done to change our minds.
In my longest relationship it took me nearly a year to make the break, but I am happy that I did it, and know it was right. Sometimes, I wish it had happened sooner, but I was conflicted.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* we love the idea of love more than the person him/herself
It can take up to 5 years to get over a bad break-up/divorce, etc. You just haven't been inlove.
When I broke up with the guy I lived with, however, I was way over the relationship before I left so I left dry eyed and tail wagging.
It also depend on the circumstance's. Example, if you have done and tried everything in your power to make it work--then you have inner peace and can move on without looking back! Now if it's a cheating situation then that might be a little harder.
a muse a libra and little_sparrow....its not a sudden breakup for us because we do wavering back and forth. Both my breakups took years for me but once I made up my mind it was done.
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May 11, 2006Comments: 3 · Posts: 2807 · Topics: 185
Quote little Sparrow!!!
I had a bf for 7 years and when it was finished i couldnt have given a shit less. But, i have had really short flings that still hurt to think about. For me it doesnt depend on the other person, but on my own state of mind when i start the relationship, or when it ends.
Sola & libradiva, I agree 100% .
Arianlatay: *have you ever went ape b!tter and said a bunch of terribly childish things?*
Yes I have, he pushed my buttons like no other.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Libras tend to physicall appear to have let go even if they haven't yet mentally let go. Libras tend to deal with breakups in a way that makes people believe "they never cared" because of how smooth & calm they are when dealing with a breakup. Some Libras (Depending on how long they were with the person) will slowly start to back up & back off little by little in order to ease the tension (they hate making their ex their enemy)& then there are some Libras that break up with you & act as if you never existed...Libras know when to let go & Libras know when they've had enough & are usually STRONG enough to let go (Regardless of how strong the love was before) & then you've got some signs in the Zodiac that have a harder time letting go during a breakup. The biggest goal of a Libra during a breakup is to make sure things remain sane & free of drama from the other person & they will normally do whatever they have to do (rather it's completely breaking away or slowly removing themselves emotionally) to achieve this
**(rather it's completely breaking away or slowly removing themselves emotionally) to achieve this**
Are you in my head krysrenee7? My ex is so emotional, we havent been together in over a year. I'm slowly helping him break away, but keeping the peace at the same time. Just when I think he is there he hit me with so more emotional S.H.I.T. It just never end with this guy.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
thx all libras for their replies =) now I understand a little more about what happened between my ex. I knew I hurt him a lot but I believed it was the best for both of us. He was in USA, I was in Canada. Met during summer vacation, continued the relationship for a year. I broke up with him but he really wanted me to stay, but I said no because of our distance problems. This was back a couple of years ago. But within a few weeks, he says he had a new gf. I was sad to hear the news but then I wish him happiness, he continued to talk to me as a friend for 2 years before he dissapeared. I think he finally moved on ~ hopefully. But its true, you guys do make it SEEM so easy to get over the relationship, after the breakup, he never mention about getting back together again.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
I am not sure my libra ex detected anything before the breakup, I have been thinking about it for a month before breaking up with him. Before I was too young, we were still in highschool and he was also younger then me. The thought of moving to either country seem impossible then I decided to end it for the best for both of us. I was still in love with him. i still remember him from time to time now.
I did began acting cold towards him, not calling and I don't know if he thought about breakup as a possible outcome.If I could rewind the time I think I would've done the same thing because in the end I still think he deserved someone by his side.
I have also been in your steps with wasted time and energy in a relationship I deemed not possible anymore, it was with a scorpio. But I am glad I got out.
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
Yeah I definetely believe that most Libras normally have a battle with their own mind & with their own heart Wayyyyy before the breakup even happens (they've normally already thought things out: the consequences, etc) which I believe is an advantage to them AFTER the breakup (for their sake) because they are more mentally prepared for the outcome. BUT then again, like I said different Libras handle breakups in different ways
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
everyone handled breakups differently. most relationships I've been able to walk away from and not look back; however, should anything happen between me and my boyfriend, I know I will struggle terribly.
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
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Jul 26, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 569 · Topics: 69
Don't be surprised if you've caused it, Libras. You tend to use people. anyway.
I tend to disconnect mentally,emotionally then physically. It is a slow but steady process. I tend to do this while I am still in the relationship. That person may think that everything is fine and just when that start to get comfortable, I let the relationship go. I do however ...put the writing on the wall. I hate being in love with someone and feeling insecure and cheated on and lied to. I let go but it is at my own pace.
******I tend to disconnect mentally,emotionally then physically. It is a slow but steady process. I tend to do this while I am still in the relationship. That person may think that everything is fine and just when that start to get comfortable, I let the relationship go. I do however ...put the writing on the wall. I hate being in love with someone and feeling insecure and cheated on and lied to. I let go but it is at my own pace.******
yup yup...
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
"I tend to disconnect mentally,emotionally then physically. It is a slow but steady process."
Absolutely. I think this is what makes Libras handle breakups so easily & alot smoother because normally THEY are the ones that slowly tend to start breaking away before the relationship even ends, versus having to face all of the issues right then & there when the break up happens. That doesn't mean Libras always leave the person behind or that THEY are always the one to call it quits, but usually when they detect some sort of instability or incompatibility in the relationship they start right away sorting out in their head how they are going to handle the situation if it turns ugly & usually by the time it gets ugly, the Libra has already mentally prepared themselves for what's to come & usually at that point are already sincere in their decisions to break away from the other person
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Aug 20, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 794 · Topics: 58
"Don't be surprised if you've caused it, Libras. You tend to use people. anyway."
Baggage much?
I can't speak for most Libras but I know that most of the time I am the giver in the relationship. I try to treat people like I want to be treated. I don't like to be use nor do I like playing games with people. I just know when it's time to bale. I will and have worked with just about anything. I am a very patient lover, however there are certain things that I refuse to tolerate. I have just learned that it is dangerous to invest all of yourself in a relationship that is just not working. With me you don't have to earn my love ...I give it to you up front and freely. But the minute...I feel like you are dishonest...a cheater...a liar...or just not a true person...I will back away slowly!
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
@ saymyname7247
After a couple of love experiences, its sad to say I agree also that investing into love with a 100% is a No, no.
I have been in 4 serious relationship, 2 I ended Aquarius ans Capricorn and 2 were ended on me Capricorn and Sagittarius. The 2 I ended I dealt with fine and am still on speaking terms with, the other 2 hurt me a lot and we no longer speak to one another.
The reason behind the 2 relationships I ended going so well was because i had prepared myself and questioned it in my mind very thoroughly. I knew it was the right decision when it came time to do so. When I make up my mind, even though it may take me awhile to do so it is made up and you cannot change it.
The 2 other relationships came out of nowhere for me, so to speak and I was not prepared to have them end the way that they did. But, I did tell them that if that was what they wanted that was fine, I just want them to be happy and obviously I wasn't doing that. I loved each of the 4 people I have been with and have learned things from each of them.
hmmm...I handle em fine. The last person I person I broke up with I cried for an hour and then got on with life. The person before that...well he slept with my supposed and who I thought was my best friend. I sued her and stopped talking to him for two years...
It's the involuntary separations that I can't deal with!
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Nov 06, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2221 · Topics: 14
"I can't speak for most Libras but I know that most of the time I am the giver in the relationship. I try to treat people like I want to be treated. I don't like to be use nor do I like playing games with people."
I think most of us are this way. We try to create the ideal we have for love and relationships and put a lot of effort into making it tangible for us but for the person we are involved with as well.
So...because we know we were selfless as a whole and put so much time and energy into the person and their happiness if things go south it is easy for us to justify not being broken up over breaking up. If you do everything you can and stay true to yourself and in the end it is not appreciated/accepted then in our eyes it is the other persons loss. When broken up with sometimes I feel more sorrow for the other person then myself. When I do the breaking up I am careful to go easy on the other persons dignity and emotions.
Someone said being cheated on might make things a lot harder to deal with. For me I think it would be different for me (though I haven't been cheated on "that I know of" lol) in that it gives me a clear and concise reason to break it off if I chose to break it off.
in my own personal experiences, when a break up occurs or the process of breaking up i blame myself. i think of everything i didint do and everything i should have done. i blame myself for not being good enough for not being that special person. for failing. i put all the blame on myself and have a few tears here and there because im the one that f**** it up it was alll me.. away from everyone else. i dont know why even if it wasnt my fault to begin with.. for example.. a girl i was going out with started really snobbing me because she thought it wasnt working out but lead me on completely .. she cheated on me but i blamed it on me because i was never good enough for her, not worthy in the first place. im not sure about you other libras but i cant stand the feeling of being alone. i long for someone to hold for my own. all i can say is that some traits may be similar for librans but there are so many factors that change each and everyone of us.. may it be race, religion, how you grew up.. anything thats what makes us all unique so you cant really generalise what libras are like with break up but u have sort of a basic idea. everyones different everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and what not. the thing libras are good at is that i guess we accept someone for who they are like even a christian libran would accept someone whos an athiest because we accept them for their beliefs as they should in return. easy going go with the flow nature is a very big help.
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Dec 19, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 121 · Topics: 14
Posted by onesian
in my own personal experiences, when a break up occurs or the process of breaking up i blame myself. i think of everything i didint do and everything i should have done. i blame myself for not being good enough for not being that special person. for failing. i put all the blame on myself and have a few tears here and there because im the one that f**** it up it was alll me.. away from everyone else. i dont know why even if it wasnt my fault to begin with.. for example.. a girl i was going out with started really snobbing me because she thought it wasnt working out but lead me on completely .. she cheated on me but i blamed it on me because i was never good enough for her, not worthy in the first place. im not sure about you other libras but i cant stand the feeling of being alone. i long for someone to hold for my own. all i can say is that some traits may be similar for librans but there are so many factors that change each and everyone of us.. may it be race, religion, how you grew up.. anything thats what makes us all unique so you cant really generalise what libras are like with break up but u have sort of a basic idea. everyones different everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and what not. the thing libras are good at is that i guess we accept someone for who they are like even a christian libran would accept someone whos an athiest because we accept them for their beliefs as they should in return. easy going go with the flow nature is a very big help.
Whats your moon and venus?Signed Up:
Sep 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 30
My first love was an aries.. It took me forever to leave him even though he kept cheating.. I was soooo in love with him it hurt to even imagine life without him... That puppy love! haha I finally broke it off. It took me awhile to get over it but I had to completely cut contact. My next was a virgo.. He cheated on me. I left him then when he wanted me back soo bad I hung out with him a few days and cut him off saying I found someone new.. I absolutley didnt give a shit about that situation.. And as mean as it sounds it felt good to hurt him after he cheated on me. So I left him for my other ex.. A capricorn.. It took me 4 years to finally decide I needed to leave.. I was out of that relationship emotionally a long time ago so when I left I felt nothing.... Once I'm done with someone I'm done... I had a few flings since the capricorn one guy i felt like i was in love with.. My rebound.. That hurt so bad but when I finally ended that I completely cut contact and most recently a cancer... He kept texting me after I cut it off and I just didnt respond.. In order for me to get over someone they cant exist anymore... Once I'm over it then we can be friends or I can see the person without having feelings come back.. I've been told I'm heartless but I feel like that is far from the truth.. I just wait and wait until I'm positive its time to leave.
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Sep 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 30
By the way I'm libra sun cap moon scorp venus
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Dec 02, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 410 · Topics: 13
I always do the breaking up. Never been dumped. However if I break up with someone its normally no hard feelings, they just wasn't making the cut. Im a happy person and I cant stay in a negative situation for too long, especially if all the fun is gone. Its simply a no no. However im cool with all my ex's but then again they all want me back. LOL. There's only one ex that im actually considering giving him a real chance again because my feelings never left. My ex sagg is the only one I truly dislike, I honestly just don??t feel he's a good person, and I hate it took me a year to notice that he's just rotten to the core, and yes I was deeply passionately in love with him so much that when things got bad I lost about 10-15 punds from stressing out over the relationship I wanted to leave but my heart wanted to stay. So that may be why I didn??t see how ugly he really was as a person until the very end. And as you know Libra HATES ugly. Ugh!