Hi all ! I am new on this site and happy to get it !
I will be short. I was in and out of dating and a "relationship" with a Libra man from different cities , for few years. The relationship was with "come back " and " go away" often from his side, but he never want to give up on me at all. If I try to leave him , he will come around and try to make me not do this. He use 2-3 faces : 1. he is lovely and acting as a sweetheart boyfriend. 2. he is cold. 3 he is acting as a friend only.
The last scene : he refuse to marry any woman after his failed first marriage and treat women in general as they are part of his failed marriage.
The story is long, but I try to point out what is important only. So, after a long "negotiating" how our relationship will be , he made me angry and I asked him to meet and talk personally to see where exactly we are and we will be . I also told him, if he no want anything serious, let us meet as friends and say good bye in a nice way, to spend a nice time together eating or drinking a coffee outside or something else nice. He said he no want we say good bye and he hopes we will be good friends all our life. I said no, I will not be your friend only, because I don't mix love feelings with simple friendship. Better we say good bye. He said ok and we fixed a time to meet. He did not come to meeting , he did not answered the phone, he did nothing, just ignore me at all. I back home and told him only in a message, if he do like this, to consider we said good bye forever. And with this I finished all( I endured many , many things from him in this years, I forgiven him too much before , I was to good to him always). I did not told him anything else, no quarrel , not offensive words, nothing . Usually he deleted always from messenger when he wanted break up , then come back. Now he continue ignoring me and I do the same. I apply the same treatment to him. Ignore and not any word.
I know he don't want to say good bye, I was always for him the most important person who supported him and his problems . I don't know how is the best to do now. How is reacting a Libra man being ignored ? Will this make him apologize for not coming to that meeting or he is waiting for me to say something first ? From my side, I really don't want to say anything because I felt hurt by him because he did not came to meet and his way of ignoring peoples ( to mention he ignoring others too, not only me). Thanks for all your answers ! Some similar stories
WOW..It seems like Libra men are truly a piece of work...I must say, I don't think Libra women are anything like Libra men..I will say this though....The one thing all Libran's may have in common is the disappearing act. However, Libra women tend to at least give an explanation as to why they disappear UNLESS something is said or done blantantly on purposely to piss us off. In that case, then yes, we may totally disconnect and it maybe permanently.
I think anyone that can't keep their word on something as simple as just trying to sit down and talk about your issues as it relates to your relationship whether friend or lover is not worth your time. Give his azz the boot and keep it moving. He sounds like a person that has no respect for your relationship and has taken you for granted.
I say...Fuq'em..Feed'em fish
Thank you so much for your replies ! Yes, he has never said sorry for his fault , or if he say it, he say it just to save his face in my front... But now, is passed 2 weeks since 30th March when we should meet up that time , and he never said sorry, ignore me in messenger and not talk at all ! I will never talk again with him , I will never do again the first step anymore ! I was doing this before and probably this is the result I got from all my efforts to make things working well between us , because he did nothing at all , no moved any finger at least !
Yes, I try my best to move on, I totally ignore him and not talk any word to him . I keep him in messenger just to let him see I ignore him, the same as he did to me . In this time, I try hard to find someone else, to know a other person . I really hope, when he will be back to talk to me, I hope I will be already engaged ! This is what he deserving ! He has not any respect for anybody, he is very selfish and only care what he wants , never care or is interested in what other person want or like. I can't take this anymore ! I was so much in love with him, I loved him so much, I was doing so many efforts , and now, when I see what kind of people is, if I can call this a peoples.... is just like all my love vanished somewhere I don't know. I am still shocked for his reactions and can't take it anymore !
In my opinion, Libra men are so fake ! They always say something in your front, and then they do different or better say, they lie !
Libra women are different in relationship ( friendship ) with women , but I have no idea how they are in opposite sex relationship. I have Libra woman a good friend, she is very caring and sincere .
Thank you Blackphase ! I was joking when I said I will be engaged when he will be back. I can't do that step so soon even meet the right person ... The big problem is, even me, even Libra, never can give up at all and this is what I am afraid, I am afraid I will never give up because he also never do this..... Deep in my heart I love him, I love that "him" I met first time and later, but I hate what he did just now..... I can't take this . He did not came to say goodbye, he don't delete me from messenger now, but he always deleted me before when he knew he can be back when he wants... Now he saw my different reaction, I was calm down in everything and only send message when I have been there telling him to consider that is the forever good bye because he did not came to meet.
I am Leo, usually when he made some mistakes before, I argued with him, because this is the Leo nature, then forgive easy. But this time, I was different, no argue, nothing more to say , just told him to consider as a good bye forever if he did like this. I hope he take it in serious because I will not do anything more , I will treat him as he treated me, ignore him just like he does not exist. At the end, probably he will find some courage to try to get me back, but I will continue ignoring . Maybe I can teach at least one Libra man how to treat a woman and give him this lesson to feel what I felt when he ignored me !
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Dude's a user and a loser. He kept you around as an option for his own needs and dismissed you as much. The only reason he didn't want to end it is because he's losing an option of his.
Continue to ignore the ass. You should be ignoring him because you will not tolerate his bullshit, not because you think it'll force him to apologize. He's shown who he is. You won't change it. Move along to someone who is better for you.
This type of Libra is one to avoid.
Blackphase, it seems you know well where I am right now and I also thanks so much to all replies I got from other users here !
Yes, it is true, he use me as a option. Right now, I am feel very lonely and sad and I need love as nothing more in this world . But I don't need his love in the same time, because I know right now that he is unable to love anybody ! not only me. He is player after his failed marriage and I was the one who took him out of all this moods and supported him to pass over it. We met when he was in the divorcing process and when I was ended up another relationship. I regret that day when we met , now I regret it . As Blackphase say, I was running into another relationship too fast, just to can forget about the past one and that "another relationship " was him .
Yes, I will ignore him and I wish I can delete him at all from messenger , but right now I can't do this. Maybe I am too weak , maybe there is a reason why I also can't . I don't know. But I swear, I will do nothing to get him back ! Until now, I was doing much , but now I will doing nothing , just ignore him . I know ignorance is the most painful thing someone can get. No matter what he said before, no matter how hard he will try something again or no matter if he just stay there online, but ignorance is painful. It make anyone thinking so much .
What I wish is to appear that someone to feel again I am attracted by someone and to can pass over him and to find my peace and love. I need so much love in special in the moments when I am feel so alone as now . Thanks so much you all are here with me ! Hugs !
I don't need his apologizes... My means was , it is normal for a people to say sorry or at least to say a reason why he /she did that wrong thing. At least, I am a well grown person and always I say sorry if I wrong something, no matter what. But I never saw so much shameless as to this Libra ! If you see him face to face, he is so sweet, very handsome and show his "good" face to you face to face. Once at distance or not right then near him, he is a demon . I can't understand this peoples . They are just horrible . To be so handsome and to have a so ugly heart and all his inside, this only transforming all his handsome in the most horrible look ! I was attracted by his beauty and his fake face and words and everything he was at the beginning , because he was like the man every woman is dreaming about ....
I am wonder if he is not a Bipolar ? he has a child with mental illness problems, but I don't know sure what problems . I am wonder if this is not something from his family and he may be Bipolar... From what I know and read, Bipolars use many face, disappear from home, change things when you don't expecting, etc.. his behaviours are very similar to a Bipolar.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
"Ignorance" means uneducated.
It doesn't matter what his mental issues are. The main thing is that they aren't yours to worry about because what he's doing is hurting you and you need to look out for you. He's not. He's focusing on himself and damaging you in the process.
You also need to learn to be happy alone. It's why you jumped from one relationship to another. You're a fire sign. Get a grip and be a strong individual and learn to be happy with self before running into a new relationship.